Reintroduction To Our SUPER EPIC Travels!

in #introduceyourself6 years ago (edited)

As some may know; my original purpose of creating this account was to share our incredibly super epic, surreal, "insane", beautiful, delicious, fun, funny, wild, sexy, interesting, extreme, hardcore, unique, shmarshy, worldly learning/travel adventures!

This is because I have been way more focused on healing; as that is NOW (and maaaaybe should've been sooner x) obviously a much greater priority!

Though ironically now during my healing it feels like a prime opportunity to write about our travel adventures in between posting about my recovery!

The pictures from this gif were taken in Malaysia!  It was over a 4km (2.5miles) hike up and around mountains and I did it all with a broken ankle! Then another 4km (2.5miles) to come back!!!! (That's from the beginning of the trail, not including the couple up hill cemented kilometers from the parking-lot to the starting point!) 😜

We were at some hot-springs that our friends uncle worked at which is the only reason we heard about it, called Pouring Springs. 

On our second visit (before hiking to the glorious waterfall) there was a rambutan tree that had ripened! Naturally, I climbed it and fed a bunch of people, as well as my brother and self! Until one of the higher ranked workers came to "protect me" and made me get down for "my own safety".............................. while other people working there were totally cool about it and even happily/gratefully accepted and enjoyed the rambutan's!

On our first visit to Pouring Springs we thought it was too ridiculous to hike to that waterfall from the picture/gif above, because, undoubtedly, my ankle.  To our favor, there was 2 waterfalls not even a km/mile into the hike, which we played at instead and I turned them both into super fun water slides!  The first one was a bit more likely to have been slid down before than the second one. However I doubt anyone's ever slid down either with a broken ankle! Hahaha!

We always loved playing outside in nature even though through societies (poor or extremely clever depending how you look at it...) structural design, it unconsciously drove us away from this undeniable truth of our lives... until we were fortunate enough to re-discover how much passion and love for it we have once again! (As will become self-evident to anyone reading our posts!)

This post is basically a reminder for everyone including myself what the primordial intention of this account is!

Although I hope(d) to keep everything in chronological order... I'm not so sure anymore how realistic that idea will be, hehe.

So, I am including these sneak-peaks to give an idea what we're about! Since there are SOOOOOOO many pictures, videos, stories, and experiences to share!

We climbed and jumped a lot!

Watch Lucca jump from the top of this giant epic play tower in Thailand that our friend Yok took our whole family to see with Tintin, his bad ass adventure doggy!

He would've jumped from higher (the tippy top!) but we didn't know or expect this rock to be so spiky and played on it barefoot regardless of getting cut up for hours!!

We hiked up and down tons of "little" mountains to get the best views!

We explored and climbed in as many caves as we could find!

This is A LOT more slippery than it looks! 😜 

We climbed and chased as many waterfalls as possible!

We were the only "crazy" ones enough to play in the super fun waterfall!! Most people didn't even bother coming down from the top... even though there was another huge waterfall you could see from the top of this one! (Of course we play in both!)

We indulged in local food! 

Especially DURIAAAAAAAAAAAN!!! One of our new favorite foods in the world!

We even made this epic meme of Lucca with the durian truck! ("Hari hari durian!!!" means "Durian everyday!!!" in Malay!)

As much as we loved trying local cultural foods, we're even bigger fans of wild local nature's food!!

These wild figs were disgusting!!! However it was super interesting finding them and seeing how they grew, and especially fun for me to climb, find (the ripest few, since the animals usually get to all the best wild fruits first) 😜 and harvest them from the big wild fig tree, by a river, near a waterfall!!! They felt super healthy and felt great regardless of their bitter taste so of course we loved them anyways!

We witnessed and interacted with SO MUCH WILDLIFE, flora and fauna!

Here we got a boat ride down the Kinabatangan River with the potential chance of getting to see elephants!!! Which we clearly did!!! With an awesome dude that gave us a super discount for the boat ride and place to sleep!

He also didn't believe that I climbed the coconut tree that filled the trunk of our car with coco's and since we were running low he allowed me to climb his mom's coconut tree with SUPER SPECIAL GIANT COCO'S! He didn't believe that a "white man" could climb coconut trees and wanted me to prove it! 😜  I was only allowed to pick 8 even though I thought I was supposed to get them all down for him and his mom, hahaha.

One of these super coco's rolled into the crocodile infested river!!! I was so worried about it as it slowly floated farther and farther away... that I ended up jumping in and swimming after it as fast as I could and even faster when getting out!!!  I almost didn't go for it because of the fact that its INFESTED WITH CROCODILES!!! 😝 

Literally no one swims in this river... the only person we were told about going in the river was a foreigner that for some reason felt immune to crocodiles and went net fishing for about half an hour... in the middle of the river... until he was bit in half by a croc!!!

