While the FBI is announcing investigations in Clinton's Espionage Act violations and also into The Clinton Foundation, let's make sure Seth Rich is investigated as well!

in #informationwar7 years ago (edited)


Updates to the last post

It has been seven months since I wrote this post
Study finds Seth Riche's killer likely to be a hired gun

We are going to see if there have been any updates to the investigation of this murder, if not we need to keep pushing for a federal investigation, or that this case be attached to any Special Prosecution into Clinton's dealings.

The basic facts

  • Seth Rich worked for the DNC
  • Seth Rich was a Sanders supporter
  • Seth Rich discovered vote fraud in the primaries targeting Sanders (disputable, but the weight of the evidence supports this)
  • Seth Rich leaked DNC material to Wikileaks ( again, disputable, but the weight of the evidence supports this - see below)
  • Seth Rich was murdered

The TLDR? The most likely explanation is that Seth Rich was shot by an assasin; whether or not the attack came from a leak to Wikileaks is unproven, but remains the most likely explanation

The Profiling Project Report

There have been no updates since August of 2017, the only update the Project submitted after releasing the preliminary report...
August 8, 2017 - ​BREAKING: GOP lobbyist/lawyer leading independent Seth Rich investigation asks Special Counsel to target case as part of Russian collusion probe

Everyone should read the report for themselves. I think it is important to highlight two findings in the report:

  • Seth's death was more likely committed by a hired killer or serial murderer
  • The resolution of prosecuting the individual(s) responsible appears to be hindered both actively and passively

The report is here:
The Profiling Project: Seth Rich Homicide - Initial Findings – June 20, 2017

The biggest problem with the report are the following assumptions

  • That in the theory of a hitman, there logically had to be toxins after the shooting
  • In that theory, the purpose of the shooting had to be assassination

In other words, after logically eliminating the other theories by logic and established study, the Project "eliminated" a hitman theory by making completed unrelated assumptions.

Other updates - Nothing really new here

  • The AFM Seth Rich Investigation was updated December 14, 2017; they make several claims, which I ave not verified as of yet
    -the doctor that operated on Seth Rich was Dr. Christine Trankiem,
    -Ambulance #17 from Engine 6 was the first EMS on the scene from DCFEMS; they took Seth Rich to MedStar Hospital
    -When Private Investigator Rod Wheeler went to Detective Joey DellaCamera in regards to his findings and Wikileaks, DellaCamera called DNC Head, Donna Brazile.

  • On the other hand, AFM, also recently claimed that FBI Dep. Dir. McCabe ordered Seth Rich's file sealed. AFM did not offer proof

  • Attorney Jared Beck recently took to Twitter where he explained on the record that Seth Rich and Shawn Lucas were witnesses in his year-long class-action legal battle with the Democratic National Committee over the organization’s mishandling of the 2016 Primary before both Rich and Lucas mysteriously turned up dead.
    The Beck & Lee suit came to a screeching halt in late-August after the case was dismissed by a Florida judge following then DNC Chairman Debbie Wasserman-Shultz’s resignation in July.

  • NBC, noted for collusion with the DNC, explained their version of the "facts" on 12/29 here; interesting timing here...are they afraid of these new investigations?

  • INFOSEC expert Michael Guy is back on the podcast, this time talking about the shady details surrounding the death of Seth Rich, the Democratic National Committee Voter Data Director who was shot in June 2016.
    Guy lays out the mounting evidence that suggests that Rich’s death was not likely a “botched robbery,” as the family believes. He explores details about the investigation, which reveal that Rich was possibly attacked for what happened while he worked at the Clinton-controlled DNC
    Audio here

  • Julian Assange Tweets Out Video That Says Seth Rich Was Wikileaks Source

  • See Contradictions to the Narrative for other updates

The Ministry of Truth (mainstream media) Treatment

Wiki is full of claims that this interpretation is fakenews; not that they have any proof, they just claim that there is no evidence, so therefore it has to be true that asking to resolve this murder is the goal of "sociopaths". Note that Wiki does not even include the study done by The Profiling Project; it may be biased, but that bias was in the open and did not affect the methodology. Wiki editwarriors are keeping a tight rein on any information shared on the site:

This page is not a forum for general discussion about Murder of Seth Rich. Any such comments may be removed or refactored
(Talk page)

As of August 15, 2016, the article in En.wikipedia ("Murder of Seth Rich") had a motion to delete template on it, delete on grounds of not being notable, although at one point it was getting 1500 daily views.
Murder of Seth Rich

"Despite the fact that the article was not deleted, several details about the murder were deleted from the article by the same editors who advocated for deletion, leaving the article a rather short stub article."
Murder of Seth Rich

Even Fox News pulled this report (http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2017/05/16/slain-dnc-staffer-had-contact-with-wikileaks-investigator-says.html bad link).

Fox made the following statement, but did not discuss any specifics about which standards were not met, or why they were not met

On May 16, a story was posted on the Fox News website on the investigation into the 2016 murder of DNC Staffer Seth Rich. The article was not initially subjected to the high degree of editorial scrutiny we require for all our reporting. Upon appropriate review, the article was found not to meet those standards and has since been removed

The major search engines all show allegations of fakenews as the first reponses to any query on Seth Rich. Even when the query is THIS...

status seth rich investigation.

This is a mystery under tight control of the Democrat Party; what might explain Fox pulling their story...

In their statement, the family said Wheeler “contractually was barred from speaking to press or anyone outside of law enforcement or the family unless explicitly authorized by the family.”

Wiki's links to the Ministry of Truth all repeat the same Narrative.

A Narrative espoused by the family spokesman, himself a Democrat operative ( see below), and someone the family did not know why he had been "assigned" to them...

A Narrative that does not completely hold up...

Contradictions to the Narrative

  • Also from Rod Wheeler, Published on Nov 8, 2017

(you hear an engine rev and horn honk)
(the window on the humvee rolls down to reveal a warm smiling face)
"Hello! I'm @shadow3scalpel and with the help of my protege, @chairborne, we are actively assisting veterans, retirees and active servicemen and women here on Steemit. We feel it is our 'duty' to support each other. Any questions or comments you may have, simply respond to this comment, thank you!"
(the window rolls up and the engine roars as it drives to the next person on the list)
Comment by @killerwhale. This is a opt-in bot.

Dr. Corsi (Infowars) already hinted that Debbie Wasserman Schultz ordered MS13 to kill Seth Rich.

it's an interesting theory; I'm afraid that unless we get somebody to roll over (that is, ifRich was murdered by a hit man), we'll never know what happened

it would be a coincidence if Rich was murdered in a botched robbery. I think Dulles, once head of our counterintelligence said

there is no such thing as coincidences

it's possible, just not likely

Curated for #informationwar by @stevescoins
Relevance: exposure of deep state, subversion of judicial system
Our Purpose

i really don't know about this news.
thanks for sharing this news with us.

I recall that Rich was shot with a gun stolen from an FBI vehicle.

I found that to be one of the more salient facts in the case.

Do I misrecall?

as far as I know, the public hasbn't been informerd of any of the details of Rich's death (ballistics or anything else)

I do know know there has been some rightwing click-baiting on the subject (not naming names) that clouds the issue just as much as leftist memory holing

They will have to clean out more of the incest at the FBI and DOJ before the Seth Rich story will see the light of day. Too many linked arms for the truth to crash through yet. But it is coming.

true, but I think we are on the way to that at the moment. I surely hope so

You and me both.

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