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RE: Spot fungus, spider webs, or chemtrail structures? YOU DECIDE.

in #informationwar6 years ago

You can talk about whatever you want, Jon. It's a free country. I was just saying the chemtrailing is established fact, and I was not about to get into a debate with the deniers.

Are you saying they're all done spraying the kind that make their own cloud banks down in TX? That would be awesome news.


I don't know, all I know is I watch the jets above and never see anything that lasts or forms into clouds or anything. what do you think they are spraying, or do you know?

They do have planes equipped to spray something, to the capacity of the airframe. :(

smithlabs! what does "to the capacity of the airframe." mean? you mean how much they can haul, in chemicals?

Yes very large tanks distributed for balance, bolted down to the deck. :'(

smithlabs! are you talking about fuel tanks or are you one of these believers in Chemtrails?

Fuel is in the wings, not the cabin.

Jury is still out on what they are doing, but I have seen the equipment inside the plane, in a trade magazine; so I am 100% sure they have the ability.

Just do Not know what they built it to do, but the trade Magazine was trying to sell more tanks and pumps; for aircraft use! >:(

oh very interesting. Well the only thing I know is that I saw a video a few years ago showing a guy explaining that they were spraying tiny particles of aluminum I think it was, maybe something else with it, into the atmosphere to reflect the suns' rays and lessen global warming.

IF there was any such thing as global warming, a satellite with a mylar screen could permanently shade a portion of the planet. In LEO it would move so fast no single place would be occluded for long.

And they wouldn't be poisoning us all! >:(

Naugh, those Texans kept shooting them down with the Confederate air force! :)

Maybe the sky there (like everything else) is soooooo big, that man-made cloud banks don't even make an impression.

Texas skies:

That middle picture has a 'poof' where the Confederate Air Force got one I think....

They need to simply leave us alone! >:(

Indeed....and, btw....those WERE all TX chemtrail photos.

I saw that, they are sadly everywhere with those damn things! >:(

Except over the desert country west of Dallas, I guess....

They would concentrste over the higher populated areas, so maybe so.... :'(

No...that's just where Jon says there aren't any chemtrails. That's where he lives.

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