World War LIE

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

As usual I have seeds of an idea bouncing around in my head that I think if I write about them might lead to some interesting mental territory.

I've written in the past how we seem to be in a war now, but a war unlike any before. I've thought perhaps we have moved out of the Industrial Age, into the Information Age, and now we are in the Age of the Lie.

I view many things going on today as a battlefield. Yet the battle is very much different from anything we've seen in history. It is potentially just as dangerous or more dangerous in the long run than historical physical confrontations.

The weapons being used in this new war.

Confidence Games
Character Assassination
Class System so some are unaccountable to the laws that others are held accountable to
Cultural Marxism
Labeling things national security and top secret that should not be.
The "Education"/Indoctrination system

Then as I thought about it longer and was considering the battles. Currently I am looking at what is going on with Brett Kavanaugh as the Kavanaugh Battle. In the past we may have had the Battle of the Bulge, Normandy Beach (D-Day), and many other named battles. I started thinking about what we would call these secret wars for the minds of the people.

This made me realize this World War has actually been going on for a very long time. Easily more than a century. This means this war that the PEOPLE are losing has existed along side all wars for more than a century which includes the two previous so-called "World Wars".

Where did it begin? How did it begin? Where were the shots fired?

Well you can go back very far if you like as this process seems to have accelerated over time. At one time it was mostly occult (NOTE: The word occult means HIDDEN KNOWLEDGE), but within the last decade it has become increasingly overt and in our face. No longer hidden.

For me I see 1913 as one of the most important battles lost that set in motion the path the world has been on since then.

Now the battle occurred in the United States. The ripples, and then huge waves spread outward from there.

To understand what happened you first need to be familiar with the term cartel.

Generally a cartel is groups that are normally in competition working together for mutual manipulation and benefit.

For example if I am a gas station owner and I raise the price of gasoline to $5/gallon and all of my competitors keep their gasoline at $3/gallon then I am going to lose business to my competitors.

To turn that into a cartel I'd need to meet with as many local gas station owners as I can and together all of us conspire to price our gasoline at $5/gallon or higher. As long as we get everyone, or can run those who disagree out of the market then we force the PEOPLE to pay $5/gallon even though really it should be around $3/gallon. Because the people have no option ALL of the conspirators make more money by agreeing to price fixing.

These people will have become a gas station cartel.

In 1913 there were a lot of large bankers. They were in strong competition and the people were very aware that these people were at odds with each other. In 1913 these bankers traveled under FALSE names to meet together at a place called Jekyll Island. They used FALSE names due to the simple fact that seeing these people meeting together would have been huge news, and sent a lot of warning signals throughout the journalistic world at the time.

There they formulated what would be known as the Federal Reserve Act. This would create a central bank owned by all of these bankers. It has the nice name "Federal" even though it is not controlled or owned by the government at all. This was another FALSE name thing used then and continued today to lend it legitimacy. This was the formation of a national Banking Cartel. Though it was really an international banking cartel as many of these banking families were not from the United States.

The descendants of the Rothschilds were one of the groups. Their ancestor is famous for saying something along the lines of "I care not who makes the laws as long as I control the currency."

Of course if you truly think about it then this makes sense. If you control the money then how can LAWS be used to stop you? That at least is the thought.

This Federal Reserve gives money to the government, but gives is actually the wrong word. It loans the money to the government and requires interest payments. Where does this money come from? At one time it was backed by gold. Then eventually it became what is known as fiat. This means it is printed out of thin air by this cartel and then they demand interest payments for what they created out of nothing.

Think about that for awhile.

This was not the only very bad thing that happened in 1913. That is also when the Internal Revenue Service was created. This is when we had the income tax. This was a specifically prohibited form of taxation in the Constitution, but it happened anyway. Though it was not properly ratified for decades even though they did it anyway.

Many people don't realize the 137 years that the United States Government functioned just fine without needing to tax the income of its citizens. They've been conditioned to think that things cannot be done without forcefully taxing the citizens. Things can be done, and have been done. This is just one of the lies that dramatically began the alteration of the power relationship between citizen and government.

The idea was government of the people, by the people. The government was subservient to its citizens. This is critical to the concept of a Democratic Republic.

