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RE: Quick Update On IW Tag Use and Misuse

when we first started using the tag, it was mostly technical explanations of how propaganda worked, mostly about how the deep state/leftist/globalist/whateverthefuckthey are used it against us...

Also, we talked about critical thinking (logic, intelligence analysis, etc)

it was less conspiracy oriented, and..I'll repeat technical and ...cough cough...kind of boring for people

A couple of folks whose views I respect suggested that we open it up a bit; make the concept simpler and not so technical...and start inviting steemers in general to join us in an information war against the deep state and its media cheerleaders

we are kind of in our infancy as a community, less than 3 months iirc.

what we WOULD like to see from contributions to the tag is not just links to people pointing out media lies, but bringing in a few articles and cross-referening lies or discrepancies
...putting some thought and criticism into their blogs
...sharing intelligence processes, not just conclusions

here's a few additional links I hope will help


Yes! I will get some links together of stuff I think is really good.

And we also need an updated Our Purpose post as well, and I think we should put a bunch of examples into the Our Purpose and what not. I figured since you wrote the last few Our Purpose's you would do the next one too. I can certainly add some to it if you want.

First time I read this one. I'll make sure that it gets translated.
Glad i'm not that far from the way to write an IW post.

Thanks metal, and steve is posting some new meeting stuff and new guidelines for future use :)

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