Atomization On Steroids

in #informationwar5 years ago

Cui Bono? When understanding your world, your era, your fellow human beings, is best served by asking this question of "who benefits," and the answer is almost always the same, it is a sad thing indeed to find yourself surrounded by people that seem to be blind to the obvious conclusions to be derived from this little cui bono Q&A. So sad in fact, that it's time for another rant... This won't gain me any friends on either side of the classical political divide, but I can't help myself; nothing less than the truth as I see it is good enough for me, as well as for you, dear reader.

Six degrees of separation - source: Wikimedia Commons

There's a story from ancient Rome I'd like to share with you to quickly illustrate how the powers that be have ALWAYS maintained their power by application of the age old adage "divide and rule," and how quick they are to react when the common people start showing signs of unification, of connecting in larger numbers. You see, in those days slaves had to wear some kind of emblem. Most of the time nothing as cruel as a burn-mark, but they should be instantly recognizable as a slave nonetheless; slaves were not on the same level as citizens, were looked down upon as less than human, and we wouldn't want to mistakenly grant one of them equal treatment... Now why do you think some of the Romans took away those emblems in the end, dear reader? It's because not only the citizens could recognize every slave... The slaves themselves could recognize each other! They would recognize their numbers, their similarities, their shared fate, and it would be so easy to unify and pose a threat to the powers that be...

Or what about the original ruler, God? In His book he shows exactly how it's done, and His book has been used, and still is used by our earthly rulers to keep control over the masses. We're told the story of the Tower of Babel in Genesis. According to this story, humanity was united in the generations after the Great Flood, and they all spoke the same language. Humanity found so much strength in their unity, that they were able to embark upon the huge undertaking of building a city and a tower so high that it could reach the heavens. God, the original ruler, didn't like this and He realized what had to be done. Humanity needed to be divided, and that's what He did; God confounded their speech so that they could no longer understand each other, and scattered them around the world.

Divide, set them up against each other even, and never ever make it easy for them to find each other and organize a resistance; divide and rule is the oldest trick in the ruler's handbook, and we, the ruled, are still falling for the same old trick. And it sometimes makes me mad to think about how straightforward and easy to recognize this strategy is, yet I seem to be surrounded by droves of fellow human beings that somehow keep missing the obvious. And these souls are found on both sides of the fake political divide, each blind for the ways they themselves contribute to further strengthen the status quo that serves their rulers so well. And it pains me to have to say this, but "the left" isn't a force for unification anymore like it once was, but has almost surpassed the right's ability to divide the masses from within.

I know that the new wave of political correctness and social justice warring comes from a place of genuine concern most of the time, but people please ask yourself what you accomplish by advocating for identity politics. And ask yourself honestly where you got the idea that certain people need to be labeled victims; to be labeled a victim you need to labeled first! It's the labeling itself that's even more harmful my dear friends, can't you see that? Just like the insanely rich capitalist that buys the right to plaster their name across a university, school, library, museum or any other public building and add some glamour to their name, or the name of their company, just by spending pennies on some prestigious charity, it also smells of fake righteousness when you virtue-signal at every chance you get in the public domain to add some of that goodness glamour to your own self. I'm not necessarily saying this is the intent, but I'm sure as hell saying this is what it sometimes reeks of.

source: Wikimedia Commons

These days it seems, at least online and in "the news," that we're more divided than ever before. We're living through a turbo-charged version of the Tower of Babel aftermath. Left and right, young and old, male and female, black and white, gay and straight, pro abortion and pro life, Democrat and Republican... The dividing lines run across the entire spectrum of the labels we've managed to let the powers that be put on us. The Romans from the beginning of this post were amateurs, fumbling fools, ignorant nincompoops; instead of removing the emblems altogether, they should have given them all different, opposing emblems! Our current masters are so much smarter, don't you think? And our rulers are not constrained by any of these mental fences; they are united in their common goal to keep us divided, and where one side, "the left," at least made an effort to look like they advocated for the unification of the common folks a long time ago, they've now thrown away their masks and jumped into the division-game with renewed fervor by towing the social justice bandwagon.

A good story is great, but great stories shape cultures. "History is written by the winners" is as important to understand as the divide and rule rule. I think that anyone willing to look can see that our modern myths are hijacked by the political correctness police. If you've been following the demise of modern pop culture by the hands of "equal opportunity fundamentalists," you'll know of the modern saying "get woke, go broke." This means that if a media company goes too far with blatant social justice virtue signalling in one of their franchises, the result usually is diminishing sales figures. Ghostbusters 2016 is regarded to be the first sign of what has now become common practice across almost all large media companies; the original male Ghostbusters were replaced by four female protagonists, and the film bombed at the box office. What was also established back then was that anyone who dared criticize the film, would be made out to be a male chauvinist or being afraid of "strong female characters," which is a load of crap of course: the acting was bad and the jokes weren't funny. But what's worse, the male lead, Chris Hemsworth, Thor himself, was hired as their male secretary for the sole reason that one of the ladies was sexually attracted to him. He couldn't perform even the simplest of tasks without failing spectacularly, further emphasizing the fact he was a pure lust-object. Imagine a film in which four male heroes hire a mentally challenged female hot blonde with the sole intent of getting her between the sheets... See what I mean?