With the creation of the Federal Reserve, and the IRS the power relationship began to alter back to the age old relationship where the people are subservient to the government. It inverted the relationship which the Constitution was carefully constructed to protect.

This illness, plague, black wave of corruption continued outwards and similar things happened in countries around the world. It was even repeated on an international format in the form of things like the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

The redefining of what is required for a government to operate was carefully indoctrinated through the global education systems that were embracing the Prussian Education System model of education. "A government cannot function without income tax!!" might be a common sentiment. Yet it did. It can. History, if you actually know it shows many cases where it did this just fine for long periods of time.

That statement is a shackle on the minds of the "citizen". They do not realize that it is just one of the representations of their mental enslavement.

This has spread to all corners of the world. In fact, there are maybe three countries in the world that have no central bank. The ones that resisted usually ended up being places that would be attacked. Then quickly there would be a central bank.

Libya is a good example of that. It had no central bank, and resisted the idea. Then Benghazi happened and Kaddafi was killed. Hillary Clinton was ecstatic, and Obama was quite happy too. Within a couple of weeks they had a central bank. ISIS was born out of that event. That is now one of the African nations today that for a couple hundred dollars you can go and buy a black slave at a slave auction, and likely the slave will be sold to you by another black man. You don't have to buy just black slaves. The slaves there come in all colors, even white. They have a central bank though (sarcasm).

Those in control through the cartel did not stop there. They kept expanding their power. The age of Psychology and what it revealed has helped them a lot. This is especially true of propaganda which was empowered greatly when mass and rapid communication becomes increasingly easy to do.

Many of these ideas were born in the United States, but during World War II we had people like Joseph Goebbels working for Hitler who took Propaganda to new and highly effective levels. They warped minds. They vilified races of people and gradually made it popular and acceptable to attack them verbally, then restrict them, then kill them. It is considered an atrocity around the world. People realize how bad it was and they speak their name as an expletive, derogatory attack, etc.

Yet they fail to learn from it. They don't look around them. They may not even see the exact same propaganda being used to manipulate them. Isolating specific types of people and saying they are bad, that it is okay to attack them, that they should be restricted, and eventually that they should be killed. People that are falling for this will label others as Nazis, Homophobes, Islamophobes, Fascists, etc. without realizing that they themselves are falling for the exact same system provided by psychological studies that was used to manipulate the people of Germany, and of Fascist states during World War II. They call people Nazis without realizing that if someone is acting the most like Nazis did, it is themselves. They fail to see how they are conditioned to think it is okay to HATE certain groups. In fact today they use the term hate and hate speech frequently while missing where the hate truly is at. Themselves. It is in their expressions, their body language, their actions, their tone of voice as they sneer and badger those that they have been conditioned it is okay to treat as inhuman. Those they do not think should have the same rights as themselves.

This is how it starts. This is how it started with the Germans.

Propaganda is a very powerful tool.

In fact after World War II this was noticed and it was made illegal to to use this on the population of the United States. At least until December, 2012 when the Obama administration removed those restrictions.

A few months later Black Lives Matter as a movement began. The racial divide and putting emphasis on specific races became more and more every day and in your face on the news. Instead of pointing out the injustice and saying we need to stop this for everyone it focused on race. Even though the issue they were talking about was more due to culture than race. It was used to drive a wedge. That wedge has continued. It was used to grant one or more groups special treatment, while dehumanizing others and making it okay to attack them.

These days being blatantly racist towards white people is not only acceptable, it is encouraged. Sexism and other forms of bigotry are higher than they have been for more than a century. If you are white and a male your group has been designated the scum of the Earth. The people that believe this do not see how they have been manipulated. They fail to see how they are no different than the Nazis manipulated into thinking one group of people was bad, and therefore okay to attack and eliminate.

They miss the fact that if you are the target of bigotry the solution is not to be a bigot towards a group of people you decide the bigot came from. That doesn't stop bigotry. It just turns it into a see saw. One side up, the other down, then the other side goes up, and the other side goes down. Simplified... "Two wrongs do not make a right."

Now this is not the only thing major that has gone on in this...

World War Lie

There are many battles. Many are hidden. Others are well known. It is just not common to see how they all fall together like the pieces to a puzzle.

