The Most Comprehensive Guide and the Latest News on the Seth Rich Murder 2017!

in #sethrich7 years ago (edited)

The Definitive Guide and the Latest News on the Seth Rich Murder

In August 2016, right before the November presidential elections, everyone was talking about the multiple killings over a 6-week period of perceived threats to the Hillary Clinton campaign. The “Clinton Body Count” became well-known again after a half dozen men died suspiciously one after the other. All were young and all were connected to the Democrat Party and Hillary Clinton in one way or another. This is the definitive guide and the latest news on the suspicious coverups regarding the details of Seth Rich's murder.

Bernie Sanders supporters, Conservatives and Independents joined forces to expose these suspicious deaths of 6 men that were perceived threats to the Hillary Clinton election bid. The liberal news media was likewise exposed by WikiLeaks as co-conspirators with the Clinton campaign and the Democrat Party. A full 96% of people in the TV, print and radio news media admit to being liberals and vote Democrat. Now a major portion of the population feels that liberal news outlets overtly act as propagandists for the Democrat Party and cannot be trusted to report real news. As WikiLeaks exposed more and more Democrat corruption and coverups, liberal news entities likewise constantly covered up their scandals. If you are a liberal news consumer you will be shocked that the news agencies you thought you could trust actually lie to you on a daily basis. This is not a liberal vs. conservative report, nor is it a Democrat hit piece. This is just a comprehensive report listing of the facts that we know so far. Many establishment GOP politicians are also complicit in perpetuating lies pertaining to many of the following matters.

Before we continue we want to state that the American people know the majority of personnel in the agencies that have the duty to protect the American citizenry are honest and patriotic; however, readers are about to be exposed to potential and proven massive corruption within government agencies at the local and federal levels. If you are a current government employee and know of corrupt or illegal activities within your agency, it is your duty to expose it. It is illegal for you to follow unlawful orders. We hope any government employee that reads this report and that has been afraid to do the right thing in the past will now properly plan for their own safety and then expose all of the corruption and criminality that you can prove within your purview. Let’s begin with the known corruption and coverups in the Seth Rich Murder and then move on from there…

Seth Rich was Murdered! Seth Rich was a Democrat National Committee (DNC) staffer with access to Democrat Party databases. Many experts suspected, and new revelations from a recent investigation indicate, that Seth Rich is the likely source that provided an estimated 44,053 DNC emails with 17,761 attachments to WikiLeaks. Regardless of how WikiLeaks received the DNC files, these emails and attachments proved massive Democrat corruption. This “leak” led to the firing of four of the highest officials in the DNC because of their over corruption. Shortly after the receipt of these files by WikiLeaks, Seth Rich was murdered. The following are important details about this case and other suspicious deaths of individuals that were potential threats to Hillary Clinton and the Democrat Party. You will have a call to action at the end so grab your favorite beverage and let’s go…

ALL INTEL Agencies Admit the Democrats Are Lying About Trump Campaign and Russia Collusion: After this DNC leak occurred, The Democrat Party, and the 96% of the Liberal media that supports them, immediately blamed Russia as the leakers. They also lied saying that the Donald Trump campaign colluded with the Russians. As of May 2017, ALL intelligence agencies admitted this was a lie, stating that there was no evidence of collusion between the Trump Campaign and Russia during the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election. Even before that, most people felt that the Democrats and Liberal Media were lying. Now, tens of millions of Americans call their reporting blatant propaganda; consequently, the social media hashtag #FakeNews was coined to identify ALL liberal news as Fake News.

Questionable Company Hired by the Democrat Party Started the“Russia Hacked the DNC” Rumor: The liberal media hides the fact that the Democrat Party refused to allow the FBI to take possession of their “hacked” server so a proper investigation could be conducted. The Democrats refused repeated requests by honest FBI agents to access the supposedly “hacked” DNC servers. Instead the Democrats hired a third party called “Crowd Strike” to investigate the supposed hacking, and it is reported that the Ukrainian co-owner HATES Vladimir Putin. That potentially biased third party then stated that the Russians hacked the DNC. Under James Comey’s Leadership of the FBI, he allowed this possibly biased third party to potentially conjure up the story that the Russians hacked the DNC. To this day, the FBI has never had access to the DNC server and Comey took the word of a questionable third party.

