Hello steemian all, I am a beginner in steemit, let me introduce myself to my friends all with my hope can be accepted to join you in this increasingly global platform.

Through this simple writing, I also want to tell you about myself of course. My parents gave me the name Fitri Rahmadhani, a name consisting only of two words that is quite short and easy to remember. I have a sibling named Dian Pratama. Although both of us sometimes have different views and often argue, I love her very much, he is a very creative and very art-spirited child. People say, sometimes we're both like Tom & Jerry who never get along. But now, as we both get older, we both get along very well and reinforce each other.

I am an alumni of Syiah Kuala University, majoring in Education & Literature, I am a class of 2010 graduated with Cum Laude and become one of the best graduates of Faculty of Education & Literature. Being one of my diligent students I was selected to attend several campus competitions throughout Aceh, and I was also active in college student camps.

The various experiences I've passed make me more sensitive to life. The life we ​​live in this must be colored with meaningful colors because it will be our provision in the old age to come. What we are planting now we will certainly pick fruit in the future because it will be part of the weave of life all of us.

I was born as a girl who has a million dreams in the brain that may be the same as other children. It makes me have many desires that I have to achieve. The reason is very simple, that is basically I want to be a useful person like a lamp that can be a light for those around him. Besides, I'm very happy to make other people happy and smile. Many of my friends always say that I am a funny and humorous person because often they laugh when I hear or tell my tale. In my opinion, I also possessed a high degree of imagination and art.

Well, once, as a child, one of them, I had the dream of becoming an elementary school teacher. I was thinking that by becoming an elementary school teacher I would play a lot with the kids and it would certainly benefit them. I'm really happy to play with childrens because childhood is a time where they have a unique world. The children always have a high imagination and high creativity. I'm very happy about it.

I am so grateful to meet good and fun friends. We can exchange knowledge and experiences that we have each let alone we all come from different educational backgrounds, each with different uniqueness and character. And we all must really enjoy those beautiful moments and definitely miss each other very much.

Everyone must have a story in his life that describes the things he has experienced and gone through. The stories are beautify everyone's life. No need to regret whether the stories that have been passed by everyone is good or bad, which we need to reflect on is what benefits we can take from each of the stories that color our lives. Is not every human being born with different diversity to be able to complement each other.

So a short story about me, I apologize if my translate not good hopefully every post I will be a benefit for every reader. Friends, let together be a lamp to enlighten our fellowmen. Final word please visit, follow, comment, resteem and upvote my blog.

best regards to :
@ned, @good-karma, @damarth, @r2cornell, @donkeypong, @done, @jerrybanfield, @skorek, @d-pend, @lugina, @lottobot, @louisthomas, @markperandin, @morkrock, @newenx, @oren730, @rismanrachman, @stephenkendal, @taskmaster4450, @themanualbot, @virus707, @jesta, @botmarley, @flauwy, @exyle, @esteemapp, @dragosroua, @curie, @cryptoctopus, @crytomaker, @c1h, @biophil, @berniesanders, @adsactly, @khaleelkazi, @pinacle, @aiqabrago, @levycore, @abduhawab and others.

Hello steemian semua, saya pemula dalam steemit, izinkan saya memperkenalkan diri saya kepada teman-teman semua dengan harapan saya dapat diterima bergabung dengan kalian di platform yang semakin mendunia ini.

Melalui tulisan sederhana ini, aku pun mau bercerita tentang diriku tentunya. Orang tuaku memberiku nama Fitri Rahmadhani, nama yang hanya terdiri atas dua kata itu cukup singkat dan mudah diingat. Aku mempunyai saudara kandung laki-laki bernama Dian Pratama. Meskipun kami berdua kadang-kadang berbeda pandangan dan sering berdebat, aku sangat menyayanginya. Dia adalah anak yang sangat kreatif dan sangat berjiwa seni. Kata orang, terkadang kami berdua bagaikan Tom & Jerry yang tak pernah akur. Namun sekarang, ketika kami berdua mulai dewasa, kami berdua sangatlah akur dan saling menguatkan.

Aku merupakan alumni Universitas Syiah Kuala Aceh, jurusan Pendidikan & Sastra, aku merupakan angkatan tahun 2010 lulus dengan predikat Cum Laude dan menjadi salah satu lulusan terbaik Fakultas Pendidikan & Sastra. Menjadi salah satu mahasiswi yang rajin saya terpilih untuk mengikuti beberapa kompetisi antar kampus se-Aceh, dan aku juga aktif di himpunan mahasiswa kampus.

Berbagai pengalaman yang pernah aku lewati itu menjadikan diriku semakin peka terhadap kehidupan. Kehidupan yang kita jalani ini harus kita warnai dengan warna-warna yang bermakna karena semuanya itu akan menjadi bekal kita di masa tua yang akan datang. Apa yang kita tanam sekarang pasti akan kita petik buahnya di masa yang akan datang karena itu akan menjadi bagian dari tenunan kehidupan kita semua.

