They said they weren't coming after anyone's guns, well now it is time to turn them in kids.

in #informationwar6 years ago


Headline: Illinois House passes measure to raise assault-style weapon buying age to 21

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (AP) – Possession of assault-style weapons by anyone under 21 would be illegal under legislation that the Illinois House endorsed.

Assault "style", style matters.

The plan sponsored by Democratic Rep. Michelle Mussman of Schaumburg would prohibit minors from buying or possessing high-capacity weapons, attachments, .50-caliber rifles and cartridges. They would have 90 days to transfer ownership.

The legislation was OK’d 64-51.

Interesting how some white kids being shot in Florida prompt them to pass a slew of new gun restrictions in Illinois, the 762 black and brown kids killed in Chicago in 2016 didn't matter I guess. 151 people have been shot in Chicago since the Feb 14 Parkland event until today, a little over a month later.


Critics decried the idea that the government would confiscate property. Mussman said authorities will not visit homes to pick up weapons. But a first offense for getting caught with prohibited firearms would be a misdemeanor offense.

This is false, the first offence if they are caught with a .50 caliber round is a misdemeanor, if they are caught with guns or magazines they purchased legally then they are guilty of a felony, here is the actual law

The Illinois House has voted to ban “bump stock” accessories that transform rifles into assault-style weapons.

Despite the fact that bump stock accessories do not transform rifles in to "assault-style weapons". They don't add any additional capability to a firearm. That's why they were not banned before.

What does make something an "assault style rifle" under this law?

(1) "Assault weapon" means:
(A) any rifle which has a belt fed ammunition
system or which has a detachable magazine capable of
holding more than 10 rounds of ammunition;
(B) a semi-automatic rifle that has the ability to
accept a detachable magazine and has any of the
(i) a folding or telescoping stock; or
(ii)a shroud that is attached to, or partially
or completely encircles the barrel, and that
permits the shooter to hold the firearm with the
non-trigger hand without being burned
(C) a semi-automatic pistol that has the ability to
accept a detachable magazine and has any of the
(i) a folding or telescoping stock;
(ii) a shroud that is attached to, or partially
or completely encircles the barrel, and that
permits the shooter to hold the firearm with the
non-trigger hand without being burned; or
(iii) a manufactured weight of 50 ounces or
more when the pistol is unloaded; (I guess now no one will be heavily armed!)
(D) a semi-automatic rifle with a fixed magazine
that has the capacity to accept more than 10 rounds of
ammunition; or
(E) a semi-automatic shotgun that has:
(i) a folding or telescoping stock; and
(ii) contains its ammunition in a revolving
cylinder; or
(iii) a fixed magazine capacity in excess of 5
rounds of ammunition, except as may be authorized
under the Wildlife Code and excluding magazine
extensions during the snow geese conservation
order season; or
(iv) an ability to accept a detachable
magazine of more than 5 rounds of ammunition;
(F) a .50 caliber rifle centerfire rifle capable of
firing a .50 caliber cartridge, not including any
antique firearm, any shotgun including a shotgun that
has a rifle barrel, or any muzzle-loader which uses
black powder for hunting or historical re-enactments.
"Assault weapon" does not include:
(A) any firearm that:
(i) is manually operated by bolt, pump, lever,
or slide action;
(ii) is an unserviceable firearm or has been
made permanently inoperable;
(iii) is an antique firearm;
(iv) uses rimfire ammunition or cartridges; or
(iv) has been excluded as an assault weapon in
a Department of Natural Resources rule.
(B) any air rifle as defined in Section 24.8-0.1 of
this Code.

So what makes it an "assault weapon"? A shroud! The heavens only know how many lives could have been saved in Parkland if only they had banned law abiding 18-21 year olds who have satisfied all the other conditions in Illinois to own firearms from possessing deadly shrouded weapons! And we all know how deadly telescopic stocks can be, they can allow people of different sizes to use guns more safely! Imagine if the state of Illinois just banned adjustable seats from bicycles for 18-21 year olds, it's practically the same thing.

On further reflection this is brilliant, no one will be able to go on shooting sprees because they will burn their fingers, they have it all figured out.

The legislation was the first of seven gun-restriction measures the House is considering Wednesday. The plan sponsored by Democratic Rep. Martin Moylan of Des Plaines was OK’d 83-31.

Lawmakers are responding to the Parkland, Florida massacre on Feb. 14 that killed 17 students and the fatal shooting of a Chicago police officer a day earlier.

And totally ignoring the slaughter in their own state! White Floridians lives matter in Illinois.

Moylan sponsored similar legislation last fall because the gunman in the October Las Vegas mass shooting used a bump stock. It failed then because critics said it was too broad.

I guess he was really moved by white people being shot in another state then too. Amazing how he does not give a shit about the daily and ongoing slaughter in his state's biggest city. None of these laws will save a single life, and of course there was no discussion about pharmaceutical drugs that are advertised with the warning "may cause suicidal thoughts or actions", a warning guns do not come with.


all the commentary is @funbobby51 and I made all the memes on with free to use photos, please vote, comment and resteem if you like

Check out some of my recent posts:

The adult coaching all the Florida children calling to have their gun rights stripped from them in Soros' Children's Crusade

If this is not defamation, what is?

British thought criminals convicted of speech crimes.

People in Colorado be like...

New study shows that you have probably been drinking a lot of plastic


Tell me about. I have the unfortunate privilege of living in the peoples republic of IL. They already enforce an unconstitutional, BS firearm owners ID to buy guns and ammo in this state. The funny part is it's crook county, Chicago, that sucks and they're the ones that ruin for the rest of the state, which is mostly rural and conservative. If it gets too bad, I will just cross the border to WI which has their own issues with milwaukee politicians but nowhere near as bad as IL. Final thought, FUCK MIKE MADIGAN!

