Taste my Rainbow!

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

- Anarchist | Libertarian | Voluntaryist responds -
to Anarchist | Communist | Social Justice Warrior.

(ツ)_/¯ VIDEO: YouTube.com/user/Cartanimation

"There's also a reason that 99.9% of """libertarians""" are cis het white men who feel like they're constantly being attacked for their whitenessand it's definitely because they associate their rung on the ladder of social hierarchy with default or fairness, when in reality they're just benefitting from a broken system." – @cyberdemon531

If all the rungs on the ladder are unequal, and it’s your perception that the (CWM) cis white male’s rung on the ladder is “more equal” than it is for other genders and racial demographics, then what exactly is your proposal to cause all the other rungs to be at the same level as the CWM’s rung?

Here is what I perceive: many so-called social justice warriors see the CWM's rung as “privileged” and as you said the CWM perceives their rung to be default-or-fair. So what is the solution? Should people drag the CWM down, trample them underfoot, and treat them unfairly as individuals because institutions treat them differently than they do with other intersections of race and gender?

VIDEO: YouTube.com/channel/UCjDNcQm3-TnHCKtmx2uYUZQ

If by accident of birth a CWM is born as a CWM then how fair is it to hold them responsible for circumstances beyond their control? Should the CWM be held responsible for being “over-privileged”? If so, then does that mean it’s the fault of “underprivileged” demographics for being born as the gender and race they were born as?

With all the newly created genders, let’s humor you and say there are 112 genders this year. In addition, let’s say there are five major racial groups which I’ll list in alphabetical order: Australoid, Capoid, Caucasoid, Mongoloid, Negroid. This means when you take into account race multiplied by gender there are 560 different group combinations vying for equality.

Yet with the CWM you are also including sexual preferences too, not just gender and race. So I’m sure if you throw in all the various sexual preferences you’ll have groups that number well into the thousands, all of which again are competing for equality.

This is where I tell you to drop the groupthink, go back to libertarianism and focus on individual rights. It’s each and every person’s responsibility to treat other individuals with the same rights that they expect to have for themselves. As for the race, gender, and sexual preferences, these are imaginary lines that we invented to divide people; it's divisive.

If you respect an individual’s rights, you have no need to waste time or headspace concerning yourself with someone’s race, gender, or sexual preference. Besides, what is the likelihood that at any given moment all combinations of the thousands of various groups will be treated equally? Do we really need to fund studies to find out how lesbian non-binary Eskimo's are treated in comparison to straight autogender Pygmies?

Let it go. Abandon your racial group. Join the human race. Worry not about who likes to stick what where, and as far as genders are concerned who fucking cares. In the next few years these will become so innumerable that they'll be on par with religion and for the most part, nobody cares what religion someone else is, just so long as that person's religion doesn't violate their rights as an individual.

Response to: "Libertarians Flocking Toward Alt Right (Mostly Gamers)"


We dont live in the world you think we do lmfao

This isn't a meritocracy. Are you a cis white heterosexual man by chance?

Equality is reached by lifting the stolen wealth from the uber elite and giving it to the poor, combined with expanding education to prevent bigotry.

Pretending racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, etc dont exist is evil and doesnt help anyone. Get off your high horse, jackass. F for Failure.

Posted using Partiko Android

I'm a furry, and I identify as a black transgender
donkey. TY 4 addressing me by my preferred gender
pronoun, jackass. I see how it is though, you are an
Equus africanus phobic, did you even taste my rainbow?


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