As U.S. Foreign Policy Kills Hundreds of People this Week, Media Obsesses over Russiagate, Economy, Trump & a painted Donkey

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

As the U.S. military under Donald Trump with an $800 billion annual budget drops an average of one bomb every 12 minutes overseas, U.S. supplied weaponry and funding to our foreign 'allies' is often responsible for the deaths of just as many innocent people as U.S. military actions are.

The U.S. isn't just dumping an insane amount of money into their own military which is directly responsible for a massive amount of death and destruction abroad, they are also giving billions of dollars in cash and weapons to foreign governments and terrorist groups which just so happen to commit some of the most horrific atrocities and heinous war crimes imaginable.

This post will focus on current examples of this reality, coming from 4 news stories over the past week, which involve 2 major ongoing conflicts abroad, with the conflicts being the war in Syria and the war in Yemen. The examples will be the U.S. funding and support of Israel, which goes on to use U.S. made fighter jets to engage in unprovoked acts of war against Syria; U.S. funding and support of ISIS; U.S. funding and support of Saudi Arabia and the Saudi coalition's war on Yemen, which is in reality a genocide on the people of Yemen; and this also includes secret U.A.E. black site prisons used for the sadistic torture of Yemeni prisoners.

All of the following stories have been widely ignored by the corporate media in favor of relative nonsensical distractions, and they all illustrate grave injustices caused by military entities which have received logistical support, monetary funding and weapons from the U.S. These stories will also be compared to some of the top stories of the week covered by the mainstream media, and will demonstrate just how little the media actually does care about humanity.

Israel Acting as ISIS Airforce? Syrian pilot killed by Israel while fighting ISIS

In an act of support for ISIS on Tuesday, Israel shot down a Syrian fighter jet engaged in the hunting and bombing of Islamic State terrorists in southern Syria near the border of the occupied Golan Heights, where ISIS militants then filmed the wreckage of the plane while celebrating the death of the pilot. The martyred Syrian pilot's name is Omran Merei, and he has a family who is now mourning his death, and a face most of America will never be shown:

Syrian Pilot Omran Merei.jpg

America won't be hearing Omran's name or seeing his picture on the news, and there won't be any segments dedicated to remembering the high price he and many other Syrians have paid with their lives in the fight to liberate their country from vicious ISIS terrorists. Nor is the media addressing the giant elephant in the room by questioning why it appears Israel has aided ISIS once again, all too eager to blindly parrot the official Israeli statement and then distract Americans with more important news - like Papa John's suing Papa John's!

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(CNN top stories, 7/26/18)

The truth is that if this had been a U.S. jet shot down by Israel (or anyone else for that matter), and if this was an American pilot who was killed as he was targeting ISIS terrorists in Syria, there would be a media circus. The pilot's picture would be plastered all over the news, his name would be remembered, and the pilot would go down in history as a hero who died fighting ruthless ISIS terrorists. But that won't happen here because this is a Syrian pilot, and to paint a member of the Syrian Arab Army as a hero is to contradict 7 years of media lies and propaganda, along with the entire false official narrative built upon this mountain of deception.

Like so many SAA martyrs of the ongoing 7-year war in Syria, Omran gave his life in a fight to liberate his country from terrorist occupation, and to protect his family and all the Syrian people from radical Jihadi terrorists. The Western Media still refuses to recognize this fact, that it is the SAA and their allies such as Hezbollah and Russia which are the ones fighting tooth and nail to liberate and protect the Syrian people from the heinous war crimes and ruthless terrorist attacks which are carried out by these Jihadi terrorist groups against the Syrian people. However, the next story clearly illustrates this fact, destroying the MSM facade.

Keep in mind that the U.S. funds Israel to the tune of $10.5 million dollars per day, more than any other nation in the world, and that countless unarmed Palestinians have been killed by the IDF as a result of this funding. Besides routinely bombing the SAA who is fighting ISIS terrorists in Syria, the U.S.-funded state of Israel also provides ISIS and other Jihadi terrorists in Syria with medical support, military intelligence and Israeli-made weapons, which has all been well documented. Bringing us to our next story of the week...

