
already is ;>

I been retweeting a bunch of #releasethememo stories and making sure that @realdonaldjtrump is getting a mention...guess I should be adding the White House and POTUS accounts, too

Good work. Anything could happen in the next 5 days. Maybe we'll see one last dying death roll from he deepstate before they're exposed.

Although i'm not holding out much hope that if the memo does come out it will actually change anything. There are some crazy liberals on Twitter that will never change their minds no matter how much evidence you give them.

I don't think we'll ever change their minds; they have decided they are more moral and smarter than we are. No data that affects that perception of themselves can be tolerated.

It will be a matter of arresting a few of them at a time (I think Trump wants to avoid a civil war) for things like 8 USC 1324 and this sedition effort, for example. In addition, Trump will (again, slowly) clean some of them out of the government.

Does that clean out the Deep State completely? I don't think so, but we shall see

I'm prepared to be wrong on every count, these days ;>

Gab has already exploded.

ha. i bet it has

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