HEADLINES: Tuesday, 9th, 2018 - President Trump Accepts Nikki Haley's Resignation, Antifa Directing Traffic and Harassing In Portland, Limo Crash, Big Tech, Cancer, Stop and Frisk, Space News, Dystopia, and More

in #informationwar6 years ago

Triangulate the Truth! A News Aggregation service that aggregates from many different points of view. With a secondary mission of countering censorship.

Alternative Media - "Right" Leaning

IPCC Demands $240/gal Gasoline Tax!
Watts Up With That
Global Warming – How We Will Know When It Is Over?
Watts Up With That
Warming Up The Poor and Vulnerable
Watts Up With That
How Big Tech is buying its way out of trouble
Letting the gene genie out of the bottle
Fred Trump, Middle Class Hero
City Journal
FBI Islamic Terror Asset Owned Broken-Down Limo In Deadly Car Crash That Killed 20 - Driver Unlicensed
Freedom Outpost
Home Depot Founder Slams Socialist Millennials: “I’ll Put You On My Plane And Fly You To Venezuela”
Freedom Outpost
Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: My Job In Congress Is About "Organizing" & "Segmenting People"
Freedom Outpost
Is The USMCA Worse Than NAFTA?
Freedom Outpost
George Soros-funded network drives anti-Kavanaugh activism
The Hagmann Report
Switch to an organic diet and reduce your pesticide intake by as much as 90%
Natural News
Leftists Dems go completely unhinged after Kavanaugh swear-in, threaten to behead GOP senator’s wife
Natural News
Is GMO corn the #1 cause of the Cancer Apocalypse?
Natural News
The Carbonaro Effect: Magician reveals how fake news media indoctrinates the gullible masses with junk science
Natural News
Bombshell: Environmental activism groups operating in the USA may actually be front groups run by communist China
Natural News
Breaking: President Trump Accepts UN Ambassador Nikki Haley’s Resignation
The Gateway Pundit
KANYE WEST to Meet With President Trump and Jared Kushner Thursday in White House — LIBERAL HEADS EXPLODE
The Gateway Pundit
MORALITIS: The Cultural Virus Spreading Political Correctness
The Gateway Pundit
Antifa Arsonists Vandalize Pro-Trump Truck — THEN TORCH IT (Video)
The Gateway Pundit
President Trump on Taylor Swift Endorsing Democrats: ‘I Like Her Music 25% Less’
The Gateway Pundit
MUST SEE: Trump Apologizes to Justice Kavanaugh at Swearing-In Ceremony “You Sir, Under Historic Scrutiny Were Proven Innocent” (VIDEO)
The Gateway Pundit
James Woods Torches Anti-Kavanaugh Actress Alyssa Milano for ‘Bill Clinton, I Love You So Much’ Tweet
The Gateway Pundit
Alaska GOP Leaders May Take Action Against RINO Lisa Murkowski For Opposing Brett Kavanaugh
The Gateway Pundit
ANARCHY IN PORTLAND: City Allows Antifa to Direct Traffic, Pound on Cars, Harass Elderly Motorists (VIDEO)
The Gateway Pundit
This Man Defied Antifa’s Illegal Street Blockade And The Media Said He ‘Plowed Through Protesters’
Michael Savage Calls on Trump to Order Arrest of Antifa Members
"Fu*k. You. All. To. Hell": Google Exec Threatens GOP Over Kavanaugh Confirmation
Ex-FBI Top Lawyer: Rosenstein Wasn't Joking About Recording, Removing Trump
Media Baffled By Trump's Claim That Some 'Paid' Protesters "Haven't Gotten Their Checks"
With Corruption Like This, It's No Wonder So Many Pension Funds Are Insolvent
Evacuations Ordered As "Monstrous Hurricane" Michael Intensifies Into "Most Powerful Storm In A Decade
Bullet Holes Discovered In Pilot's Body After Mysterious Helicopter Crash That Killed Russian Prosecutor
How Many More Lives Does Angela Merkel Have Left?
The UK Is Practicing Cyberattacks To Black Out Moscow As A Nuclear Deterrent
Report: Nikki Haley Resigning from Trump Administration
Trump Advocates ‘Stop-and-Frisk’ to Curtail Chicago Crime
Trump After Meeting with Rod Rosenstein: Democrats Colluded with Russia
Google+ shutting down after data breach which was never revealed to users
College Republicans Catch a Leftist Vandalizing Their Event Posters
Pelosi Filing FOIA Request for Instructions from Trump WH to FBI on Kavanaugh-Ford Investigation
CNS News
ABC's Vega Rebukes Trump for Comments on Due Process: 'Kavanaugh Was Never Proven Innocent!'
Newsbusters (Checkmate, Our justice system is innocent until proven guilty.)