Coordinated deadly ISIS terrorist attacks target Syrian civilians, killing over 220 & 180 injured

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(Photo Credit: SANA) Photo showing the carnage from a suicide bomb attack in Swaidi city, Syria, 7/25/18.

On early Wednesday, a series of coordinated terrorist attacks, which included suicide bombers targeting populated civilian areas and the slaughter of residents in their homes, left over 220 Syrians dead with over 180 more injured. As the SAA continued their military advancement and assault on the last Daesh stronghold in southern Syria, ISIS militants carried out their own terrorist massacre against Syrian civilians in the city of Sweida and several towns to the north and east in Sweida province.

Several suicide bombers entered residential areas of Sweida city and nearby villages where they successfully blew themselves up, killing dozens of civilians, while two other suicide bombers in the city were successfully hunted down and killed by authorities before they were able to detonate their bombs.

Later, the authorities, in cooperation with the locals, killed a terrorist from Daesh in the area of al-Maslakh, in al-Jalaa neighborhood in the city. - SANA

Meanwhile, ISIS militants also launched terrorist attacks against the villages of al-Matouneh, Douma, Tima, al-Shabaki, and Rami in the northeastern countryside of the province, infiltrating the villages under the cover of darkness, where they went on to murder numerous residents execution style in their homes, some of the victims slaughtered in their sleep. The terrorists also kidnapped a number of residents, taking them hostage, while their fate remains unknown. Scores of terrorists were killed in the ensuing fighting, and within several hours the remaining Daesh militants who had not been hunted down and killed were driven from the villages they had besieged, and peace was restored.

The terrorist attacks were successfully repelled in large part due to the help of the locals who bravely took up arms to help fight off the swarms of terrorist fighters storming and besieging their villages, as well as with support from the SAA. The SAA fought alongside and with the full support of the locals, and where the SAA was absent, the locals stepped up to fill their shoes, demonstrating the strong unity between the Syrian army and the Syrian people, in sharp contradiction of the picture painted by Western government and media. SANA reports that “the locals of Douma village killed 12 terrorists who attacked the town,” while 3 captured terrorists in Swaida city were executed by the locals, hanged in in front of the national hospital in retaliation of their massacre, seen below.

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(Photo Credit: Friends of Syria)

This story also stands as a great argument against gun control and a perfect example of how gun rights help save lives. Gun control is the tool of tyrants, as a disarmed population is unable to resist tyranny in any meaningful way. The West paints Assad as a cruel and evil tyrant dictator, but it becomes clear from this story that the Syrian people in government controlled areas do in fact have free access to arms, which they are able to take up at will to fight off terrorist invaders.

Not only would these terrorist attacks have surely killed far more people if the locals had been living in a 'gun-free zone', but the fact that they have this access to military style weapons demonstrates that if the SAA was the ruthless army of a tyrant dictator violently oppressing the people, then the people could at any time take up arms against their government.

But they choose not to, because it isn't the SAA acting as tyrants in Syria right now, it's the U.S.-backed Jihadi terrorists. Just one more example of how, if the Syrian people truly stood against Assad and were actively seeking his overthrow as the official narrative goes, then Assad would already be long gone. The only way he is winning this 7-year war against the so-called rebel militants is with the overwhelming support of the Syrian people, and this story fully demonstrates that truth.

One Syrian hero, Yamen Abu Assi, lost his life attempting to contain one of the ISIS suicide bombers targeting civilians.

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This man gave his life in a heroic effort to save and protect the lives of his neighbors in the most selfless act of love, but despite the media's love of this type of hero narrative, Yamen Abu Assi will not even be mentioned once in Western Media, nor will his picture be shown on the nightly news, and most of America will never even hear a peep of his martyrdom by savage terrorists.

The truth is that if a member of the White Helmets lost his life attempting to contain an ISIS suicide bomber, the heroic story would be front page news, and the man's picture would be all over social media for days. America will never see Yamen's face or hear his name however, because he is a Syrian soldier rather than a member of the U.S.-backed 'rebel opposition forces', and that is absolutely wrong. Instead, the fakestream media distracts the masses with super important world news like a donkey painted as a zebra in a zoo in Africa!