Questions: Did Comey tell the investigating FBI agents to stand down on any REAL professional investigation of the DNC servers and simply take this questionable company’s story as undeniable fact? Why did all of the other U.S. intelligence agencies under Obama’s control let Comey’s amateur handling of the DNC hack to continue? Why did Obama’s INTEL chiefs instead join in on this overt corruption and allow massive lies to be leaked from their offices to the liberal media with the intent to damage Donald Trump? Informed and honest members of law enforcement and the military are outraged by all of this unprofessional and corrupt behavior by the top Obama INTEL agency officials and Obama Administration officials.

John Podesta, A Victim of His Own Ignorance: The other major leak came from John Podesta himself. As Hillary Clinton's Campaign Chairman, he foolishly allowed himself to be scammed by a phishing attempt that everyone in the world is told to avoid. He received a suspicious email and was told to click a link. Podesta stupidly clicked the link and the phisher gained access to his gmail account. Those emails were then provided to WikiLeaks and the entire world was outraged to discover the massive corruption in the Democrat Party and that liberal media outlets were colluding with the Clinton Campaign.

Democrats Caught Plotting to Make Examples of Leakers: Amazingly, WikiLeaks exposed Hillary Clinton’s top campaign personnel plotting to make examples of leakers. On 22 February 2015 John Podesta responded to Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Manager, Robby Mook’s statement:“And I would love an example being made” by replying: "I'm definitely for making an example of a suspected leaker whether or not we have any real basis for it."

Stiff Consequences for Leaking: Joel Benenson, Clinton’s top campaign advisor then said: “I think we have to make examples now of people who have violated the trust of HRC [Hillary Rodham Clinton] and the rest of the team. People going forward need to know there are stiff consequences for leaking, self-promotion, unauthorized talking with the press. No one – literally no one talked to the press in either Obama campaign without clearing it with campaign brass.”

Did WikiLeaks Confirm Seth Rich as the DNC Leak? Seth Rich was later killed on 10 July 2016. Shortly thereafter,Julian Assange, the WikiLeaks Founder, released a video interview where Mr. Assange intimated that Seth Rich was the source of the “leaked” DNC emails to WikiLeaks that proved the Democrat Party to be corrupt and out-of-control. Assange said WikiLeaks “sources” take great risks, and he offered a $20,000 reward for information leading to the solving of Seth Rich's murder.

Not Robbery, Just Murder: The “Official Police Report” claims that Seth Rich was the victim of a botched robbery. However, he was NOT in a crime-ridden neighborhood when he was shot 2 times in the back, and NOTHING was stolen from him. Supposedly, no one was around to see the shooting, so the shooter(s) had plenty of time to steal everything of value that Mr. Rich was carrying. He was shot in the back two times just 300 feet from his home. All evidence indicates that the shooters waited for Seth Rich near his home in order to assassinate him. Many say that these types of “assassination-type” killings are used to terrorize any other potential leakers or threats into silence. In other words, “make examples” out of them.

DC Police Told to Stand Down on Seth Rich Murder? Fox News reports that a DC police “source” admitted that they were told to "Stand Down" on investigating this horrific murder of an innocent man. On 17 May 2017, a supposed “Resident Physician” that knew about the initial care of Seth after the shooting, posted to an internet message board and said he felt that he needed to expose some facts about Seth’s medical care after he entered the Emergency Room at the local hospital. According to this new “unsubstantiated” revelation, Mr. Rich was alive and stabilized after doctors repaired damage from two gunshot wounds to the back, and there was no prognosis for death. This correlates to what a DC detective told the Rich family. They were told that Seth survived and was stabilized and later died in the hospital. They were also told that he was very talkative.

