
Congrats on your first post, seems you have lots of interesting hobbies, which would be interesting to read about over time!

Thanks mate! Love that you liked it!

We are going to get along famously, first off I have read all of harry potter and all of dan brown, deception point was great did you read digital fortress thats how I learned about Cern. Wow are those your lego creations, I am so jealous I used to love Lego when I was younger, I may yet have to start collecting again welcome to steemit.

You're italian you guys do the best food in the world, my fav is fusilli with pesto and covered in cheese till you can't see it.

Aahahha @crazybgadventure you got me on the cheese!
I really appreciate you like my contents, have a look at my first Magic article with a lot of fun facts!
Thanks for your help,

A wonderful introduction! Nice to meet you! I will follow you to see your journey on steemit. If I can give you one piece of advice, it would be to keep chatting in the chat I met you in, and you will make many friends who will help you on your way! Ps i love pizza with sausage!! see you around my friend.

Thanks! I am glad you had fun reading it, I will for sure keep writing there as well! Seems a great chat :D

Forgot to mention that I looked your South Island of New Zealand post, amazing photos in there!
I am following you for future updates as well :D

Welcome to Steemit Luca, keep writing :) I loved your Intro <3 Best of lucks.

Thanks! Glad that you liked it, I'll plan to learn as much as I can on this new platform!


Welcome to Steem @bafi.

Do read A thumb rule for steemit minnows - 50:100:200:25 for starter tips.

Spend time reading Steem Blue Paper to know how Steem blockchian works and if you still have any queries ask them on our Ask me anything about Steemit post and we will try to answer that.

All the Best!!!

Thanks. I have so many articles to read for starters, I'll read that one too!
Do you think this is a nice first post or do you suggest something else? Hope you enjoyed it!

Very nice article!

Thanks so much!

@Mountainwashere's Guide for New Users:

Welcome to Steemit! It's got a steep learning curve, but it's worth it in the long run if you keep putting in the time! Just know that it will take quite a while before you start getting attention and followers. The biggest secret to success? Keep posting high quality content regularly, and make sure to search out other people's posts, read them, and give relevant comments.

Tagging is extremely important. Always make sure to use all five possible tags, and to keep them relevant. You can always just tag something "blog" or "photography" or something else really general (so long as it's still relevant) to fill the quota if you need to- most of your tags should be established ones, though one or two less used ones are fine.

Posting more than four times a day can reduce your potential rewards, as well as turning off potential users. (I aim for one post per day most of the time.) Consistency is important, though, so try to have a regular posting schedule. You should also be sparing with resteems- only do it for really important posts. (I resteem a post once a month or less, generally.)

Always make sure to attach a photo to your posts! You should also have a finished profile: Write a description, add a profile picture and a banner- neither needs to be a photo of you, necessarily, but you should have something- and set a website.

There are a lot of really good resources out there for plankton and minnows (new users). You should check out the following groups and services, they offer a lot of valuable resources:

@thesteemengine (Check this one out first- they're an extremely supportive group that can help out in a lot of ways.)
@qurator (These guys offer an excellent liftime upvote to accounts that post consistent quality content.)
@steembasicincome (Another lifetime upvote option.)
@steemstem (The biggest and best STEM curation group in the game. If you're interested in writing or reading about science, check these guys out!)
@geopolis (A fairly new science curation group, this one's dedicated to the study of the Earth.)
@ocd (A curation group that seeks out undervalued new writers.)
@photocontests (Runs contests and provides other support for photographers.)

Much of the activity on steemit actually takes place off Steemit, on places like and discord. Learning to use them is a great idea.

And, again, the biggest thing is just patience. Breakout successes are incredibly rare on Steemit- you've got to find your way to success through perseverance and hard work. It takes time, but you'll eventually succeed if you put in the work.

Please feel free to repost this guide on the posts of other plankton & minnows you run into (though I'd appreciate it if you credit me.) If it was useful to you, feel free to check out my posts and give me a follow!

Thanks for your guide @mountainwashere! Did you enjoyed my first post? Do you have any specific advice for it?
I'll check some accounts you mentioned me for sure!

This was a great first post! I feel like i got to know you and has nice layout. I found you through @ethandsmith's recommendation.

A friend of mine plays Magic and he bought me a set. We played one game. I enjoyed it, but kind of felt lost. I definitely think you should write about what you feel passionate about!

Thanks so much @coachjj for your comment!
Yesterday I just published my first Magic article, I hope you can give me an impression on that!
And yea, I would definitely write about Magic alongside my other passion!

Thanks so much for your time and help, I do appreciate that

Yes! I'll check that out now!

This was SUCH a great intro post!!!! I loved every bit of it! I found myself smiling the whole time! (pizzaaaaaaaa yes!) and i miss tortellini so much. i can't eat gluten anymore and what a sad thing that is!!! I need to find a way to make delicious fresh homemade gluten free dough!!! and then... tortellini again! hehehe

Legos!!!! your shelf is amazing! I want to build one with you now hahahahahaha we have so many legos at our house!!! i love them!!! i think when you become a pediatrician - you should have a massive box of legos and let all the kids play with them while they're in the waiting room hehehe

it was WONDERFUL to meet you today and i look forward to your Treasure Hunt post!!!! i think it should be about a great tortellini recipe so that I can have my mouth water.... lots and lots of pictures hahahahahahah

and... i just used a phrase like this in my other post.... talking about the importance of play :) agree agree agree!

So glad that you liked my intro post as well!
It's great to play to rest your mind while turning off the blue screen life we are surrounded with.
That tortellini could indeed be an idea!

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