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(top world news story, Fox News, 7/26/18)

Yamen is an example of the type of people who make up the what the West inaccurately calls 'Assad's army', and which the MSM does everything in their power to demonize and de-humanize – the Syrian Arab Army – and that is why this story is being ignored, buried and will soon be forgotten.

The West depicts the SAA as 'Assad's forces' which brutally oppress the Syrian people by indiscriminately carrying out the worst atrocities and war crimes against Syrian civilians, but the reality is the opposite. The SAA is comprised of the whole Syrian people, both men and women of all sects and religious ideologies, and Syrian soldiers have on numerous occasions given their lives fighting to liberate and protect Syrian Christians and Arab minorities from being slaughtered by these Jihadi terrorist groups. The SAA continues to fight on behalf of the Syrian people and with their full support, to stamp out ISIS and protect the people from the cruel atrocities and horrendous war crimes committed by these and other U.S.-backed Jihadi terrorist groups, as this story illustrates so well.

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The Observatory (SOHR) reported that at least 134 of the 220+ victims killed in the attacks were civilians, with the remaining dead being local fighters who had taken up arms to defend their villages. Countless women and children were killed in the deadliest terrorist attack in this province since the beginning of the Syrian war 7 years ago, carried out by one of America's 'arch-enemies' ISIS, and this story is hardly even being covered!

This is a FAR worse massacre than the alleged chemical attack in Douma in early April, which it turns out was staged, but which made the front page news and received continuous coverage as a top story for weeks, and yet this story doesn't make it into the top news or even onto the world news page of either CNN or Fox News websites. Instead, they are busy obsessing about Trump's comments and the economy, while the top stories include the changing prices of Coca Cola and some rap star's affair, and Russiagate continues to be the single biggest fake news distraction of 2018, receiving almost nonstop coverage!!!!!!

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(Fox News top story, 7/26/18)
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(CNN homepage, top stories, 7/27/18)
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(Fox News top story, 7/27/18)
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(Fox News homepage, top stories 7/27/18)

The reality is that the murderous Zionist and Neocon war-mongering leaders of the U.S. Empire and their media presstitutes don't care one bit about the murder of innocent Syrian children. They only pretend to care about the murder of Syrian children if they can blame the deaths on the Assad government as an excuse to bomb Syrian government, civilian or SAA targets, or to give more support to the so-called 'moderate' terrorists who act as proxy armies of the Empire. So they have widely ignored this tragic story, and when it is covered, the media spin is blatant, as Whitney Webb details in her excellent article, the headline to which accurately reads:

Coverage of Recent ISIS Attacks Show Syrian Civilians are Only Humanized When it Serves a Pro-Intervention Agenda

And that is the sad truth which too many people are still unaware of, still plugged in to the Media Matrix of mind control, sold on the false left/right paradigm which perpetuates rampant injustice and endless war.

Don't forget that the U.S. has provided ample funding and weaponry to ISIS and other Jihadi terrorist groups in Syria, and U.S. support for ISIS is pretty well documented. A recent example of this is the cache of U.S.-manufactured and various Western-made weapons recovered from the terrorist groups in recently liberated Daraa in southern Syria. On a related note, in a statement regarding this ISIS attack, Hezbollah declared that these terrorist fighters were clearly seen using U.S. supplied weapons.

"The appearance of these armed gangs with full armament and equipment from the At-Tanf area, where the US is illegally based, right before their eyes and with their obvious assistance, is dangerous," the group said in a statement.

It is true and not a little odd that these attacks were carried out so close to the U.S. base in At-Tanf, when we are also seeing the SAA continue to find U.S. weapons left behind by the terrorists in recently liberated towns in southern Syria. Whether or not the U.S. continues to actively fund and assist ISIS or not, it is no longer a secret that they have done so repeatedly in the past, the group was a U.S. creation just like al-Qaeda, and therefore the U.S. is at least partially responsible for this recent massacre on the Syrian people this week.

U.S.-backed Saudi Coalition genocide of Yemenis continues with complete media silence

The last two stories we're going to look at come from the U.S.-backed Saudi Coalition's war on Yemen, which is surely the most ignored major geopolitical crisis taking place today. To illustrate just how far from the minds of the people the media cabal wants the war in Yemen to be, in a one year period between July 2017 and July 2018, MSNBC managed to cover Stormy Daniels 422 times while covering the war in Yemen a whopping ZERO times!