This unnamed resident physician said that Mr. Rich supposedly survived up to eight hours, but law enforcement came in and blocked off this, what the police termed, “VIP’s” room so that only one attending doctor and a few nurses were able to enter. This resident doctor said that all other medical staff were physically blocked by police from entering the room by police. Seth Rich later died in that hospital. Question: Seth was not in a high-level position in the DNC and no one outside of his family and friends heard of him before his murder, so why did the DC police call him a VIP?

If this report from the self-identified resident physician is true, why has this massive amount of evidence been covered up until May 2017 when external third parties and the alternative media uncovered the facts? Why are all of the police bodycam videos and surveillance videos from local businesses unavailable that would reveal what happened upon their arrival on the shooting scene? The police bodycam videos would have also captured all of Seth’s extensive conversations with them. The family said that the police were surprised that he died since he was so talkative and seemingly doing so well when he was transported to the hospital by ambulance. Again why are all of these police bodycam video conversations suppressed? Coverup? Corruption?

DC Police Coverup? Officially, the DC Police Department says they are still actively investigating this case; however, they refuse to answer any questions from the few remaining conservative news media outlets that care about facts and real reporting. We, the informed citizenry, have the complete right to ask why this case and all other high profile cases referenced in this report are allowed to go cold without any REAL investigation.

Private Investigator Broke Important News About Seth’s Murder: In this case, since nothing was being done, a third party hired a private investigator on behalf of Seth’s family to help solve the case. That investigator is Rod Wheeler, a former DC police detective. We learned from his investigation that right before his death, Seth Rich was having problems at the DNC from one of the staff there. Right after Wheeler contacted the local DC police as part of his investigation to see what happened, the same DNC staffer that was harassing Seth Rich before his death, called the Rich family and asked why they were having a private eye poke his nose into the Seth Rich murder. We found out that this “DNC Staffer” was reportedly the disgraced DNC Interim Chairwoman, Donna Brazile. She was the one who was caught cheating while at CNN by giving questions before a debate to the Hillary Clinton campaign. Subsequently, she was fired from CNN and temporarily took the top job in the DNC after the previous DNC Chairwoman, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, was forced to resign due to the release of the email files in this case to WikiLeaks that exposed her massive corruption. Since it is seemingly true that the DC Police are working for the DNC in this case and not working all leads to solve Seth’s murder, we must ask, why the DC police are illegally covering up the facts in this murder and corruptly conspiring with the Democrat Party?

Why does the DNC Control the Rich Family? Isn’t it strange that the DNC has so much control over the Rich family? Why did this corrupt DNC official harass not only Seth Rich before his death but also is harassing his surviving family simply for wanting answers to the stalled investigation into his death?

Democrat Party Crisis Management of Potential Seth Rich Murder Being Solved: Shockingly, a self-proclaimed Crisis Communications expert and advisor to Democratic candidates, Brad Bauman, was called upon to seemingly stop further investigating and fact finding regarding Seth’s murder. The real questions for all informed critical thinking citizens are: why does the Democrat Party have such tight control over the Rich family and the Seth Rich murder? Why is this Democrat Party operative assigned to speak on behalf of the Rich family and why is he seemingly trying to suppress facts from being revealed? Why is George Soros’ organization, Media Matters, putting pressure on Fox News to FORCE Sean Hannity to stop investigating this suspicious murder? If the Democrats and Soros’ cared about the family, why didn’t the Democrat Party or George Soros fund the GoFundMe campaign that Seth’s brother started to pay for a private investigator to look into this murder? Aaron Rich, Seth’s brother, wants “all possible angles” covered in the investigation of his brother’skilling.

Facts: We know that most politicians in the Democrat and Republican parties wanted the FBI Director,James Comey, to resign or be FIRED because of what most perceive to be his incompetence, corruption and coverups. The Democrat Party is proven corrupt and was led by two disgraced Chairwomen during the Seth Rich murder timeframe and thereafter. If the DC police contacted DNC operatives after Rod Wheeler began working with them to help solve the Seth Rich murder, then the DC police that are involved in doing this are corrupt.