Citizens United is also a horrible thing that happened.

This act gave corporations the rights of people. Yes, you read that right.

Yet unlike people they have only one driving force. To please their shareholders.

They don't need love, sleep, food, etc. As long as they please their shareholders they will do whatever they can get away with.

Studies have been done on corporations as if they were people. The conclusion is that largely if they were a person they would be considered Psychopaths. [1]

Now since shares can change hands these psychopathic entities called the corporation can have a lifespan much longer than that of a person.

Yet they have protections too. Holding them accountable the same way you would a citizen or person is not something that really happens. They can't be sent to jail, executed, etc. Well they could be, but there are protections to make sure that doesn't happen.

Furthermore as they grow they generally become international. This means they, unlike you exist in many countries. They, unlike you are not limited to being a citizen of a single nation. They are beholden to no nation thus the concept of patriotism and such does not really apply to them. They may have patriotic people working for them, and they may even have patriotic shareholders. There is no guarantee that will be the case. In fact, in most cases that doesn't seem to apply.

This means we have these enormous psychopathic and potentially immortal entities that have more rights than any of the citizens of the planet and cannot be held accountable to the laws that people are held to.

They are growing...



They have become the perfect avenue for those that began their work in 1913 (technically before them if you really dig) and have accelerated.

They have used cultural Marxism and feel good ideas people can virtue signal about to sell them on further enslavement. They have people deluded into thinking taxing others for the government so that maybe people that should get help and assistance will get it is an act of compassion. It isn't. Compassion requires choice. If it is not you taking action yourself then it is not compassionate. Yet as with many things the indoctrination system has created this place where they can say "I donated extra to X to help with Y" and then virtue signal and feel good about themselves. All the while they have no control over X or what actions it takes, and the amount of help that actually gets to Y might be non-existent or minuscule compared to if they had simply helped with Y themselves. An act of compassion would require your own actions, it doesn't happen by proxy.

Yet the world has been sold snake oil. They buy into socialism, Marxism, and Communism for similar reasons. Yet they don't pay attention to what actually happens with those things, how it is accomplished, the fact that they all require FORCEFUL action against other people, and that ultimately they put great power into the hands of a few while stripping the power from the people. Why? They buy into the lie. It feels good. It sounds good. They are also carefully not taught how to think about these things by the indoctrination/education system.

Good ideas don't require force.

This was a really long post. It was very much a stream of consciousness journey from my mind that I was exploring as I wrote this. If you made it all the way through this journey, thank you. I could go on, but this seems like a good point to stop. In fact, it might have been a good idea to stop earlier.


Great write-up Deva, you hit on a lot of critical mechanisms that are being used to control the population, the financier of which is definitely the private central banking cartel. I have spent a lot of time coming to terms with the banking industry and its "monetary" policy and there are a few insights that are relevant here.

First, while I completely agree 1913 marked a decisive defeat for the sovereignty of the united states (intentionally lower case), a running battle was fought in the united states since at least 1810, when Hamilton (from the $10 bill) set up the First Bank of the United States (owned and operated by the Rothschild dynasty). When Congress refused to renew its charter in 1811, Nathan Rothschild encouraged the British to declare war on the united states in 1812 to "Teach those impudent Americans a lesson. Bring them back to colonial status."

Shortly thereafter, the Rothschild's executed their first financial coup against a nation state by using his bank's messengers to learn the result of the Battle of Waterloo before the government itself:

"At that time, the British bonds were referred to as consuls, which were traded on the floor of the stock exchange. Nathan being aware of the outcome of the war started selling the consuls.

The selling on the market was taken as a sign of the British losing the battle, resulting in widespread panic in the markets and a huge panic sell off was initiated.

Nathan, after initiating the selloff, started discretely accumulating the consuls. By the time, word came of the British victory, the market rose up even higher than its previous levels, leaving Nathan with a return of approximately 20:1 on his investment.

Following Napoleon’s defeat, the Rothschild family had acquired complete control over the British economy, the financial center at that time and forced the government to establish a new Bank of England, which Nathan controlled.

In 1815, Nathan Mayer made the following statement: "I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets. The man who controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply."