Aku terlahir sebagai seorang anak perempuan yang memiliki sejuta mimpi di otak yang mungkin sama dengan anak-anak lainnya. Hal itu membuat aku memiliki banyak keinginan yang harus aku raih. Alasannya sangat sederhana, yaitu pada dasarnya aku ingin menjadi orang yang bermanfaat seperti sebuah pelita yang mampu menjadi terang bagi yang ada di sekelilingnya. Selain itu, aku sangat senang membuat orang lain bahagia dan tersenyum. Banyak temanku yang selalu mengatakan bahwa aku itu orang yang lucu dan humoris karena seringkali mereka tertawa ketika mendengarku bercerita atau melihat tingkahku. Menurutku, aku juga memiliki daya imajinasi dan seni yang tinggi.

Nah, dulu, sewaktu kecil, salah satunya, aku mempunyai mimpi menjadi seorang guru sekolah dasar. Aku berpikir bahwa dengan menjadi seorang guru sekolah dasar maka aku akan banyak bermain dengan anak-anak dan tentunya akan bermanfaat bagi mereka. Aku memang sangat senang bermain dengan anak-anak kecil karena masa kecil adalah masa di mana mereka memiliki dunia yang unik. Anak-anak itu senantiasa memiliki daya imajinasi yang tinggi dan kreativitas yang tinggi. Aku sangat senang akan hal itu.

Aku sangat bersyukur bertemu dengan teman-teman yang baik dan menyenangkan. Kita dapat saling bertukar pengetahuan dan pengalaman yang kita miliki masing-masing apalagi kita semua berasal dari latar belakang pendidikan yang berbeda-beda, masing-masing memiliki keunikan dan karakter yang berbeda-beda. Dan kami semua pasti sangat menikmati masa-masa yang indah itu dan pasti sangat merindukan satu sama lain.

Setiap orang pasti memiliki cerita dalam hidupnya yang menggambarkan berbagai hal yang telah dialami dan dilaluinya. Cerita-cerita itu memperindah kehidupan setiap orang. Tidak perlu di sesali apakah cerita-cerita yang telah dilalui setiap orang itu baik maupun buruk, yang perlu kita renungkan adalah manfaat apa yang dapat kita ambil dari setiap cerita-cerita yang mewarnai kehidupan kita semua. Bukankah setiap manusia itu dilahirkan dengan keberagaman yang berbeda-beda untuk dapat saling melengkapi satu sama lain.

Demikianlah cerita singkat tentang diriku, aku minta maaf apabila translateku kurang bagus semoga setiap postingan saya kedepan menjadi manfaat bagi setiap yang membaca. Teman-teman, marilah bersama-sama menjadi pelita untuk menerangi sesama kita. Akhir kata saya mohon Kunjungi, follow, Komentar, resteem dan upvote blog saya.


Hello @fitrirahmadhani
Welcome to Steemit.
Happy to have you here.

Welcome to steemit @fitrirahmadhani. Here we can share our experience and everything. Thanks to @r2cornell who always support new user.

Welcome Fitri! the girl with a million dreams. I think you will like it here. Follow me, I upvote new users if they provide good content, and I make funny crypto videos! Good luck and again welcome!

Thanks @truce, I will follow you & follow back to me

Welcome to steemit @fitrirahmadhani. Here we can share our experience and everything. Thanks to @r2cornell who always support new user.

Thanks @masniaty, I will post met in the world then I will tell you in steemit, please always support me, thanks to @r2cornell

Welcome to steemit. Your introduction post was wonderful. It kept my attention throughout. Your translation was just fine. I get the feeling that with your writing skills and the ability to draw in the reader will aid you here on steemit.

I usually try and use a translation software and comment in your native language and English. Bot please excuse me this time I have been feeling poorly since last week and do not have my usual energy.

If I can ever be of assistance you can make contact with me on You will have to register an account. Just search for r2cornell. I try to look daily because of the number of people who contact me there. If you do not hear from me right away please be patient I will get with you

I've tried to register in steemit chat, but can not login, so I am commenting on your reply. Thank you sir @r2cornell. Hopefully heal quickly and be given health for you

Welcome on steemit sist,, we all happy .

Spirit @fitrirahmadani

bereh (y) .

Thanks @munawire, I hope you wont to hugging me in steemit.

welcome to steemit where all the interesting writing will be get the rewads

Thank you for the advice @lopezdacruz

Welcome to Steemit @fitrirahmadhani!

I wish you much success and hope you find Steemit to be as rewarding and informative as I have.

Yes, I love Crpto too! Lots of detailed analysis on my blog along with some predictions

Here are some links you might find useful.
Your stats on SteemNow
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How to use Minnow Booster
How does Steemit actually work?

Introbot is hosted and managed with donations from @byColeman to help make your journey on Steemit be truly rewarding. Your feedback is always welcome so that we may improve this welcome message.
Oh yea, I have upvoted you and followed you. Many blessings from @introbot & @bycoleman

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