An Open Letter To Communities That Strive To Change The World

in #inspiration6 years ago

Opportunities are valuable. Sometimes they are invaluable. Your life can completely change based on a simple decision you make on a single instant. You can stay, struggle and complain about many things. But you cannot undo reality. This is something true for your material life and this is true for your spiritual life. One thing I've repeatedly confirmed myself is that the ore you know about the world, the better you can deal with it. Before discussing further I have a story to share with you. It is told in a somewhat biased perspective. But the facts and information are still very valuable.

Gary Kildall could have theoretically become the richest man on the planet. But those theories are only surface level things in my opinion. Why do I say this? I say this because just having the best car isn't enough to win the fight and it is David who won the fight against Goliath. Gary Kildall had an immense amount of talent. Here is a shorl list of his contributions to the world according to Wikipedia.

  • The first programming language and first compiler specifically for microprocessors: PL/M. (1973)
  • The first microprocessor disk operating system, which eventually sold a quarter of a million copies: CP/M. (1974)
  • The first successful open system architecture by segregating system-specific hardware interfaces in a set of BIOS routines.(1975)
  • Creation of the first diskette track buffering schemes, read-ahead algorithms, file directory caches, and RAM disk emulators.
  • Introduction of operating systems with preemptive multitasking and windowing capabilities and menu-driven user interfaces (with Digital Research): MP/M, Concurrent CP/M, Concurrent DOS, DOS Plus, FlexOS, GEM, ViewMAX.
  • Introduction of a binary recompiler in the 1980s: XLT86[34]
  • The first computer interface for video disks to allow automatic nonlinear playback, presaging today's interactive multimedia. (1984, with Activenture)
  • The file system and data structures for the first consumer CD-ROM. (1985, with KnowledgeSet)

That's a great deal of great achievements but you can't run a business with those things. Few weeks ago I wrote an article titled The internet didn't change the world and I argued that it was broadband that really made the difference. I also claimed that Bitcoin is utterly incapable of changing the world but other cryptocurrency innovations would do the job.

You can talk about how governments are coming to an end and how they are at a breaking point and how we are going to move into an economy of abundance. To you I'd say that greatness doesn't come so cheap. If taking down what is rotting is the answer, then all countries that had their tyrannical governments overthrown should prosper. Look around and see if it is the case. Things certainly do get better. But better isn't ideal. On the other hand we can also see prosperity in countries like UAE. It's not just oil money. Places like Dubai has little to do with oil at the moment. Oil used to be a big deal for them and they still practice Sharia law. But due to adherence to economic principles and a great vision and long term planning Dubai has become a wonder in the middle of a dessert while USSA is having 20+ Trillion dollars of debt, welfare spending and bubbles forming in every sector. Most countries that took a nosedive due to oppressive regimes are still not making any ripples. Then we have places like Singapore and Estonia.

Winning The War Isn't Enough. We Need Prosperity.

Just say Gary Kildall got the IBM deal and he started making Operating Systems for the personal computers. Would we have the level of computer technology we are experiencing today and would he be the richest man for the highest number of years?

A legend grew around the fateful IBM-DRI meeting (encouraged by Gates and various journalists)[citation needed], suggesting that Kildall had irresponsibly taken the day off for a recreational flight, and he became tired of constantly having to refute that story.
Source: Wikipedia

But he wasn't there to take care of the deal and when he was finally allowed to compete with a ripoff of his own product, he couldn't even do that. Despite all the hate and FUD, BCH has been able to hold its ground and slowly gain some ground against BTC. There is genuine competition among these two chains. But a true computer genius had to become an alcoholic and had to pass away due to an injury sustained at a California biker bar after failing to compete with his own software's ripoff. When I see movements for free markets, less government, anarcho-capitalism, privacy, freedom etc. I see lots of emphasis on bashing what is already bad. Republicans are the stupid party and Democrats are the evil party. Free trade is great. Opt into crypto and opt out of fiat. Support Snowden and Wikileaks; fight the surveillance state. Lots of good people are speaking about these topics. Here is what I have to add. I have to add a small question.

Imagine All The Undesirable Conditions Went Away. Imagine You Got A Perfect Blank Slate; Tabula Rasa. How Much of The Content You Spread Loose Its importance

Take some time to ponder this question. Maybe even open up your publishing history or comment section. How much of it is about building great things and how much of it is fighting the bad things. If you need to go to a race you need a good car with great potential. But that's just what you need for the entrance. To truly achieve something you need to ride that car and be ahead the curve. The tortoise who kept going won over the better skilled rabbit. That's how even USSA managed to stay in the game this long. Despite all the flaws the country kept innovating and producing new stuff. When it comes to tech and entertainment, USSA still beats the rest of the world easily. So when we make our movements for a better world, we need to put more emphasis and thought into that driving part. I love zk-SNARKs and privacy coins are a wonderful thing and you could even use them to starve the beast of money. But if people just kept the privacy coins for the drugs, guns, porn etc. we won't be going further. We need to promote using privacy coins as a part of everyday shopping. We need to make people accept and respect privacy as an integral part and a foundation of civilization instead of as a privilege.

There is a lot of articles about economic failures. But economic success stories are equally important. So here is an article about the good side: and here is another one about What makes Singapore great. We need to spread the word about success stories and we need inspiration to do great things. Anybody can cheer for things. But not many of them contribute. Visit a cryptocurrency subreddit. More than half of the content of those subreddit are directly or indirectly about getting rich off of buying the coin and putting a tantrum when the prices go down a little. In depth discussions and community suggestions are rare to find.

Greatness Comes In Spite of Failure. You Won't Win Just Because You Theoretically Can.

I found a great infograph from on 10 billionaires and you probably know all 10 of them very well. But you'd be still surprised of their failures like how Walt Disney was told that he "Lacked Imagination"

This is my long drawn out way of inviting all the intelligent communities around the world and steemit to publish more content as if you were in a perfect blank slate world. We need to talk about the inspirational things as much as we talk about the things that are wrong with the society. We should be vocal against government encroachments of human privacy (and through that human dignity) and we need to stand against socialism, feminism and all sorts of degenerate SJW movements. But that's just like giving a patient medicine. We also need to add healthy food. Those healthy food involve things like learning real economics, teaching people new skills, giving good tips and advises about life, learning about impossible success stories and advents of exceptions to the rule.

Here Are Few From Me

10 lessons from the Spiritual Journey of Mae Chee Kaew and the inspiring story of Life

Life - Death - Meditation -One of the most important Questions you need to ask yourself

A Gateway into my Mind: My realization about my worst Fear - My life and things that scares me

Eric Hoffer: The Greatest American Philosopher of 20th Century That Nobody Talks About


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