It would take the Rothschilds almost a century to finally overcome American resistance to bankocracy. This and much more is covered in Michael Rivero's excellent documentary All Wars are Bankers Wars

On the topic of slavery, it is no surprise that open slavery was reintroduced when a private central bank was erected in Libya. I say "no surprise" because what the private central banking system is, when stripped of the ridiculously fallacious rhetoric of a public good, is a system of financial slavery. It can't even be generously termed a system of indentured servitude, because it is literally impossible to pay off the debt it issues to governments. Governments guarantee repayment of the loans with the lives and wealth of its citizens and extract the necessary revenue via taxation (thus the necessity of the infernal collection service you noted above). The literal slave block is just the logical result of a system that treats humans as property.

The Organic Act of 1871, if I understand correctly, incorporated the central government in D.C. to enable it to enter contracts on the behalf of the American people. Together with the rest of the information we have bandied about here, particularly Citizens United, the population has been reduced to a yield-producing commodity whose productivity is skimmed by government to repay the private central banks. A grim prospect indeed.

I only knew the details pre-1913 a little bit. I need to dig deeper into those earlier periods in history. There are some really interesting thinkers from before 1913. I am particularly fond of Lysander Spooner.

Spooner was a familiar name, but not much more. I looked him up and read a bit about him, he sounds like a maverick that would have been in my good books. I really like that he advocated jury nullification, which is, as far as I can tell, almost the only way to get a fair trial anymore, given how corrupt the legal framework has become.

Some of the best condensed information on the rise of the banksters can be found in Rivero's documentary I posted in my other comment. He has a long-form write-up on his website and as a .pdf, the character spacing of which is subpar. The info is so good they repeatedly tried to deplatform it from YT when it first came out. Funny how censorship seems to inform one of what is actually worth reading these days....

Spooner is also the guy who created a post office competing with the federal one when they were artificially keeping their rates high. They had to lower them to compete with him, and eventually they simply made it illegal to have such a business.

He has many great works though. He was a unique mind and wrote a lot of very unique works.

He was also an attorney.

I will check out that documentary and site, thanks for the link.

I take Rivero with a pinch of salt in regards to some of his political commentary, but the documentary and the write-up are great. I can almost guarantee you will love it.

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Re=steemed with pleasure, top article and oh so right, thanks for the read.

Thank you, I appreciate it.

Want to help me in return? not upvotes, I have no interest in that, help me find out more about Genie oil inc

That aid the destruction of the EU with migrants.

Just so you know there is documentary evidence in the bible that this particular war has been going on since at least 1407 BCE. Longer than that if you count the Vedic Sanskrit or the Cuneiform writings. There are supposed to be over 100 language we have writings that are dealing with this war.

It is over whether or not mankind will live under God's Law or Mans law.

God's law is about Liberty, Freedom and Responsibility.

Man's Law is about the whim of those in power.

Thus even if one doesn't believe in God they are still better off in my opinion going for God's Law.

Thanks for revealing more of that beautiful mind you have!

Yes... overall this type of conflict will likely always exist in some form.

The current incarnation I see as accelerating and building for some time. It began before 1913, but I see that as a big launch pad year, and acceleration point that caused some major changes. Not for the good.

A stream of consciousness!!! I wish I could stream like that. Great job. Upvoted and resteemed

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I typically just write. When I am done I add images and links to relevant articles and such.

Took me a while to understand the part on propaganda, as legal or not, propaganda was always there. It just got more brazen, out in the open.
Too bad that many of those who'd really need to hear such words as yours probably don't have the faintest idea how fascism ever came to be and who it operated...

Yeah there are some passages in that post that need to be edited as they are painful to read. I will if I get a moment to do so. Sometimes my stream of consciousness is not as smooth when I go back to reread it. :)

I thought it was a good read!

Thanks. I edited some of the particularly messy sentences.

Manipulation has always existed. Edward Bernays really took the old term propaganda which didn't mean what it does today until he repurposed the word for that. He took psychological studies of the time on how to manipulate the masses and that is where the term propaganda as we know it today came from. The Nazis and Joseph Goebbels in particularly greatly admired Bernays' work and put it to use within their Third Reich movement. They were not the only ones. A lot of nations including the U.S. were also using propaganda tactics at that time.

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