Back on track; get woke, go broke, is true most of the time; by turning well known and much loved modern heroes into something they're not, alienates the traditional fan-base, while at the same time not attracting the new targeted market segments in large enough numbers to make up for that loss. Before the character of Luke Skywalker was murdered, when he was made into an unrecognizable shadow of his former self, a coward running away from the fight he himself started, withering away on an island, just waiting to die, hardcore fans like myself would visit the cinema multiple times, bring our friends and family too; we were their main source of income. When Spock had to be tought control of his emotions by a sister he never even had in the original story, Star Trek Discovery lost the original Trekkies. It's almost certain to lose money to go woke, so why do they still keep doing it? Cui bono?

You must know the answer to that question by now, and it isn't "the leftist communists that infiltrated the government," nor the Democrats or Sanders' wing of Soft Socialists; it's your rulers who are left AND right. By the losses they're both willing to take by using their mainstream media outlets, Hollywood and television to spread the message of division, they once again prove how quick they are to react to any perceived threat to their comfortable position atop the social ladder. You see, the release of new series and films is done simultaneously across the globe nowadays; for the first time in human history our stories and myths will start building a global culture, worldwide, throughout all nations and languages; a new, virtual Tower of Babel looms in the distance... Political correctness and blatant virtue-signalling are implanted in those modern myths to assure that this newly birthed world-culture (it'll take generations to really take shape, but planning for the far future is another thing the powers that be are very good at) does anything but unite the common folks of the planet against their global plutocratic rulers.

source: Wikimedia Commons

This shiny new tool for further atomization of the peoples of the Earth is an unwelcome addition to the age old dividing tool of the political right, euphemistically called the "free market." What I'd give for people to see that "free market" is a contradiction in terms... Markets can never be free, for the very simple reason that they are based on the exchange of personal property. Now, when you understand what "property" is, you know that property translates DIRECTLY into power. Thus when you make the individual accumulation of property the very heart of your system, you've created a system based on the concentration of power; plutocracy is the default end result. Always. It's simple mathematics. There can never be an equal playing field in that system, "equality of opportunity" is a nice soundbite bereft of any meaning. I wish you'd realize that advocating for capitalism is exactly what your rulers want you to do. Identity politics from the manufactured left and free market propaganda from the manufactured right is the plutocrat's wet dream come true...

Well, that'll make me enough ex-friends and new enemies on both sides of the manufactured political divide for one night ;-) Unless of course you now all suddenly realize there are no sides between us. The labels we give ourself and each other were handed to us by our plutocratic rulers. Political correctness as well as the mirage of free markets alongside a free democracy, are all part of the same narrative that started with the Tower of Babel, developed through the labeling and unlabeling of slaves, to culminate in the hyper atomization we suffer today. The internet powered global village has brought us closer together than ever before, but even now our rulers manage to simultaneously push us apart further than ever before. We need stories, yes, but not the ones served up by the powers that be. Forget them, they're fake. Stop listening to the winners, they cheated. Let truth be your guide, the truth that we are all one, we're the same in our uniqueness, everyone is unique and that makes no one special, we all share the same planet, the same water and air, even the same atoms, which makes us one with the planet and the universe. Right now we're an entity at war with itself. As esoteric as this might sound to some of you, I've said nothing that isn't true in the most literal sense. True as I see it, of course. Each action from each individual on Earth influences all other earthlings in some way; look up the rule of six degrees of separation, or the small world phenomenon:

Milgram's studies of the small world phenomenon remind us that our society is a strongly connected network: that is, one that links everyone to everyone else. Nature has produced many such networks—most notably the human brain. This contains 100 billion neurons with 10,000 connections each, and the growth mechanism clearly favors a strongly connected organization over a fragmented structure.
source: ScienceDirect

You KNOW this knowledge is currently used against us, especially in the strongly interconnected web that is the Online Social Network... The money being made by using polarizing click-bait titles is but one way to recognize how tightly the net is knit against us; SJW virtue signalling and capitalism, united in the left-right dance that feeds the plutocracy. It's devious. It's brilliant. Let's be smarter than them. And take the saltiness with a grain of salt. End of rant ;-)

Six Degrees of Separation: It’s a Small World

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