Spot fungus, spider webs, or chemtrail structures? YOU DECIDE.

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

I believe 100% that things have changed since the late 90s with regard to the way some contrails behave. Some billow out now to hundreds of times their original width and do not dissipate, but instead form fresh cloud banks that seem to never dissipate, but instead to spread out and cover much (if not all) of the sky. Often, this is worse just before a coming storm front or rain system. I, 100% for sure, remember what normal contrails looked like as a kid growing up in the 60s who was fascinated with the skies (who wanted to be an astronaut and was always looking up.) Prior to the late 90s, contrails never billowed out even 1/10th as much as they do now, and always dissipated within, at most, an hour our so.

I know geoengineering is real, so do not come on this thread and try to counter that well-substantiated fact, because I will not reply. However, what I do have some doubts about are claims that web-like structures found on people's lawns on dewy mornings are chemtrail structures of some sort. I am not saying they aren't...I'm just saying I am very skeptical. This article is about THOSE STRUCTURES, like the ones I photographed on my lawn this morning:

Soothing 015.JPG

Soothing 017.JPG

Soothing 016.JPG

Soothing 019.JPG

My wife and many, many others, claim they are nothing but so-called "spot fungus" or "dollar spot" which has been photographed, thusly:

(photo courtesy of ChingTeoh)

This article explains all about this type of fungus, and the type of dry (drout-like) conditions, and very low grass height (such as we have) --conditions that are current to our lawn:

Others counter that these and other web structures are too variable and common after heavy chemtrailing days to be anything but chemtrail residue...and that may well be for other types of spider-web like structures that some people are finding on lawns, BUT ALSO well above lawn heights:


...and this interesting video from New Zealand:

Then there are also some who claim they are simply what they look like...spider webs:

Here is a brief excerpt from the above link:

"'These webs are incredibly common and can be found in most lawns,' Lawrance said. 'They become more visible when dew drops collect on the surface of the webs.' Lawrance said if you look close enough, you may see an area where the webs narrow and form a little tunnel, which is where the spider is usually hiding. The spider will hang out until it feels vibrations on the web, alerting the spider to nearby prey. 'They're out almost year round in lawns and bushes, just more visible at the moment with the condensation collecting on the webs,' Lawrance said."

So there you have three different theories on what these things are. I wish I had looked down more as a young boy, but my head was pretty much always stuck in the clouds. I was also RARELY (if ever) up and out at sunrise as a young lad, so I wouldn't have seen these anyway (as they disppear once the sun dries the dew.) So, I can not say with any certainty how long these types of structures have been on lawns. I know they've been here on our lawn many times in the past, and we've lived here since (oh darn!)...the late 90s.

What do you think?? Please upvote and resteem. Let's get some good discussion going here.

I leave you with this link for those of you may still be in denial about chemtrailing and geoengineering:


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Awesome! Thanks!

A SEM ( scanning electron microscope) is less than $100 to run a sample through. :D

As a child I didn't always do as I was told. Thus I was out during the 1960 ds, in the morning and did often see such spider web structures. Even the small tunnel like structures that housed the spider.

There is however no reason why all of the reasoning as shared could be true. In truth the only way to know would be to gather and test. Spider webs composition would be extremely hard to chemically duplicate and most likely would stick out. Thus if anyone wants a true answer to this question they must test to find out.

Hmmmm... Interesting. I wonder if we can find a lab that would tell you the truth though...?

When you take a sample to the lab, you keep a sample and test it yourself. One can find out from the lab what the test is. To know however one has to do the test themselves. Otherwise your just giving your money away for an opinion. You can even find out what the results mean before such is tested. If it is not public knowledge, it is B.S.

Sounds like a plan...

howdy there @mepatriot! am I supposed to not talk about geoengineering? I saw a video where they are spreading particles of aluminum or something like that to help reflect the sun and stop global warming>?? or is that ancient history?

these other things yeah we see those all over the place man, out here in Texas anyway. and of course with so much cloudless skies we see tons of jets flying over as we are in a main flight path from Dallas to Atlanta but i've never seen a contrail, the jet stream exhaust..sorry I can't think of what you call that at the moment..but that stuff dissipates right away.

I guess that's good news for us but I used to hear people talking about this all the time, just didn't know it was still happening.

You can talk about whatever you want, Jon. It's a free country. I was just saying the chemtrailing is established fact, and I was not about to get into a debate with the deniers.

Are you saying they're all done spraying the kind that make their own cloud banks down in TX? That would be awesome news.

I don't know, all I know is I watch the jets above and never see anything that lasts or forms into clouds or anything. what do you think they are spraying, or do you know?

They do have planes equipped to spray something, to the capacity of the airframe. :(

smithlabs! what does "to the capacity of the airframe." mean? you mean how much they can haul, in chemicals?

Yes very large tanks distributed for balance, bolted down to the deck. :'(

smithlabs! are you talking about fuel tanks or are you one of these believers in Chemtrails?

Fuel is in the wings, not the cabin.

Jury is still out on what they are doing, but I have seen the equipment inside the plane, in a trade magazine; so I am 100% sure they have the ability.

Just do Not know what they built it to do, but the trade Magazine was trying to sell more tanks and pumps; for aircraft use! >:(

Naugh, those Texans kept shooting them down with the Confederate air force! :)

Maybe the sky there (like everything else) is soooooo big, that man-made cloud banks don't even make an impression.

Texas skies:

That middle picture has a 'poof' where the Confederate Air Force got one I think....

They need to simply leave us alone! >:(

Indeed....and, btw....those WERE all TX chemtrail photos.

I saw that, they are sadly everywhere with those damn things! >:(

Except over the desert country west of Dallas, I guess....

When jets are not yet up to full altitude, the contrails do not form. If you are close, to the airport; where they are not all the way up, you might never see any. The old piston engine bombers used to leave contrails too, so it originally was just exhaust.

smithlabs..well sir we aren't close to any airports and we do see contrails but they don't stick around, they dissipate pretty fast.
I suppose you know how to fly a plane too.

Thought about it, but I made a bad mistake...I taught Debbie how to shoot! She is not to fond of the idea of me flying. I have flown in light planes, and for the most part enjoyed it.

yeah we need you here on the ground but back when you were flying everywhere it would have been nice to have your own plane is all.

That would be handy, my Son in Love (Law) is an A&P. Wo Hoo, free maintenance! :D

ok smithlabs what is an A&P?

Airframe & Power plant (Airplane Mechanic).

First time am giving much thought to Geo-engineering. I think I'll just read the comments on this one

Thanks for "lurking" then, and good luck on your quest for the truth!

Geoengineering? Seriously? You think our benevolent Government would do anything to harm us?

Alright enough of that crap, my fingers hurt from typing it, ROFLOL! Yes they hate us, and yes they are messing where ever they can.

These are most likely spiders, as we have a lot of spiders! Sorry folks, I don't like them either, LOL! But there are a lot of them.

I have seen similar silk spun by tent worms, and I know the hide in the ground when it gets cold, and come out in the spring. Possible.

Re-steemed this! :D

Thanks for the rant, and the resteem, Toby! When you get a chance, if you have time, maybe you can drop Jon a note about chemtrails. Hearing it from both of us might make more of an impression to him.

Nothing make an impression on him, LOL but I will try....

LOL...He can be a stubborn cuss, but that's part of the reason we love him.

I will look for the inside pictures of the airborne geneeators I saw. Maybe that will help! :)

The arrogance of these evil people is stunning! They have no right to poison the air others breathe! >:(

The hubris of the technocracy knows no limits. Agreed.

What do you guys make of this video?

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