It truly is the forgotten war, and there is definitely a reason for this, as some of the worst atrocities and war crimes being committed by U.S. allies around the world are currently taking place in Yemen, as the following stories illustrate – namely a genocide, and secondarily a network of black-site UAE prisons in which the Yemeni prisoners are tortured in the most cruel ways imaginable, and many are killed, while the USA turns a blind eye to protect their 'allies'.

Little do most Americans know that millions of Yemeni children are anticipated to die from starvation and cholera by the end of the year, caused in large part by a Saudi Coalition military blockade on the country as well as the Coalition's concerted effort to destroy what little access to clean water the people of Yemen have left.

Amidst a second cholera outbreak in the country which has already killed thousands of Yemenis, the main cause of which is a lack of access to clean water, four Saudi warplanes bombed a water treatment facility on Sunday, which the UN said has left as many as 5,000 more children without any access to water. The water project was providing clean water to more than 25,000 people, and the damage caused by the airstrikes has cut off the supply of safe drinking water to 10,500 people. Definitely no accident, this is the third such strike on this water facility alone.

A large water facility in Sa’ada, northwest of the country, came under attack this week. This is the third such attack on the same facility. More than half of the project is now damaged, cutting off 10,500 people from safe drinking water.” - UNICEF

And as Ahmed Abdulkareem points out in his article published by MintPress News on the 25th, the destruction of water supply infrastructure is deliberate and systematic.

The U.S. backed Saudi-led coalition has repeatedly, systematically and deliberately attacked water and sewage treatment infrastructure in Yemen since it began its military campaign against the country in 2015. According to a statement to MintPress by the Legal Center For Rights and Development, an organization that tracks Saudi Arabia’s violations on international law in Yemen, 727 water pumps and tanks have been destroyed since 2015.

In one prior incident, a Saudi attack left the Al-Hamazat water system, located in the Sehar district east of Noshour, completely destroyed, leaving 7,500 people, including internally displaced families, without water. The same water system came under attack and was destroyed in 2015.

If this wasn't bad enough, bombs dropped by the Saudi Coalition have repeatedly targeted civilian homes, farms and residents in airstrikes, and have been directly responsible for the deaths of countless innocent civilians including many children. In just the past 3 months, the Saudi Coalition has twice targeted a wedding in Yemen, once in April and once earlier this month. These two airstrikes alone killed at least 31 civilians, mostly women and children, while injuring some 75 more, and these are but two of the numerous examples of the Coalition's dedication to intentionally marking civilians for death by airstrikes.

The U.S. support of Saudi Arabia's war on Yemen goes far beyond providing financial aid and weapons to the Saudi Coalition, as U.S. forces have now conducted multiple ground operations in Yemen as well as carrying out well over 100 airstrikes in Yemen this year alone. The U.S. has for several years been using drones to drop bombs on Yemen, and it seems their direct involvement in this war is only increasing as time passes.

The atrocities committed against the people of Yemen doesn't stop there, and the United Arab Emirates play a key role in this. The cruel war crimes being carried out against Yemeni civilians in secret black site Emirate prisons setup throughout the country are arguably even more horrific than the aforementioned crimes against humanity, though not responsible for as many deaths.

On July 25th, MintPress News published an article detailing the horrific story of one former prisoner of one of these secret prisons, obtained in an interview. The 55 year old Yemeni was happy to tell MintPress his story, but chose to remain anonymous, as any former prisoners of these Emirate-run torture chambers who are caught talking to the media are abducted and returned to the prisons, where they are then often killed.

“They come to strip off our clothes not to liberate us. After taking your clothes off, they tie your hands to a steel pole from the right and the left so you are spread open in front of them. Then the sodomizing starts,” a released prisoner from a secret United Arab Emirates prison black-site, who only wanted to be identified as A.F.D. in fear of retaliation, told MintPress. “Please do not mention my name.”