If we're going to be in a new country/world we had to check out more of the culture than just the food! Submerging ourselves with native people and families, exploring ruins, and playing everywhere with everyone and everything!!!

Sexy pose

And OF COURSE, this should go without saying, climbing thousands of epic trees!!!

I was originally standing at the tippy top you can see to the left of my head in this picture... but I didn't wanna die and felt like that might break... so I did my picture posing at the safer tippy top! Hehe. 😝

Well, I think that's enough sneak-peaks for now!!

I hope you loved this as much as we did and follow us for more epic adventures and healing!!



Thank you and STEEMON!!


Special thanks to @saramiller for making my new favorite epic gif(t)!!!!


Bro! EPIC post. :D
Thank you for this inspiring burst of fresh adventure. I am normally on the road with my soon to be 8 year old boy and best buddy, but currently anchoring down in our homelands of Western Australia for now.
SO... it was mighty fun reading and seeing you two nuts and the adventures you have been on. Thank you and looking forward to hearing more. Have followed ya!

Hope this post cranks up, its a great read. :)

Thanks so much brother!! I really appreciate you taking the time to read it! 💗😄💗
Awesome to hear about you and your son's travels!!!
Out of curiosity... where in Western Australia are you?? Since I'm home healing, my brother actually arrived to Australia recently and just flew in to Perth! So if you're there or near by and interested in linking up you 3 could make a super epic travel adventure together!! 😜
Definitely stay tuned, and hey, if you meet up with my brother you'll even come up in one of our stories! Haha!
Thank you for the good vibes!

Ha! We live in Bickley Valley, in the Perth Hills!
If your brother is in town, then I have a feeling we probably share local friends already. ;)
How long is he here for? Life is pretty busy at the moment, BUT there is always time to make the acquaintance of fellow travellers. ;)
Ps. Just saw the post on your foot... ouch! Good to hear your on the mend bro.

Ahahaha what a "coincidence"! x)
He actually just arrived to Perth from Melbourne, and is currently about to sleep at the airport before going out to explore! 😜
He's just going with the flow! Whatever feels right, a day, a week, a month, 2 months, haha no determinations! :)
Is there a way we can communicate so I can give him your info so you guys can see if you can work anything out? You can send me private info you don't wanna post here on my facebook through my home page, I have my facebook linked there!

And thank you!! So glad to finally be healing from this ancient injury hahaha.
I actually broke it a couple weeks after leaving Australia my first and only time there! This is actually my brothers 3rd time going to Australia now, truly an amazing country! 💗😄💗 So much to explore!!
I made some posts about how it all happened, nearly a year ago, if you wanna check that out too!
I was in New Zealand when I fell... there's a video and explanation of everything x)

HA! Hows that for timing.
Yeah for sure. He can get me on or my mobile which is 0423388495.
My phone is on silent 24/7, but get him to send me a message on facebook or via text and Ill get back to him.
Hows his first day here? If he hasnt already, Fremantle might be a great place for him to start.

For real! Serendipitous as fuck! Hahahaha
I sent him your info! I have a feeling he's probably sleeping now, since I haven't heard from him yet, but you can expect to hear from him soon!
Hahahahah no worries! I feel you, my phone is also on silent 24/7 so it won't be new for him, I let him know though xD
As well as about Fremantle!
So far he already met someone that was gonna host him, but he hasn't filled me in on many details except that it gets dark pretty early over there x)

Yeah sweet. :) Dark early? Where are you guys from? haha!
It gets dark about 8pm here now its middle of summer. So I am guessing you guys are somewhere quite north? :p

Now that you mention it I just realized I entirely misread what he wrote, hehe. Even though I've been barely able to communicate with him haha. Not sure how accurate since he was also guessing, but he said the sun goes down and isn't fully dark until 10pm xD
Only my brother is over there! I'm in Florida healing up my ankle! 💗💗😄💗💗

#steemybros LOL

Nice post! Good story, photos, and gifs - especially the last one :)
How funny if Lucca meets up with @thecreativerebel bc of this post on Steemit!!!

Love 💛💚💛💚💛💚💛💚


The faster you go, the shorter you are.

- Albert Einstein

Thank you @wise-old-man!! I appreciate your comment! :)
It's funny you mention that, because I had been thinking about this theory a lot lately!
When I climb to the top of a tree and back down, it ALWAYS feels like MUCH less time than when I watch myself in the videos!!! Hahaha! :)

stunning scenery, high waterfall and beautiful nature. amazing. because nature never lies and from nature we can learn how to be grateful and humble.

Thank you! 💗😄💗

Interesting trip! I shall pay a visit in the future.

Definitely worth doing so! :)

Awesome post :)
Follow me back @readerhubs

Thanks!! :)

Awesome photo i like it and follow you dear hope you also do same for me thanks

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