Our Preferred Place To Watch Infowars Broadcasts Outside of The Official Site

Alternative Media Section II - "Left" Leaning

Haley Says She Won’t Run for President In 2020
Political Wire
Nikki Haley Resigns As UN Ambassador
Talking Points Memo
Trump-Wary Conservatives Distraught At News Of Nikki Haley’s Resignation
Talking Points Memo
White Supremacists Still Have a Safe Space Online
Ending Sexual Violence by Raising Better Boys
Michael Parenti: Reflections on the Overthrow of Communism (Revisited)
The Greanville Post
Climate Alarm: ‘Most Important Years in History’
GlobalResearch.ca (Canada)
Historian Howard Zinn Warned Us About the Supreme Court
Mexico: Women, Activists Mobilize to Condemn Disappearance, Murder of 20 Women
Ugandan Activists, Gov't Clash Over Opening of LGBT Community Center

Legacy Media

Nikki Haley resigns as US ambassador to United Nations
Hurricane Michael upgraded to Category 2 storm, expected to strengthen before Florida landfall
NBC News
Clinton says Trump remarks at Kavanaugh swearing-in undermine Supreme Court
Google hopes Pixel 3, Home Hub dazzle blinds you from privacy concerns
New York limo owner denies that safety violations caused deadly crash
Reuters via AOL
Trump's ethanol move delivers gift to corn country
Limo crash victims include sisters, a teacher and newlyweds
CBS News
Espionage scandals show Russian army's growing clout

Steem #News

Steemit:Dystopia often begins with the words "For the betterment of mankind"...
Steemit:Kavanaugh Confirmation Marks a Major Victory for White Hats
Steemit:No Need to Replace UN Globalist
Steemit:Voluntary Charity vs Statist Welfare States!
Steemit:#Earth and its pain №9 Cataclysms for the week of March 19-25, 2018
Steemit:Columbus Found WMDs, False Certainty, NATO 'Defensive' Invasion & Journalists Murdered By US Allies
Steemit:SPACE NEWS - Earthquake, Storm Alert, Gamma Bursts, Alien Article | S0 News Oct.9.2018
Steemit:John DeCamp's excellent expose of child sexual abuse in Nebraska (pooh poohed by the MSM) exonerated.

Thank you for reading @newsagg. This is a news aggregator service for steemit. It is constructed daily by hand and does take some time. Many of us practically live on steemit now. As such we can often forget to check what is going on out there outside of steemit. This account was created as an attempt to help mitigate that some. This is experimental so the account will likely go through transitions as it is determined what is most useful to the community. Feel free to submit news tips as comments. They will likely not be looked at extensively until the next aggregation post to which they are most suited. We will try to limit the amount of these posts that we post each day to no more than 4, unless some breaking news warrants there should be more. With this account we will not do a lot of comment and reply unless it is necessary to verify or get further information on a tip. Those of us that work this account will use our personal accounts for interactions of a personal or opinion nature. We wish to remain free of bias and simply present the news on this account.

Vote sharing had been suspended until SBD payments returned. However, with the cost to transfer funds sharing votes now hinders this account and for the time being will not be done. If things stabilize more so it is not negatively impacting the account to transfer shares of the funds to other accounts it will return.

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I'm running an IW writing contest, but I'm off Discord for a while, could I get you to share this (here and Discord):


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