Obama Administration Corruption and Coverup? We would expect federal law enforcement and a professional press to investigate these new vitally important revelations. However, the Democrat Party should have no power over the entire DC Police Department that would force them to “stand down” on the Seth Rich murder; BUT, the Obama Administration WOULD have had the power to put pressure on the police department.

Since the federal and local law enforcement entities involved in this case are seemingly compromised and apparently involved in potential criminal coverups, the informed citizenry must demand a full investigation by the Department of Justice.

The Internet tech guru, Kim DotCom, then came out on 23 May 2017 and said that he knew that Seth Rich was the DNC leak. He offered assistance to Special Counsel, Robert Mueller, who is investigating Russia Hacking. Kim’s information is just one more piece of the puzzle that alternative media is using to solve the Seth Rich murder and DNC Leak.

This is an explosive scandal waiting to happen, but all Democrat politicians, all Democrat Party operatives, and the entire Liberal Media are seemingly doing everything possible to cover it all up, and instead push the proven lie that the Trump Campaign collaborated with the Russians.They are also trying to silence anyone doing legitimate investigation into this questionable murder.

FACTS: The “True News” is that Seth Rich had access to the files that WikiLeaks obtained, the “True News” is that we know that he was murdered after WikiLeaks received the files, the “TrueNews” is that the WikiLeaks founder referenced the Seth Rich murder in a video interview and said that his sources take great risks, the “True News” is that Assange offered a $20,000 reward for to help solve Seth’s murder. The “TrueNews” is that Assange also confirmed that he did not get the DNC files from a “State” entity, so this eliminates Russia as a source. The “True News” is that the Democrat Party and their operatives are suspiciously too deep into this murder even to this day and are overtly taking measures to stop investigations that could solve it. Why?

Comey’s Inept and or Corrupt Mishandling of Computers: We already identified FBI Director James Comey’s amateur and seemingly corrupt handling of the “hacked” DNC Server. Now reports are that neither the DC police nor the FBI admit to knowing what happened to Seth Rich’s personal computer that was reportedly was once confiscated by the FBI for forensic investigation. Comey also allowed Hillary Clinton to not only get away with destroying 13 hand held mobile devices and ILLEGALLY destroying over 30,000 subpoenaed emails, he also allowed her team to destroy Clinton laptops that the FBI had under their control. He allowed Hillary Clinton to illegally store classified information on an unsecure server that reportedly 5 foreign INTEL agencies hacked. He allowed Hillary Clinton to send her maid classified documents over unsecure means to print on their unsecure printer. He allowed Hillary’s aid, Huma Mahmood Abedin, to email numerous classified documents to her morally corrupt pedophile husband on his unsecure laptop. To ALL honest and professional law enforcement and logically thinking citizens, this is absolutely corrupt and even criminal behavior on the part of Comey. This is not computer related, but he allowed Hillary Clinton to illegally profit when she signed off on the sale of 20% of U.S. nuclear weapon grade uranium to a Russia-connected company. All indications are that he is a felony conspirator that helped Hillary Clinton and her fellow criminal offenders to get away with many felonies. To most individuals, this may be confusing but to honest law enforcement, military and other current or former government officials that handled classified information and criminal investigations, Comey is compromised.

Quote [John Basil Barnhill]: “Where the people fear the government you have tyranny. Where the government fears the people you have liberty.”

Silencing Whistleblowers: When local and/or state and/or federal law enforcement agencies and the liberal media overtly coverup killings this is also meant to terrorize potential leakers into silence. If honest people that want to be whistleblowers feel that law enforcement entities and the news media will work against them, they will be less likely to expose criminal activities of important people or institutions. Please note that the Deep State is well-known for using the full force of their positions and agencies to illegally crush whistleblowers and the 3 branches of the federal government illegally allow it to occur. On the other hand, the immoral unelected Shadow Government elements in the federal INTEL agencies and other bureaucracies commit felonies by illegally leaking classified information to the liberal media almost on a daily basis, and the complicit directors of those agencies refuse to root out leakers. As a matter of fact, Obama’s INTEL Directors say they know exactly what Vladimir Putin thinks but they can’t even stop leakers under their control.

