The House voted to release the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence "Memo"


The Russian Collusion Investigation is about to break, one way or another...

  • Scenario One - Trump and all his wealth let himself be bought off by the Russians for the small price of hookers peeing on him...


  • The DNC was in collusion with the certain members Department and Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), in particular those public officials in clear violation of conflict of interest laws to
    A)Cover up Clinton's crimes
    B)Spin a fake "insurance" story of Russian collusion to sabotage the 2016 election
    C)Cover their own asses after Trump won...cough, cough, insurance

Over the last 8 months, there has been an avalanche of investigations into the conduct of the DOJ/FBI in this matter; much of the information that has been made public has shown us how much financial interest and party loyalty played a part in the decisions of that cabal...
the #informationwar and #deepstate tags share many of these stories

And now it is crunch time, The House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence has conducted it's own investigation, and prepared a summary...The Memo

They just voted to release that memo to the public...the introductory graphic shares many of their views upon reading that memo for themselves...


President Trump now has five days to review the document and decide whether to try to block it from going public
House Republicans Vote to Release Secret Memo on Russia Probe

Make sure you contact the White House and demand the release of this memo!

Visitor's Office: 202-456-2121.
Write a letter to the President. Here are a few simple things you can do to make sure your message gets to the White House as quickly as possible. If possible, email us!
Write or Call the White House

A message for the democong, and their corrupt hacks

Your corrupt treasonous party is going down; your praetorian guard of bought-off hacks got too greedy, and you gave them their 30 pieces of silver in public view

we see it, we know

Here is Schiff all bug eyed and worried LOL

Justice knows every man's name (Image)

Older posts:


Wow. This is big. Twitters going to go crazy.


already is ;>

I been retweeting a bunch of #releasethememo stories and making sure that @realdonaldjtrump is getting a mention...guess I should be adding the White House and POTUS accounts, too

Good work. Anything could happen in the next 5 days. Maybe we'll see one last dying death roll from he deepstate before they're exposed.

Although i'm not holding out much hope that if the memo does come out it will actually change anything. There are some crazy liberals on Twitter that will never change their minds no matter how much evidence you give them.

I don't think we'll ever change their minds; they have decided they are more moral and smarter than we are. No data that affects that perception of themselves can be tolerated.

It will be a matter of arresting a few of them at a time (I think Trump wants to avoid a civil war) for things like 8 USC 1324 and this sedition effort, for example. In addition, Trump will (again, slowly) clean some of them out of the government.

Does that clean out the Deep State completely? I don't think so, but we shall see

I'm prepared to be wrong on every count, these days ;>

Gab has already exploded.

ha. i bet it has

Awesome reporting, Steve!! #PRISON !! 100% UPVOTED AND Resteemed!

Muchas Gracias Sir!

we have to be so loud in demanding justice that the politicians can hear no other excuse

This is going to be wild.

hmmm, my best guess is Horowitz wants *The Memo out in public before he says his piece...

It would be so very nice if he drops HIS report a day or two after the memo hits the public mind

Ohh, it's gonna be a show, all right. The only question is, who's going to wind up in the ----.

I don't recall if you read my "Predictions for My Birthday" post from a few days ago, but I think the big'uns (obama, clinton, rosenstein) walk. I had mccabe on that list IIRC, but the FBI just "lost" all of HIS emails, too LOL

Everybody else? comey, preistap, the ohrs, abadein, etc, etc...jail, jail, jail ,jail

I wish we cuaght some of them colluding w/ Iran so we could get them on treason, too

gonna post that mccabe email now

Has anyone described what areas of the original report the memo references? Like page numbers? I just read the report and took notes....

we don't know yet. The FISC court opinion that you summarized so well has little to do with the HPSCI emo that should be released soon.

The FISC details abuses by the government, but not specifics re: targets or perpetrators.

This memo summarizes the sub committees investigation

and it's even better, the DOJ OIG report is due out soon, as well!

I know William Binney points to the report has the basis for HOW the crimes were committed. So I'm interested to note what crimes these Democrats will be guilty of. My guess is using the FBI's new ability to not destroy information on US Persons included in metadata provided to them by the NSA. "Litigation Hold" is a fun thing FISA lets these agencies get away with. Easy way to build ANY case against anyone from scratch.

good point.

the crimes will most likely be
-using information they know to be fake to start the process
-leaking classified data to the press (we are investigating Trump- here's what we found)
-violating the FISA process, as you explained...including unmasking requests
-paying for the dossier
-conflict-of-interest (all four of the FBI guys had financial contacts w/ the democong, IIRC)

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