US-Backed Saudi Airstrike on Tuesday Targeted Wedding in Yemen...AGAIN, Killing 11 Women & Children

in #news6 years ago (edited)

Yemen Wedding Carnage - MINTPRESSNEWS.jpg
(Photo Courtesy MintPressNews) - Bodies of dead children pulled out of the rubble from a Saudi airstrike on a residence where a wedding party was taking place last Tuesday (7.3.2018).

American Insanity

As the US continues to dig itself deeper and deeper into a debt now over $20 trillion, one might wonder why the government approved an enormous $700 billion military budget for the year of 2018, and why our government feels the need to fund Israel to the tune of $10.5 million per day, while social security funds for American citizens are projected to run dry by 2034. One might wonder how this has anything to do with 'Putting America First', as President Donald Trump promised to do while on the campaign trail. Or they might simply realize that politicians get paid to lie and say what the voters want to hear in order to win the support of the people they don't care one bit about, in order to get elected.

And as the US continues to wage its endless 'war on terror' for the 17th year in a row, one might wonder why radical extremist Jihadi terrorism has been on the rise this entire time, and why the best funded and largest military in the world hasn't been able to do diddly squat to stamp out or even curb terrorism in the Middle East.

No need to wonder, the reason is simple: The US funds and arms radical Islamic terrorist groups, in many cases the very groups we claim or at one time claimed to be fighting to eradicate. This is not a crazy conspiracy theory, but rather documented fact freely admitted to by various US leaders at various times, as the following video clearly demonstrates.

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But not only does the US fund and ally themselves with radical Islamic terrorists, the government also funds and supports some of the most brutal and oppressive Islamic regimes in the region, and our alliance with Saudi Arabia is a prime example. Not only does Saudi Arabia have one of the worst human rights abuse records in the region apart from Israel, they (just like the US, UK and Israel) also fund radical Islamist terrorist groups in the region with millions of dollars and thousands of pounds of weapons. Many terrorist fighters in Syria are Saudis - paid mercenaries - funded by Saudi Arabia and the West. And as a 'US ally', Saudi Arabia enjoys the full support of the US government, regardless of the inhumanity of their actions, and their current ongoing war on Yemen is no exception.

US-Backed Saudi Airstrike Targets Another Wedding in Yemen, Killing 11 Children and Women

The ongoing US/Israeli-backed Saudi airstrike campaign on Yemen has been devastating to the Yemeni population and infrastructure, and Tuesday's airstrike on yet another wedding ceremony is a prime example of why Americans should begin to question their government's alliance with such heartless regimes as Saudi Arabia and Israel.

The Saudi airstrike last Tuesday which targeted a wedding ceremony in Yemen killed 11 women and children, wounding 11 more, and not surprisingly the MSM has stayed mostly silent on this atrocity.
Yemen Wedding Carnage - MINTPRESSNEWS.jpg
(Photo Courtesy MintPressNews)

According to witnesses, Saudi warplanes began bombing the home in Ghaffa where the wedding party was taking place at 9pm, but they continued circling for hours making it impossible for residents to safely rescue the victims without the risk of being targeted themselves. It is obvious these airstrikes are not targeting militants, but indiscriminately bombing civilians to instill fear and with the purpose of terrorizing them into withdrawing their support of the Houthi 'rebels'. On the same day, another woman was killed in an airstrike on a residence nearby, and Saudi warplanes carried out 10 additional airstrikes on residential buildings and farming land elsewhere in Yemen’s northwestern province of Sa’ada. Clearly, these bombings are not being directed at militants and military infrastructure, but are intentional acts of 'terrorism,' meant to terrorize the Yemeni civilians into submission to the Saudi-coalition.

And as Ahmed Abdulkareem notes in his article at Mint Press News, this isn't the first time Saudi Arabia has targeted a wedding in Yemen, while the war being waged by the Saudi Kingdom has decimated the lives of countless Yemeni women and children:

The frequency of wedding-day attacks committed by the U.S.-backed Saudi-led coalition seems to be on the rise. On April 23, a wedding ceremony in Yemen’s Hajjah was targeted by Saudi airstrikes, killing 50 civilians and injuring an additional 55.

Henrietta Fore, Executive Director of UNICEF, has slammed the “carnage” of over 2,200 children during the ongoing war in Yemen, warning that millions of other children are currently suffering the agonies of the humanitarian crises in the country.

“The relentless conflict in Yemen has pushed a country already on the brink deep into the abyss,” she added in a statement to journalists in Geneva on Tuesday. In addition to the more than 2,200 children killed since the conflict began three years ago, at least 3,400 others have been injured or maimed. Over 600,000 civilians have been killed or injured in Yemen since the Saudi-coalition began its attacks in 2015 according to Yemen’s Ministry of Human Rights based in Sana’a. The U.S.-backed Saudi-coalition’s blockade on Yemen has also triggered an epidemic of disease and famine across the country. (all emphasis mine)

Clearly, it is time for the average American to re-consider their support for their government's military actions, and the government's role in supporting and allying ourselves with regimes which carry out heinous actions such as these - actions which we tacitly endorse by funding, supporting, and allying ourselves with such evil. Maybe a good starting point would be to withdraw all funding to radical Islamic terrorists, but with Trump having recently renewed funding to the terrorist White Helmets, even this first step seems like a far cry, realistically. Maybe one day enough Americans will realize that funding terrorists and allying ourselves with the most evil countries in the world, while spending more and more money on our 'defense budget' to fund the US military Empire abroad, is not the way to peace, nor the way to 'fight terrorism', nor is it the way out of an insurmountable debt and into prosperity.

But the average American doesn't seem concerned with debt - not their own, let alone the nation's - and the average American certainly doesn't seem concerned with the hundreds of thousands to millions of deaths to innocents caused by US foreign policy in the last 17 years, despite the fact that their taxes pay for this shit. And that seems to me to be the biggest problem of all: People don't seem to care about the evils inflicted on other people abroad, even when their own taxes pay for it, just so long as they get their paycheck, access to their shiny new toys, and a TV or smartphone to plug themselves into to escape reality. If they did care, the answer is always one simple step away - Stop feeding the beast, and the beast will starve to death...


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