
I bet he shoots them all down....

The interesting thing would be to see, if they dump more on the red states than the blue.... :(

LOL....I think the nut jobs at the U.N. who fear climate ______ (whatever...fill in current blank) probably think they should (and do) blanket the entire western industrialized world. Never saw those when I was in Eastern Europe several years ago, btw... It was like a LITERAL breath of fresh air.

THAT is another group we need to get rid of, the un! That or pay the same as everyone else, and send them to Brussels to sprout! >:(

They also do not have their food tainted with GMO poisons!

U.N. needs to be kicked out of the USA, and USA needs to withdraw from the U.N.

A REAL PATRIOT POTUS would already have seen to it.

I want the UN kicked into the gutter too, but sadly there are more pressing swamp draining policies that need to happen YESTERDAY! But I would pull as much of their funding as I could reach, and use it for a border wall! He is following the authority he actually has, and it still took over a year to stop the inflow of terrorists!

I am pleasantly surprised at what he has managed to get done thus far. He is not as conservative as I would like, but he understands who voted for him, and is taking more conservative steps than his own personal beliefs include.

I can live with this, but since the UN feces is a treaty; their expulsion has to come from congress! >:(

Technically, the U.N. Treaty is totally un-Constitutional, should never have been "ratified" by Congress, and could simply be vacated by declaration of the SCOTUS, should/were the POTUS inclined to ask them to do so (which he isn't/doesn't.)

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