TruthStreamMedia Breaks Down Facebook's Admitted Social Programming

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

These guys really do some of THE best journalism. TruthStreamMedia are one of my favorite truth channels of all time. They truly deserve more coverage.

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Delete Facebook

Facebook is a hot topic lately, mostly because of the Orwellian state of our society that we are finding ourselves in, and the world that our children are now growing up in. There was a video I watched a few years ago that had always resonated with me, called "Delete Facebook". It is only about 12 minutes or so, and definitely worth a listen. I think what I miss the most about the pre- Facebook world, is the way life used to be, without social media. It has changed everything, how we socialize, or perhaps even more importantly, how we don't socialize.

Imagine, we don't write letters anymore, we don't knock on doors anymore, and we don't call people as much anymore when we can just email, text or Facebook instead. What happens if you have too many contacts? Is it even possible to keep up with tens of dozens of people, or hundreds and maybe even thousands, depending on the circle of friends you have?

Social Media is unnatural in many ways, counter intuitive to what human interaction is supposed to be about, and it has become almost impossible to keep track of. It also tends to create another layer of falseness, or maybe a layer of protection against you and the outside world, so that people don't really see the real you. This extra mask gives a false sense of who we are, and who others are. Our texts, smileys and emojis do not properly replace our human emotions and the intricacies of how we interact with one another, and perhaps they hide us too well? We may even have become dependent on the mask, or worse, trapped?

Social media has been a very effective and important tool for use in the information war; a way to counter the lies of the fake-stream media and even to fight and win elections that the swamp establishment thought they had already locked up, but even so, I hope we see down the line, a movement to start moving away from using social media. The knife cuts both ways, so for all the good it does, the damage thats been done can't be overlooked.

Much like the anti-GMO or anti-vaxxers movements finally started catching on, maybe more and more of the Facebook generation will start to see the folly in it, and actually want the old days back again? I am not anti technology, but there does comes a point in time when technologies like social media starts to seriously affect the population on a very human level, the effects of which we are only now just starting to come to terms with.

The Technology Trap

Nicholson 1968 puts together an excellent two hour documentary, with clips of how we got here, from the beginning of the computer age until now, and sadly, where we are headed if we do not start paying attention... It is easy to see how they did it, however, it is not so easy to see how to undo it, or even how to slow it down. The first step though, is to admit that there is a problem.

Big Brother Makes Us Lazy

Hence... the Google AI bot that makes phone calls for you, appointments, ect. Mark Dice breaks down the creepy artificial intelligence bot that makes calls, so that you don't have to (Keeping in mind that Google is basically synonymous with the CIA and NSA data intelligence gathering centers). You might as well hook directly up to the NSA database while you are at it. This Google AI bot tricks the other person into thinking it is human, speaking with a human voice, complete with umms, hmmms, and other human quirks. Doesn't this also violate the two party consent laws on recording conversations?

Social Media And Eugenics?

.... and now even Google is collecting your DNA. Google owns YouTube, so what does YouTube, a social media platform and Google want your DNA for, I wonder? Here is another excellent truth channel, reallygraceful. She goes in depth on the subject, and into the backgrounds of the players involved.

George Orwell Would Be Proud

Facebook To Become The Ministry Of Truth


Previous Related Reports:

Previous Swamp Reporting:



I agree on deleting facebook, but I'm afraid that the cat is already out of the bag. People are already conditioned to use social networks, they have become part of our society. Eventually they all will get corrupted and used by the parasites. Steemit is a bit better than facebook since some of the "rewards' are going to user and not to Mr. Suckerberg, but the addictive dopamine hit is the essentially the same, maybe even worse because it is REAL money you might receive if enough people like your post. This quickly creates an echo chamber as well. And fear of getting downvoted keeps quite a few users from speaking out about certain topics as well. The only solution would be to ditch your phone completely and start interacting with people who are physically present. But how many people would actually do that?
IMHO the only solution to this ever increasing madness would be, as bad as it sounds, a Carrington event :)

Nice post.... Thanks for sharing. Social media is helpful but it needs more attention to avoid destructive mechanisms which is a risk it poses.

thanks... yeah, i think a big part of it, too, besides the social aspects, and the whole big brother spying issue, is zuckerberg controlling who and what you see in your feed. the whole point of connecting with people from all walks of life, is to connect with them and share whatever information you wish.

what theyve been doing instead, is trying to herd people into echo chambers and information feedback loops, so they decide what information you see and who you connect with, rather than you decide for yourself.

TED Talks - What FACEBOOK And GOOGLE Are Hiding From The World - The Filter Bubble

Yes, you are right. I wish something could be done to address this issue asap. Thumbs up to your post

Good to see other people on Steem on a mission to enlighten others about the realities of this world.

Curated for #informationwar (by @truthforce)
Relevance: Facebook Social Programming

Social media is a brilliant thing. Centrally controlled social media is an Orwellian nightmare. May I venture that we are at a crossroads? The push to get off social media is a double edged sword. On the one hand those who question social media control are joining the exodus (me among them I have deleted my Facebook account.) However that also means that dissenting voices are deserting the mainstream, which is, of course , precisely what the the mainstream want. Now if alternative platforms like Steemit are going to maintain influence in popular culture then block-chain integrity will be a game changer. However, if all that happens is the desertion of the mainstream by dissenting voices then all of us who support a paradigm shift will have lost as a result,

hence... the google bot. It even sounds human, and says things like umm, hmm, ect. Besides the fact that its creepy, its also rude! If you were talking to a robot and did not know it, that is deceitful and disgusting, imo. There should be a message at the start telling the person talking to the robot that it is a robot. Also, wouldnt this violate laws regarding recording conversations? Some states have a two party rule when recording.

Big Government Google/FB/Twitter, it's the beginning of the end for them all and their shareholders. All they need to do is provide a framework and a MUTE user button to enable inevitable fights to be harmlessly ended. Once they start producing the content, the ranking, the censorship, they're no longer a social networking framework, but a government marketing propaganda service.
FB's recent choices are going to kill their company. If their shareholders want it to continue to have significant growth, they need to force FB to disengage from working with government/corporations, and return to FB as a platform and producing services that bring value to The Public, which inherently brings the best value to business. The current changes to benefit corporations/Governments brings fear to their users, resulting in turmoil on the platform, not good for long term shareholders, although the volatility around the stocks reducing in price may produce some opportunities for high risk short term speculative trading.

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