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RE: World War LIE

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

Great write-up Deva, you hit on a lot of critical mechanisms that are being used to control the population, the financier of which is definitely the private central banking cartel. I have spent a lot of time coming to terms with the banking industry and its "monetary" policy and there are a few insights that are relevant here.

First, while I completely agree 1913 marked a decisive defeat for the sovereignty of the united states (intentionally lower case), a running battle was fought in the united states since at least 1810, when Hamilton (from the $10 bill) set up the First Bank of the United States (owned and operated by the Rothschild dynasty). When Congress refused to renew its charter in 1811, Nathan Rothschild encouraged the British to declare war on the united states in 1812 to "Teach those impudent Americans a lesson. Bring them back to colonial status."

Shortly thereafter, the Rothschild's executed their first financial coup against a nation state by using his bank's messengers to learn the result of the Battle of Waterloo before the government itself:

"At that time, the British bonds were referred to as consuls, which were traded on the floor of the stock exchange. Nathan being aware of the outcome of the war started selling the consuls.

The selling on the market was taken as a sign of the British losing the battle, resulting in widespread panic in the markets and a huge panic sell off was initiated.

Nathan, after initiating the selloff, started discretely accumulating the consuls. By the time, word came of the British victory, the market rose up even higher than its previous levels, leaving Nathan with a return of approximately 20:1 on his investment.

Following Napoleon’s defeat, the Rothschild family had acquired complete control over the British economy, the financial center at that time and forced the government to establish a new Bank of England, which Nathan controlled.

In 1815, Nathan Mayer made the following statement: "I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets. The man who controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply."

It would take the Rothschilds almost a century to finally overcome American resistance to bankocracy. This and much more is covered in Michael Rivero's excellent documentary All Wars are Bankers Wars

On the topic of slavery, it is no surprise that open slavery was reintroduced when a private central bank was erected in Libya. I say "no surprise" because what the private central banking system is, when stripped of the ridiculously fallacious rhetoric of a public good, is a system of financial slavery. It can't even be generously termed a system of indentured servitude, because it is literally impossible to pay off the debt it issues to governments. Governments guarantee repayment of the loans with the lives and wealth of its citizens and extract the necessary revenue via taxation (thus the necessity of the infernal collection service you noted above). The literal slave block is just the logical result of a system that treats humans as property.

The Organic Act of 1871, if I understand correctly, incorporated the central government in D.C. to enable it to enter contracts on the behalf of the American people. Together with the rest of the information we have bandied about here, particularly Citizens United, the population has been reduced to a yield-producing commodity whose productivity is skimmed by government to repay the private central banks. A grim prospect indeed.


I only knew the details pre-1913 a little bit. I need to dig deeper into those earlier periods in history. There are some really interesting thinkers from before 1913. I am particularly fond of Lysander Spooner.

Spooner was a familiar name, but not much more. I looked him up and read a bit about him, he sounds like a maverick that would have been in my good books. I really like that he advocated jury nullification, which is, as far as I can tell, almost the only way to get a fair trial anymore, given how corrupt the legal framework has become.

Some of the best condensed information on the rise of the banksters can be found in Rivero's documentary I posted in my other comment. He has a long-form write-up on his website and as a .pdf, the character spacing of which is subpar. The info is so good they repeatedly tried to deplatform it from YT when it first came out. Funny how censorship seems to inform one of what is actually worth reading these days....

Spooner is also the guy who created a post office competing with the federal one when they were artificially keeping their rates high. They had to lower them to compete with him, and eventually they simply made it illegal to have such a business.

He has many great works though. He was a unique mind and wrote a lot of very unique works.

He was also an attorney.

I will check out that documentary and site, thanks for the link.

I take Rivero with a pinch of salt in regards to some of his political commentary, but the documentary and the write-up are great. I can almost guarantee you will love it.

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