Democrat Operatives Fund Criminal Activity: It should be noted that Project Veritas, The O’Reilly Factor, and other investigative entities exposed Democrat Party operatives and rich Democrat Party donors in their hiring, organizing and coordinating of violent protesters. Their evil path of destruction was seen in Ferguson, MO; Baltimore, MD; Portland, OR; Berkley University and many other places. Videos are all over the Internet showing these violent criminals destroying property, burning down buildings, looting stores and violently beating innocent individuals. Democrat politicians and the liberal media encourage this behavior and appear to be openly anti-police and apparently encourage further lawlessness, glamorize criminals and many feel that they use baited rhetoric to incite violence against police. So, it is easy to assume that since Democrat Party-connected entities know how to hire and organize criminals, that they could also hire criminals willing to kill for the right dollar amount. This is not an accusation but a logical stating of possibility based on observation and facts.

WikiLeaks Operative Confirms He Received the DNC Leak from Disgruntled DNC Employee - NOT Russia! Craig Murray, a former UK Ambassador to Uzbekistan confirmed that he physically received the DNC/Hillary Clinton files in a wooded area near American University. He said the "Leaker" was a disgruntled Democrat whistle-blower that was upset at the massive Democrat Party corruption, the putrid and overt pay-for-play corruption involving the Clinton Foundation, and also the voter manipulation by the DNC to screw Bernie Sanders. He also confirmed that John Podesta was the source of the Podesta gmail leak simply because he was stupid enough to click on a link in an email from an unknown source. Of course WikiLeaks never reveals their exact sources but this is damning evidence proving that Russia didn't hack the DNC and was NOT a WikiLeaks source. It is almost an admission that Democrats leaked the DNC files. It is clear that Seth Rich had access to the files, so whether he was the one who physically handed the digital media with the files to Mr. Murray or one of his acquaintances did, it was very possible that Seth was involved in obtaining the DNC data. This vital information was known in December 2016 but James Comey and other Shadow Government assets of ill-repute continued to push the Russia hack-WikiLeaks lie, simply to coverup for the Democrat Party and Hillary Clinton corruption and crimes exposed by the leaks.

The Lie that 17 U.S. INTEL Agencies Believe Russia Hacked the DNC The INTEL report that was released by the FBI, CIA and NSA was considered to be rank amateur by many experts. It did not receive acceptance by 17 U.S. INTEL agencies. This was a lie perpetuated by the Obama Administration, the Democrat Party, the Hillary Clinton campaign and the liberal media who were collaborating to try to get HRC elected. Even the NSA admitted to only having "moderate confidence" in the accuracy of the report. Thus our statement about it being "amateur" was confirmed by the NSA itself. So, why would the INTEL agencies risk looking like fools by putting out such an obvious piece of political propaganda? Everyone knows major powers spy on each other and all try to influence elections across the globe. This has always been going on for decades and even centuries. Obama used U.S. tax dollars to illegally try to influence the election in Israel. Obama was overtly involved in regime change operations in Egypt, Libya, Ukraine and many other countries. Everyone hacks and probes everyone on a daily basis.

Obama's leaders of the 3 agencies that put out this useless "Russia" report are known liars and political operatives of the Democrat Party. FBI Director, James Comey, was fired in disgrace. It seemed that every time Comey spoke, he lied. His massive amount of misstatements caused both Democrats and Republican politicians to demanded that he resign or be fired. In May 2017, after Comey lied to Congress and also proved himself to be inept, corrupt and that he abused the power of his position, President Trump complied with Democrat and Republican requests and FIRED Comey. So, Comey cannot be trusted. CIA Director, John Brennan, was known for politicizing the CIA for Obama. He reportedly spied on Obama's political and media opponents. Brennan's reported misdeeds go back decades. So, Brennan cannot be trusted. NSA Director, Clapper lied to Congress and the American citizenry when he said Obama INTEL agencies did not spy on U.S. citizens. Clapper was immediately proven a liar. Then in January 2017, Obama was actually rebuked by a federal judge for illegally violating 4th amendment rights of Americans by spying on millions of citizens that were NOT under investigation. So, Clapper cannot be trusted. Many believe all three of these high ranking officials in the Obama administration were and still are major players in the illegal Deep State operations that amount to sedition against a President-Elect and sitting President of the United States. Many also believe that these three culprits still have major influence on the small percentage of personnel in the INTEL agencies that work against the best interests of the USA.

