Kavanaugh Confirmation Marks a Major Victory for White Hats

"Shame! Shame! Shame!"

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Protesters chanted “shame” at Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) after he voted to confirm Brett Kavanaugh as SCOTUS. Ironic when you consider the crimes of the Clinton Crime Syndicate and their involvement in the millions of dollars that they supposedly raised for Haiti earthquake victims. And come to think of it, where were all these protestors when George W. Bush made jokes about not finding WMD's after his response to 911 was to invade Iraq? Where were these protestor when Obama authorized the killings of 1000s of people by drone strikes with no trial? And where were these people when Hillary Clinton obviously was running a pay-to-play scam by allowing her server to be accessed by anyone who made donations to the Clinton Foundation? Where were these protestors after the Benghazi debacle?

George W Bush acting out his war hawk fantasies in his very own US Army jacket with a US Presidential Seal. Will this jacket one day be displayed in a museum as a reminder of how we allowed war hawks to manipulate the USA into responding to the false flag attack of 911?

This is the woman who accused Brett Kavanaugh, of sexual misconduct when she was in high school. Based on her accusations supposedly occurring in this same era, and knowing how wild high school kids can be, how desperate was the DNC with Dr. Ford's testimony? Based on this image, is this simply a high school kid having a wild night, or can we assume that Monarch Mind Control Programming was used on Blasey Ford?

Fast forward to today and Dr. Ford's cutesy-dootsy voice reeks of Monarch Mind Control Sex Kitten programming. Is it just me, or does she look "not all there" to you too?

Anyone notice how Blasey Ford spoke? Did that sound like "little girl" talk to you? Was this a personality that was implanted into Dr. Ford to be retrieved for later use? Did this all look like Monarch Mind control to you too? Was she lying, or was she instructed to lie and simply obeyed orders? And can we also assume that the same techniques used on individuals for such mind control have been converted for use against people in a mass mind control event? When you consider the massive cognitive dissonance we see in the eyes of people who follow every queue, (no pun intended), from mainstream media, it's hard to imagine there is not an intentional component to this dynamic.

Also, Lindsey Graham asking Kavanaugh about military tribunals is like foreshadowing in a good film. The Great Eye quivers as the Army of Men gather for Earth's last battle. Except this battle is almost over and it will be in court. Of course I am using fanboy imagery here. But as many of us believe we were on the brink of disaster if Hillary Clinton became POTUS, can you blame me for using such an intense symbol of evil?

Tie this all in with the failed attempt of the Dark Cabal to start WW3 with a missile strike on Hawaii and you have the beginning of the end for them. And yes, I do believe there was actually a nuke launched by the Dark Cabal from their own submarine in Korean waters. And while this sounds a bit like Spectre from a James Bond film, there is a lot of evidence you can research to suggest there is enough unaccounted money moving around the world to make this a reality. And when you factor in Benjamin Fulford's claim that the recent tsunami in Indonesia was caused by the destruction of an underwater base used by the Dark Cabal, then the frenzy we've seen against the Kavanaugh appointment to SCOTUS begins to have massive implications for all of Planet Earth.

And we shot down said missile attack with a 747 mounted laser. Also consider that we also have disclosed publicly the US Navy has ship mounted lasers that can destroy airborne targets and what you have is Ronald Regan's dream of a "Star Wars" style missile defense grid. And these two system are the systems that the Pentagon has admitted exist. What sort of other systems exist that up the game completely? Did Regan know of the Dark Cabal? And was Star Wars his effort to negate the effect of an attempted nuclear false flag attack?

Yes, it's real. The Airborne Mounted Laser as of 2002 could detect, track and destroy 64 targets at once. As this is a binary number, how many targets do you think one of these aircraft can destroy with today's computing power and advances in miniturization?

SCOTUS Kavanaugh is giving the White Hats the majority vote. This takes away the rigged game set in place by those who have betrayed our country. And in the next 6 years we will truly see a draining of the swamp. Looks like we will start with Hillary's server. And when you factor in movements like Vets for Child Rescue, you can count on a major push against child trafficking to manifest as major busts across our political, entertainment, and corporate landscapes.

Ever wonder how a politician gets to DC and suddenly doesn't come close to upholding any of his promises? Ever wonder why Hollywood stars continually pile on against POTUS Trump when every indication shows he is doing the country a lot of good? It all ties into control files. And the ultimate control is getting dirt on people for their involvement with pedophilia. Of course there are also indications these higher realms of power deal in Satanic Ritual Abuse as well. And we may yet see these crimes against humanity on trial as well.

When you look at the time line of events and the frenzy of distrust against the DNC today, where are the people who committed the 911 crimes in all of this. Strategically, it seems, this will happen in Trump's 2nd term. The White Hats do not want to risk losing the far-right people who still think Bush/Cheney could do no wrong. They are still out there. And now they support Marco Rubio. They even think this little goose-stepper will be the next POTUS. But do not think that Trump forgot how he harassed Jeb Bush over 911 during a RNC debate. As a New Yorker and a builder of skyscrapers, Trump knows insurance fraud when he see's it. Granted, insurance fraud is only one component of that crime. And, the long term implications of the Kavanaugh confirmation will shake "Spectre" to it's foundations.

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Senator Lindsey Graham at least asked some decent questions during the hearings. The Demorats could do is to attack and try and destroy the man. I think the dems overplayed there hand and will pay the price in November.

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Lots of interesting speculation, but
nope. No mind control going on here.

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