MintPress goes on to write that:

The 55-year-old civilian from Yemen`s southern province of Aden told MintPress he was abducted from his home and kept in a secret UAE prison for 18 months on charges of raising the flag of Yemen, signifying his support for a unified Yemen and opposition to the UAE’s military occupation of the southern district:

The former prisoner recounted his torture and the torture of others which he witnessed while he was held captive:

“They were hanging me for a long time and electrocuted me, I was screaming from beatings so intense that I could feel our cell shake, then I went unconscious,” A.F.D. told MintPress.The effects of the shocks are evident on his body. “In one of the torture sessions, four brothers [Sa’id, Abdul, Hakim and Ahmed] from the Manser family in Aden, had been hanged in front of us.”

“Cells are overcrowded, guards are cruel, there is indiscriminate violence. I even saw a young boy being raped. For a long time, he refused to eat because of the appalling shock.”

And as MintPress notes, this is not by any means an isolated story:

A.F.D.’s story is just one of thousands of Yemeni civilians who had been held without trial and tortured at a UAE-run prison in Yemen’s southern districts.

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U.S. soldiers have even been photographed at some of these black-site prisons, though the U.S. officially denies knowledge of any torture taking place, which isn't too surprising as they also initially denied that torture was taking place in Guantanamo Bay, a fact which is now openly admitted. It shouldn't come as a surprise to very many that the government lies. What should come as a big surprise to most however, is that the very media whose job is thought to be the dissemination of truth and the exposing of grave injustices, atrocities and horrendous crimes against humanity such as these, is strangely silent. Very, very ominously silent.

If this anonymous whistle blower had been exposing war crimes committed by Saddam Hussein in 2003, or was exposing atrocities committed by Bashar al-Assad in secret prisons in Syria, his story would be all over the news, with available pictures of the torture victims spreading across social media like wildfire, and with every newscaster and his mother calling for foreign intervention on behalf of the victims of this gruesome torture. But as it is, America won't even hear a single mention of this brave man's testimony, they won't see a single picture of any of the victims of this barbarism, and most will remain completely ignorant to the current plight of millions of sick and starving Yemeni children who are dying by the thousands as a direct result of the U.S.-backed Saudi Coalition's genocide on the Yemeni people.

Because instead of highlighting an ongoing genocide and the related atrocities in Yemen, the media is too busy covering Nancy Pelosi's recent visit to Puerto Rico, where the House Democratic leader pledged support to help hurricane victims.

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(Fox News, top world story, 7/28/18)

Yes, that's right, the politicians and their media mouthpieces are squawking about the need to help speed up the hurricane recovery process, while at the same time the U.S. military, dollars, weapons, and foreign policy is currently engaged in the orchestrated genocide of the entire population of Yemen. But who cares, right? There's partisan politics to bicker about, and entertainment to obsess over, and there's always some new Trump comment to be infatuated with, and we can't forget Russiagate, so humanity be damned.

When a few dozen Syrian children are allegedly gassed by 'Animal Assad', the media can't shut up about the gross injustice as it goes berzerk calling for U.S. action. But when Yemeni children are dying by the thousands, and civilians are being slaughtered in airstrikes by the hundreds, with hundreds more being sadistically tortured as they are held in prison indefinitely without trial, the media turns a blind eye. And this is the greatest injustice of all, to stay silent in the face of injustice, oppression and even genocide.

The media's silence on this war is their greatest weapon, and breaking that silence with the truth is the greatest weapon we as a part of humanity have at our disposal to fight back. By their silence, the media is complicit in the war crimes being committed against the people of Yemen, and it's about time this silence is broken, as the people deserve to hear the truth, and these atrocities must come to an end.

This forgotten war must be remembered, as the lives of millions of Yemeni children are currently hanging in the balance, and their fate as well as the fate of countless other Yemenis depend upon the truth getting out, and being heard by the people. Whether in Palestine, Syria, Yemen or Ukraine, U.S. foreign policy is constantly killing people by the hundreds. The media is complicit in covering up these atrocities and it is time for this evil Empire to die, starting with the media cabal that constantly programs the minds of the masses.

When they're not acting as Weapons of Mass Deception, they're busy being used as Weapons of Mass Distraction...

I felt that the following song fit well with the theme of this post - highly recommended for anyone who enjoys rap:


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How the U.S. Creates "Sh*thole" Countries
Ain't Nothing Like Freedom
The Illegal War On Libya
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Correction: $700+ billion annual military budget...

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