#releasethememo - Day Two

releasethememo trended on Twitter overnight at #1, but is at #2 currently. If you have a Twitter account, I humbly ask that you help trend the tag back to the top spot.


House committee takes step toward making Trump dossier, "FISA abuse", findings public - DEMAND THEY DO IT!

All hell is breaking loose in Washington D.C. tonight after a four-page memo detailing extensive FISA court abuse was made available to the entire House of Representatives Thursday. The contents of the memo are so explosive, says Journalist Sara Carter, that it could lead to the removal of senior officials in the FBI and the Department of Justice and the end of Robert Mueller's special counsel investigation.
"Explosive", "Shocking" And "Alarming" FISA Memo Set To Rock DC, "End Mueller Investigation"

Reactions this morning

  • If we are to restore any semblance of the rule of law and preserve what's left of the civil society, then at a minimum people at the top have got to be punished, and severely. I'm looking right at James Comey and that's just for starters. If he and all the others (and I think it's fairly obvious who I am referring to) do not face prison and have their assets seized, then G-d help us.
    The Morning Report 1/19/18

  • “The facts contained in this memo are jaw-dropping and demand full transparency. There is no higher priority than the release of this information to preserve our democracy,” said Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), a member of the Judiciary Committee, which oversees the DOJ and the FBI.
    ‘Worse Than Watergate’: ‘Shocking’ House Intel Memo Allegedly Reveals FISA Abuse by Senior DOJ and FBI Officials

  • On Fox News Gaetz went further, saying he believes people could "go to jail" due to the contents of the memo and the Mueller-led investigation, which is examining possible collusion between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin, is "a lie built on corruption." He also said it became clear to him why Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, and Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., recommended the Justice Department criminally investigate the author of the Trump dossier, former British spy Christopher Steele.
    Republicans rally for public release of memo on FISA abuses

  • ALLEGED FISA ABUSE ... KGB-LIKE SURVEILLANCE IN AMERICA: A four-page memo circulating in Congress that reveals alleged United States government surveillance abuses is being described by lawmakers as “shocking,” “troubling” and “alarming,” with one congressman likening the details to KGB activity in Russia ... Speaking with Fox News, the lawmakers said they could not yet discuss the contents of the memo they reviewed on Thursday after it was released to members by the House Intelligence Committee. But they say the memo should be immediately made public.
    FOX NEWS FIRST: Clock ticking on government shutdown; Shocking FISA surveillance abuses stun lawmakers

There is a funny side to this

4chan's /pol is adding anti-Trump language to the tag, so that leftist lemmings will spread the tag alongside their two-minute hate screeds


Contact your rep!

Dial Your Representatives and urge them to #ReleaseTheMemo (202) 224-3121 TTY: (202) 225-1904

Find your rep's email

My Books


Thank you soooo much! Keep getting the truth out!

I'm about halfway through this... It's an interview who worked for the company that did "opposition research" for the DNC in the 90's but now works for Judicial Watch... Must see...

I got this playing in the background, prolly have 10 tabs open right now ;> time for these effers to hang!

great vid - shared on FB, twitter, & gab

you oughtta post this under #informationwar

Will do!

Highly rEsteemed!
This Memo, the 28 Pages from years back, the Uranium 1 Deal, the Awan brothers handling IT, The Clinton Foundation and Haiti... Meanwhile, if you've been lawfully selling Cannabis in a State that legalized it, Jeff Sessions will be sending in a para military unit to take you to jail soon.

The priorities of THE STATE have nothing to do with prosecuting the rulers...

there is something strange going on w/ Sessions and the "war on weed"; Trump didn't promise it, nobody wanted except parts of the LE community, part of Trump's voter base (disaffected BernieBros, and libertarians/ancaps who thought they might strike a blow against the 2-party system) were outraged.

there was little reason to move on it (except maybe as a point to go after MS13 & other gangs, which I think is unlikely)

I have not looked into the following theory at all, saw it over at Ace of Spades by a commenter, so I don't know if any of the points are valid:
Sessions is not going after weed users, as he is in establishing rule-of-law. In other words, states that legalize weed are good b/c it was done by the legal process. cities that played technicalities or made themselves "sanctuary" for weed may be the target. This may actually be aimed at democrat party pols.

IDK, I haven't and wont look at these claims...but it is strange to waste time on weed; maybe the stronger argument is that Sessions is giving those parts of the LE community(pro-drug war) what they want.

buncha damn hypocrites....they all knew about it.
now that it's become public it's all about virtue signaling..

as long as they expose it and punish the ones on the ground, I'm good. I'd be willing to bet, tho, that not every R congressman is in on it.

you dont have to subvert every member of an organization to corrupt, just the chain of command and whoever is at the critical points

Rosie Odonnel said it was an open secret..!

She isnt anyone I take seriously on any basis.

maybe the dems are starting their counter-propaganda?

does rosie still have a show?

it was a joke
and I think she was talking about a group of corrupt, dishonest sex crazed maniacs..

I did have the impression she must have been talking about Hollyweird

Oh boy this is exciting!

Someone go to jail please.

please please please!

Good post @stevecoins. Not sure if you saw this piece of news today that relates to your post and all that is going on in regarding Russiagate.


I put a lot of screenshots there that I captured from Twitter and there are links to the archived docs that they are trying to suppress from the public eye as well.

I saw the reply on the other post, too ;>

I resteemed the link; good job on additional aspects of the story.

atm, I think the congressman fatfingered (mistyped) his tweet, but since Twitter has a long history of censoring "ungoodspeak", it is resonable to assume that they would censor here, as well!

nice post keep sharing

My POV: if your conspiracy theory is supported by the alt-right and Russian Twitter bots, you might want to find a new conspiracy theory.

This is a smear campaign against Robert Mueller, a decorated military veteran, who was appointed FBI head by a Republican congress.

russian twitter-bot = anyone on the right

Mueller, a decorated Marine, tarnished his reputation forever by appealing to Eric Holder, a known leftist and anti-American, to get back into the FBI (Kessler, Secrets of the FBI)

just another bought-off sonofabitch now.

But then there is this article, with Kessler's own words, praising Mueller's hire by Rod Rosentein to conduct investigations into the Trump campaign/administration.

So which is it? Another bought off sonofabitch, or a "man of high integrity".


I purposely selected an article from a conservative news site.

if Kessler wants to praise someone who would work with filth like Holder for integrity, that's Kessler's judgement. the fact remains that Mueller owed his job to Holder.

the memo, and the rest of the documentation, will show more light on whatever the truth is.

I guess that explains why the democong are so dead set against keeping the American people informed.

Maybe we should say releasing the memo would be good for criminal invaders instead of Americans...that would get them moving to release it ;>

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