One wonders how many so called assault rifles are actually registered to 18-21 year olds in the state and the exact number of crimes that 18-21 year olds in that state WHO OWNED THEIR GUNS LEGALLY actually committed with those guns, I would bet it is a number close to zero.

All said crimes were committed by NRA members too, says the presstitute media.

Guns don't kill people, people kill people. History will repeat itself with the disarming of our people. Upvoted and subbed!

Thanks, I hope we can learn from history, the anti gun rights people are no different from Bull Conner or Kim Davis, they will lose eventually.

Hi, I congratulate you for the fundraising, I hope you use them in a good way.

In some Donation, the faith of those people were placed in you. @funbobby51

Good morning friend, we seem to have fallen short, I would still like to see what we can do with the funds, I am also concerned about the price of steem falling, and I won't have the 10SBD I pledged for 2 days, so I don't even know if it is enough anymore. Also I didn't consider that they payout would be in SP and not SBD, so I am not sure how to transfer that. I contacted the guy who said he would make up the shortfall and I have not heard back from him, I hope to hear from him today, what do you think?

Hello, Well we all already know about the decline of Steem Dollars and Steem, it is something that can happen in an active trade.

Even with that money you have raised we can do other things, such as danar comity or personal hygiene supplies, the truth we can make several donations of food, in different communities, where low-income families need it.

I can advise you not to waste time, and send it to me in a matter of a week I buy everything necessary to make donations.

Of course if you agree, what if I do not like it is that people who supported your request, feel that no donation has been made, taking into consideration that you have used my name and image to do the fundraising.

I here take donations very seriously and responsibly, I have received help from good friends within steemit and I have returned that favor, publishing every donation I made thanks to the money that those good friends have collected.

That is my opinion, I hope to have a prompt response from you, a greeting. @funbobby51


Would it be enough to get a wifi set up at the school?

It may be enough. But I recommend that you make another Donation, since you would be investing that money in something that they will not use, since they do not have telephones or computers.

It is better to donate books, food, supplies of personal cleanliness.

is there a locatorio?
perhaps we could hold a steem sign up event and sponsor locatorio time for people who want to learn

you have 5 and I am going to send 17.50 SBD and then I will send another 17.50 in 2 days so that will be 40, book sound like a good alternative if STEEM has not rallied by then.
God bless, keep in touch.

Perfect, I already change the 5 SBD sent to me by @nxtblg for my local currency (Bf) since at that time the value of the Steem Dollars was high.

Remember that in my country everything goes up in price, that you can ask any Venezuelan within the platform, I will make the change of the SBD to advance the purchase of what is going to donate.

I leave evidence that I received 17,500 SBD from @funbobby51 for the donation.

I will have the other 17.50 in a day or two and I spoke to another fellow about donating an additional 6 SBD so maybe we can get the computer after all.

Idaho's "Libertarian" Governor is suddenly a gun grabber now that he is retiring, does not need re-elected. Taking one for his NWO team. While my Idaho neighbors are AWESOME in so many ways, they are IDIOTS at the ballot box.

That's what worries me about Trump, he is saying "take the guns without due process" in his first term!

Truly, what worries me MOST about Trump is how many blind supporters he has who ought to know better. I recently saw a picture of a young Trump with a young Jeffrey Epstein, along with a most disturbing quote indicating Trump is almost certainly compromised... and probably part of the club.

I don't know that he actually visited underage sex slave island like Clinton did so many times.

It seems pretty clear that he knew what was going on there. While the rape allegation went away, the other information is valid. And rape allegations going away do not always mean there was no rape... "Trump has denied Jane Doe’s claims and his reps have said he barely knew Epstein—even though New York media in the ’90s regularly chronicled his comings-and-goings at Epstein’s Upper East Side palace, and even though Epstein had 14 private numbers for Trump and his family in his little black book. "

Trump and the rest of them surely knew but he was not as much of a participant as Clinton clearly was.

Maybe... I just don't trust any of them. I tried to give Trump a chance, he is doubling down on "reefer madness" and now waves his hand dismissively if anyone says "Lock her up." I think he was there, I think the WHOLE thing was a show. I hope I am wrong and will continue to look at both sides of the stories, but I just have no confidence that Trump is any better than Clinton at this point.

To be honest I felt Clinton and Trump were in cahoots from the jump but the pied piper memo made me think he was more of a patsy, but who knows maybe that was just bullshit?
Trump did give us Gorsuch, who would Hillary have put there?

I think we need to have a march for all the kids who want to grow up to live in a free country and be able to defend themselves, we should hold it on March 24th in Washington DC, we should call this march "The March For our Lives" what do you think?

I'm down. I already march with the People of IL, that are trying to be free, on April 25.

It's sad that people actually vote these people into office.

Over 50% of the US population now lives in cities. That's a sad statistic for gun rights. The majority of these individuals get their gun knowledge from TV and fake news media.

My life experience is from country living to living close to a city of 200,000. The closer I get to urban centers the more clamor I hear for gun control.

There are about 200,000 in my city, I can see a gun store from my house. You are right though that it is generally urban and suburban people with zero experience of guns outside of media that think gun control is a good idea.

This post makes excellent points. I don't understand how anyone thinks limiting "tools" will make the world safer.

Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance: Gun Control
Our Purpose

Good topic on bravity...
appreciate you...
carrying guns apprisess the cowardness which is not acceptable for citizen..
Fuck the guns..

The guns haven't done anything wrong.

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