It is clear that all current and recent Deep State elements within the U.S. Government must be found-out and exposed. They must be removed from their positions and the Justice Department must then pursue prosecution of them all. James Comey is just the first of many in the corrupt Shadow Government swamp that needs to be drained. The DOJ must start immediate criminal investigation into all of James Comey's corruption and coverups.

Send this to all of your political representatives and tell them that you want the Justice Department to fully investigate everything identified in this report and that you want prosecution of all of the criminal elements in the Federal Government, Democrat Party and all other entities discovered in this investigation.

Contact the President of the USA:

Contact Your Elected Representatives:

Contact the Dept of Justice:

Send Link to this Report to DOJ and Tell them to Investigate:


Robby Mook, John Podesta And Joel Benenson Caught Discussing “Making Example of Leakers” and That There Will Be Stiff Consequences for Leaking and Betraying Hillary Clinton

Exposed! Democrat Party Connection to Violent Protesters

Seth Rich Made Contact with WikiLeaks?

Private Eye Discovers DNC Connections to Seth Rich Murder!

FBI Director Comey Incompetently Allowed Report by Third Party to be the Basis for His Unproven Claim that Russia Hacked the DNC?

A Resident Doctor that Treated Seth Rich Said Law Enforcement Denied Him Further Access:

The Disgraced CNN Reporter and Subsequent Democrat National Committee Official, Donna Brazile, Harasser of Seth Rich and His Family?

Aaron Rich’s GoFundMe page to Hire a Professional Investigator to Solve Seth’s Murder:

Kim DotCom Offers Assistance:

Crowd Strike - the Company that Made Up the Trump Campaign Colluding with Russia Lie?

WikiLeaks Operative Confirms He Received the DNC Files from Disgruntled DNC Employee - NOT Russia!

INTEL Report on Russia

The John Podesta Phishing Email Where He Stupidly Clicked On the Link Giving Access to His Gmail Account

EXCLUSIVE: Family of slain DNC staffer Seth Rich demands D.C. police reveal details of its murder investigation after reports claimed he may have been the source of WikiLeaks emails

James Clapper Corrects Left’s Narrative On Russia Election Interference: ‘Not All 17’ Intel Agencies Affirmed

Clinton And Soros Are Behind Violent Riots At Trump Rallies, Not Sanders

Democrat-funded protests backfire as officer killings boost support for police Due to their Divisive Rhetoric Against Police and Law and Order, Obama and other Democrat Politicians are Blamed for Inciting Violence and Even Murder of Police. Democrat Operatives Funded the Violent Protesters Thinking Somehow Supporting Criminals Would Help Democrats at the Polls, but It Backfired Causing the Democrat Party's Race-Baiting, Class-War and Other Divisive Tactics to be Proven Failures

Jim Hanson: CIA’s ‘Politicized Intelligence’ About Russia Hacking the Election Is ‘Kind of a Joke’ The Amateur FBI, CIA and NSA "Russia Election Influence Report" is a Blatant Political Hit Piece Meant to Fool Democrat Voters!

UNDERWHELMING INTEL REPORT... Professionals in the Intel Community and ALL Informed Individuals Mock the Uselessness of the Russia Report by Obama's 3 Stooges of Intel (Comey, Brennan and Clapper)

Guccifer 2.0 Research We found that the supposed Romanian hacker, Marcel Lehel Lazar, also known as Guccifer, to be unorganized. We discovered his wordpress site last year when he was tweeting about files he had gotten from Hillary Clinton, the Clinton Foundation, etc. He clearly was not sponsored by a state such as Russia, as he seemed to be a man with something of importance, but he didn't really know what to do next. He says he wanted to be a Snowden or Assange type hero. He tried to get attention and then finally the Hillary Clinton operatives seemed to latch on to him and claim he was a Russian hacker. If so, Hillary Clinton must go to federal prison immediately for allowing a "hostile" foreign government to access the classified information she illegally had on her unsecure server.

