YouTube's "Nazi Ban" further clamps down on free speech online 🧐

in #informationwar5 years ago

YouTube, the world's largest video site, just announced another massive censorship campaign, this time called the "Nazi Ban":

'We've been working closely with lawmakers and taking a look at our approach towards hateful content. We will ban supremacists, and delete hundreds of thousands of videos that question events like the Holocaust and the massacre at Sandy Hook. We now prohibit content alleging that a group is superior in order to justify discrimination or exclusion based on qualities like age, gender, race, or religion.'

This was another a pre-meditated attack on the independent alternative media, which serves to question the official narrative and prevent manipulation of the people through misinformation campaigns.

Up to a million videos were instantly deleted, as though they had never existed, and countless channels have been removed, penalized, or demonetized. One such demonetized channel is Press for Truth (Dan Dicks) who announced today his approximately $4000/month income was revoked by Google/YouTube. (Dan can hardly claim to be surprised, though... he has been predicting this exact thing would happen, for a very long time!)

Myself? I never partnered with Google (though the need for funds was often a barrier to my activism, and they offered several times). I've made $0 on YouTube in 10+ years of activism, and I've been heavily censored for at least the past 7. I've never had any income as an activist, so there has never been any way for them to attack my finances. They scrubbed me and all my activism off FaceBook a few weeks ago. It hurt my platform - my reach - but it didn't hurt my pocketbook.

Here's one of my videos talking about Sandy Hook, back in 2012. It hasn't been deleted - yet.

( click thumbnail above to hear my analysis of the Sandy Hook crisis )

"Borderline" content

The "borderline content" issue came up a few months ago when YouTube's CEO Larry Page finally admitted they censor and shadowban anyone discussing 9/11 and other conspiracies. (More info on that here.)

😶 Here's what you can NEVER say on YouTube, FaceBook, and anywhere else mainstream:

[Keep in mind that I've never associated with, promoted, sheltered, approved of, made excuses for, or otherwise endorsed anything to do with Nazism. So you Nazis out there, don't think I'm being soft on you, you bunch of narrowminded immoral bigoted goofs. That whole line of thinking has long ago been discredited, and anyone flying that flag in 2019 is either completely off their rocker, or paid to act that way. I can't remember the last time I saw genuine Nazi content on YouTube, or anywhere mainstream. Unless you're throwing the term around to include everything you dislike, there's certainly not much ongoing promotion of this particular doctrine. To be very clear: I don't know any Nazis, 4/20 is about weed to me, and I don't judge people for being who they are (age, sex, ethnicity, etc). It's possible to criticize this "Nazi Ban" policy, and also be anti-Nazi. Thanks for understanding this clarification!]

That said, it's true that a cabal (of mostly Zionist Jews) controls the majority of mainstream society, through politics, media, entertainment, banking, the military-industrial-complex, and other positions of power/influence. YouTube labeled this latest censorship campaign a "Nazi Ban", but the ultimate goal is really to silence any - and all - critics of the Zionist Jews. Nazis are, for the most part in this situation, just boogeymen - used to justify complete control over the narrative. 'If you're not with us, you're with the Nazis!'

If you name the cabal, or talk about their censorship, you too will be censored, banned, deleted, blocked - and possibly labeled a Nazi or anti-Semite.

What (probably) got me banned on FaceBook:

About a month ago, my friend and fellow-activist Steve Grant posted a FB meme warning against 'TalmudVision' (a play on the word TeleVision). The comment section contained a fake conversation between 2 of Steve's supposed friends 'Alex' and 'Donnie', which were actually shill accounts owned by the same anonymous person.

When I replied that TalmudVision is 'TV and related media like JouTube', they called me anti-Semitic AND Nazi-ish, and got angry toward Steve for posting the meme. Normally I'd just block them and ignore it, but I decided to let them have an earful of my opinion on the matter.


Then, I hit them with the lyrics to one of Steve's best tracks on this topic, Murder the Mainstream:


In 2 hours, my account was permanently deleted, without warning. Official reason: they can't be certain I'm the legitimate owner of the account. I sent in a scan of my ID, confirmed my phone number, no response. Just like that, years of online activism removed from the history books. Tried to make a new account, but it got deleted too.

And despite granting myself the right to free speech on YouTube several years ago, I've still had to self-censor, and altar the direction of my channel there, for fear of being outright deleted like so many others lately.

I'm extremely uncomfortable about censoring myself, and I've been a constant critic of censorship on FaceBook and YouTube since starting here on Steem almost 2 years ago. See here, here, here, here, etc. Then there was the time I was banned for a month from FaceBook, for discussing free speech on FaceBook! I have much to say, but I'm banned or heavily censored by the mainstream sites.

I've been asked to consider applying to the new site, which supports censored and deplatformed activists like myself. I'm excited to learn more about it, and maybe try it out. (Here is their intro/info post.)

Hopefully, those affected today can recover and regroup, and continue onward, this time with less reliance on funding from the enemies of free speech.

"If we are not able to ask skeptical questions, to interrogate those who tell us that something is true, then we're up for grabs for the next charlatan, political or religious, who comes ambling along." - Carl Sagan

where liberty does not thrive.png

In Liberty,

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This is a well-written account of the situation.
1984 is actually here, now. Not "coming", as many fear. It already happened and we're already in Room 101.