He discovered that the Clinton's and the DNC knew nothing about computer and network security and was surprised about the absolutely free access he had to all of their information. Deception experts with CIA training analyzed him and found him to be truthful. See below for a reference to Twitter chat he had with a Playboy model from the '80s that had similar interests. She considers him to be a hero. He referenced the Seth Rich murder in their discussions and, like so many others, seemed to indicate that Seth was murdered for being the DNC Leak. Guccifer, by all accounts is a simple and naive man with good computer skills. The fact that he posted the raw files on his own site with no way to properly compile and analyze, proves he didn't trust Julian Assange. He told the former Playboy model that he thought Assange worked for the Russians; however, he was still his hero. Guccifer was showing fear for his safety. Since everyone had free access to the files Guccifer hacked, it appears that some GOP guy in Florida, Aaron Nevins, posted some of the documents on his own blog. No smoking gun and no big deal. Guccifer already had these files. He calls himself a hacktivist and seemingly he's anti-Illuminati which it looks like he believes Hillary is a part. He didn't like Trump's views on immigration. No U.S. political entity funded his endeavors, nor did anyone know of him before his hacking.

Guccifer2.0, , DNC hacker slams CrowdStrike, publishes opposition memo on Donald Trump Mocks CrowdStrike, the company the DNC Hired and James Comey used as the sole source for his claim that Russia hacked the DNC. The DNC refused to allow the FBI access to their server. This report exposes CrowdStrike and in turn James Comey and the DNC as inept and corrupt LIARS. Also exposed that fact that Hillary Clinton had classified information on her unsecure server, and since she had no protection on her amateur network everyone including hostile foreign countries had free access.

DNC hacker Guccifer 2.0 denies Russian links and mocks security firms

"Guccifer 2.0" Chat With Nude Model Sparks New Conspiracy Theories About Seth Rich Murder

BREITBART: Dear Hillary: DNC Hack Solved, So Now Stop Blaming Russia Hillary Clinton has tried to save herself from her latest email scandal with rhetoric that poses a dangerous threat to our democracy and even world peace.


Deception Experts: Guccifer Telling Truth About Hacking Clinton’s Email Server

DNC hacker slams CrowdStrike, publishes opposition memo on Donald Trump CrowdStrike looks like a company paid by the Democrat Party to devise the Russia Hack lie when it seems Seth Rich may be the likely DNC Leak


Need more images. Otherwise great post! I hooked you up with a follow, upvote, and a resteem. The resteem will hit 800 accounts. Welcome to Steemit.

Thanks so much for everything. The assistance that you provided to help introduce us to the Steemit communities in which you are affiliated is appreciated! Following you now. Look forward to interacting.

Good times! Actually if you go back to like my 5th post it was on Seth Rich. I knew immediately that story was huge. Glad to see t blowing up.

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Great article! Upvoted & followed... The SGTReport did a good video about this a couple days ago!

Thanks for your Upvote. Following back. The SGTReport is excellent!

Awesome report, well laid out and backed with sources. Upvoted, followed and resteemed!

Thanks for upvoting and sharing. Following back. Look forward to connecting on Steemit to many patriots like yourself!

Great stuff. Welcome.
Shared and followed.

Thanks and followed back. Also resteemed your Kim Dotcom Open Letter to Aaron Rich both offering to assist the family and also requesting they cease regurgitating globalist media talking points to degrade Kim Dotcom's reputation. We in the new Main Street Media will keep pursuing this and other important matters until the truth is revealed to all.

Upvoted, shared on Twitter.

In an eyeopening interview with the family and girlfriend of #SethRich, his girlfriend said that Seth was killed in anger... his family said the Police told them that Seth was quite talkative and did not realize he had been shot... they said the police were surprised that he died since he was doing so well.

Check out our exclusive report on the corruption involved in this case and has the ability to bring down many corrupt politicians in Washington DC.

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