I'll have to have a closer read later, this looks like a juicy one. The term nazi was so stupidly outtadted 10 years's laughable and erroneously overused, they don't even exist anymore. It's the era of degrading or changing the meaning of words and creating a bunch of stupid, unnecessary words.

Hello @drutter, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine. The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!

Thanks very much for your curation, and comment. Nice to meet you too.

I think you're naturally going to get lumped in with antisemites and neo-NAZIs if you throw around terms like "Jootube". It's because it makes you sound like you're conflating being Jewish with being a Zionist or supporter of Israel's government. There are plenty of Jewish people who are not Zionists and who do not support the Israeli government. Don't quack like a duck if you don't want to be mistaken for a duck.

It's also standard claptrap from neo-NAZIs that "the Jews" control everything (e.g.: "Protocols of the Elders of Zion").

Another factor is YouTube changing its business model. It simply doesn't care, nor want, individual creators to grow organically and thrive on its platform any longer. It wants to compete with Netflix, Amazon, Apple, Hulu and other streaming subscription services. Independent viewpoints that might conflict with advertisers, mainstream studios, airtime it can sell or the sensibilities of mainstream viewers are no longer wanted. That doesn't just apply to political expression. Apolitical channels, including tech review channels, etc. have also been demonetized and smashed. It's another bait and switch by big tech. All you people who helped YouTube grow into what it is today? Seeya! And don't let the door hit you on the way out.

None of which excuses any of YouTube's atrocious purging and censorship. It's true that YouTube is cooperating with the mainstream media (and possibly the government) to de-platform inconvenient voices. My point is the situation is more nuanced than simply YouTube doing the bidding of government censors or The Zionists, or whatever. YouTube wants to cozy up to the big media companies who make mainstream content as well as big advertisers. They can't have Dan Dicks (or some dude named "Drutter" talking about “the joos”) competing for attention with the likes of Rachel Madow or Morning Joe, even if (especially if) that's what people actually want.

"I think you're naturally going to get lumped in with antisemites and neo-NAZIs if you throw around terms like "Jootube". Interesting that you talk about throwing around terms and then use the word nazi (although with the prefix neo). Nazism is serious word with specific meaning that is getting watered down. People say neo-nazi so that can have the satisfaction of calling someone something that they're not (a nazi) but without taking responsibility for saying it (by using a word strongly associated with yet supposedly independent from it).

I am well aware the term NAZI has been watered down and routinely used as a smear tactic. Nevertheless, there are (and have been for a long time) a very small group of people who are neo-NAZIs. These are people who actually dress up in NAZI uniforms and solute the NAZI flag, etc. Yes, those people really exist, and they are somewhat of a laughing stock. Note that I did not call Drutter a neo-NAZI or a NAZI (I don't think he is one). What I'm saying is if you (the royal you) run around claiming the Jews run everything, and are responsible for all the ills in the world, you're going to get lumped in with those sorts of misguided folks, and you're arguments are going to summarily dismissed without consideration.

It's a big stretch to assume somebody is into Nazism of any form because they said "JouTube".

YouTube IS owned by Jews, and always has been, just like Google/Alphabet itself. Since 'tubes' are videos, is literally a Jew tube.

But because the term "JewTube" is censored on some platforms, a clever portmanteau and play on the original name is often used - JouTube.

Nazism is something really different. I recommend looking it up if you haven't done so lately, refreshers are always good. Information can't hurt.

Saying "JouTube" doesn't even classify a person as anti-semitic (let alone a Nazi). It's true, after all. Maybe pointing out the truth is potentially inflammatory, or in bad taste. It's not anti-semitic though, because it isn't hostile, prejudiced, or discriminatory.

In short, you're going to have to do better if you want to make those dirty terms stick.

If you only meant to imply "now you know why somebody called you anti-semitic", well, no. I still don't see any connection between what I said, and that term.

But yeah, YouTube has dug their own grave, and perhaps that was by design. A planned implosion (kinda like Building 7!) to make it appear to go away naturally, to be replaced by something bigger, better, and definitely more Orwellian. Like how MSN was fake-upgraded (ie: downgraded) starting in 2006, there were data leak scandals, they merged with other sites, there were outages, and finally they just announced it was over.... but that everybody's account would be automatically 'upgraded' to a new program called Skype! (What a privacy nightmare that turned out to be.)

So maybe YouTube is being imploded, or maybe digital totalitarianism is really their plan for total control of the video-hosting world.

You are right that my days of truthtelling on that platform are coming to an end.

It's a big stretch to assume somebody is into Nazism of any form because they said "JouTube".

I'm not calling you a NAZI. I'm saying what you said sounds like something a neo-NAZI would say, and it definitely sounds antisemitic, and silly.

YouTube IS owned by Jews, and always has been, just like Google/Alphabet itself. Since 'tubes' > are videos, is literally a Jew tube.

Okay, back up what you say with facts. That statement sounds preposterous.

In other words: [CITATION NEEDED]

Curated for #informationwar (by @wakeupnd)

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Sandy hook truthers should be fucking gassed. You retards always end up blaming the joooooos.
I will donate money to your family if you kill yourself

Well now's your chance to make a point, if you've got one!
What's your criticism of anything I wrote?
We're all listening for your counterpoints, and we'll look into your sources, so please articulate yourself below. You've got the mic!

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