Racism is one of the funniest scam's. So I draw a battle line for informationwar. Stop supporting the liars.

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

It is one of those things that one can see is a scam once they comprehend the difference between specious and the fact that it apply's to humans just as much as it apply's to any animal. We all are after all under the phylum cordata. In fact if you go to Answers.com we all are members of all of the same categories. In fact you wont be able to find a human being alive today who does not fit in all the category's you fit in.  Here is the list by Stevekimo12 for Answers.com.

Humans are in:

Kingdom: animalia phylum: cordata class: mammalia order: primata family: hominidae genus: homo species: sapien

What are Homo sapiens?

"Homo sapiens are human beings. They are a species of primate thathas 2 subspecies, Homo sapiens neanderthal (extinct) and Homosapiens sapiens (us!). The Neanderthals lived over 10,000 yearsago. Homo sapiens is the scientific name for the species of primate known as "humans." the scientific name for humans. Homo is our genus and sapiens our species."

Excerpt Source: Answers.com.

There are no Black specious of Human's, not Yellow specious of humans nor are there White specious of Humans or really any color that makes a person more or less human. I also corrected an obvious typo error ofprimate was changed to of primate. 

"I have to crack up now because what I am really telling you is that you, if you believe in such a thing as race within the human specious, have not only been lied too, but are extremely gullible." 

Author: Denver L. Mason

I think this happens because people want to appear to be intelligent and fear that it is to much work, so they act like they know the Bullshit that they are being told is true for appearance sake. What ends up happening however is that by not doing the simple task of looking into what the facts really are they put their foot right into the shit and never wash it off by doing that simple check. 

Let us look at the specious called   Phylum of dogs?

Answer by Jjashmore

Domain : Eukarya, Kingdom - Animalia, Phylum-Chordata, Class - Mamalia, Order -Carnivora, Family - Canidae, Genus - Canis, Species - Lupus [wolves], Sub Species - familiaris [domestic dog], Canis lupis familiaris 

What is a phylum?

A phylum is the taxonomical rank below kingdom and above class. The kingdom Animalia contains approximately 40 phyla. Organisms are grouped into phyla based on a general body plan. For example, the phylum Chordata contains all those animals with a spinal cord. The phylum Arthropoda contains all those animals who are spineless and have an exoskeleton. The level of classification between kingdom and class. 

Source : Answers.com

I highly recommend that one visit Answers.com and learn about the category's. Especially the page Answers.com will take you two as it has a lot about phyla and what they actually are. 

Guess now that you have some knowledge about the subject how many Dogs you won't find fit in all of these category's? If you guessed none your a genus and ought then to know that racism is bull. Some day I am sure that someone will try to say but look I got ferocious here and his breed is a Toy Poodle and a  I have a Great Dane over here and there is no way they are the same breed. I would have to agree that a Toy Poodle and a Great Dane are not the same breed. However they are not called different races of dog, because just like when thinking about Humans there are not different races: there are also no different races of Dog. We use the word Breed because we know that all and I do mean all the differences can be bread in or bread out of a dog. 

Someone else thinking they are being smart will say, "but look right here it says Species - Lupus [wolves], Sub Species - familiaris [domestic dog], doesn't that mean we have to races of dog?" No it does not mean we have to species of dog. It is showing that domestic dogs are from the same specious as wolves and come from the simple practice of breeding. Will that be the end of the silliness. Why no someone else will notice that you can go down to just about any agency to fill out one of their begging forms called an application and it will ask the question in some form or fashion "What race are you". They will claim that this proves it, there are races of Man. 

"Sorry I had to pause from writing this so I could go have a good laugh." and this is why, "I have to crack up now because what I am really telling you is that you, if you believe in such a thing as race within the human specious, have not only been lied too, but are extremely gullible." 

The same people who claim that  you owe them some of your labor. The same people who have been caught over and over again as liar's and murder's  tell you that there are races in there paperwork and you call this proof. Please stop supporting the liars. That is all anyone can ask of you. 

Some other post I have written:

 Clarifying exposing how mathamagic is being used to break logic and reason in society / what to do about it!

 Information war truth is often the hardest to accept.

 Consciousness what is it / a direction.


 The solution to the mental warfare of Nihilism!

 What we really need is more virtuous Good people.

All  photo's are from Pixabay. I am not responsible for if you think, how you think, what you think or what you do. You are! If you like my content consider up voting and following my blog. Peace!  

What do you think?

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I've argued from this angle before.

Really what people are claiming is race is essentially just ethnicity.

The overall issue is really simply bigotry.

Race/Ethnicity just happens to be their bigotry of choice.

I've said before... "You can't defeat bigotry by being a bigot."

EDIT: I am a bigot. There are two types of people I am hateful towards and intolerant of.

people that willfully choose to remain ignorant

Ditto! I don't mind the bigots as much as I mind the remaining ignorant. Sure could do without either. I also can't help but put the facts in there face.

Your take on it is very true.

Using the dog comparison is very apt.
Different breeds do exhibit wildly different qualities.

Racism is a stupid description of one human race.

Maybe by accepting differences in human, and seeing human breeds...?
.....is better?...errrrrr

Now THAT's a can of worms....

The differences that do exist are superficial. The truth is all of us have the same failings and the same shining light. None of us are more special. Funny how we expose our weakness by exhibiting our fears.

That can of worms is actually the truth and provable.

The differences that do exist are superficial.

IQ is not superficial. And there are 'breed differences' (using breed....ewww...still doesn't sound nice...)
The 'dark breed' muscle gene is not superficial - as the US sports industry.

Immunity genes in different breeds are not superficial.

There are differences, is my point. Superficial? - I'm not so sure I would say it is 'superficial'.

..just sayin'...

Lot's of people think that they where lucky to be born with a high IQ. You can't get people to understand that everything you and everyone has become what it is, through the efforts you put into it. You are not born smarter than others just like Arnold from Terminator wasn't born built. You most likely wont' believe this I, know. There are no experts only those who work very hard and those who don't.

There are ways to think that inhibit a person. When they learn not to get sucked into what others are quite willing to claim about anything and everything, the world becomes another place.

You are not born smarter than others

You are incorrect in this..

IQ is largely genetic - accentuated greatly by good nutrition. (and reduced through bad nutrition or poisoning with heavy metals).

We are not born equal. - this is postmodernistic BS.

Your scientific premise on race, in your post, was correct.

IQ is science. You are incorrect.

Absolutely agree with your observation regarding inherent biological differences amongst different breeds of humans. No amount of "hard work" will overcome inherent biological short-comings of an Oriental regarding physical aptitude to compete at the level of US basketball, track & field, or American football leagues. These are dominated by Blacks primarily due to their biological advantages. No sane man would argue against this apparent physical differences; we have yet to be subject to Leftists demanding "equal" representation of breeds in athletic industry. Yet, when discussing intellect, no amount of factual data will convince those with pre-conceived notion of equality among breeds.

Instead of being separated by our differences, we need to embrace them and use them to our advantage. Another interesting fact however is that statistic mean nothing when focusing on a individual. Thus allowing people to compete where they will is in my view part of smarter and not harder. We don't want equality of circumstance, but equality of opportunity.

What does the concept of "equality of opportunity" mean? Is it to disburse "opportunity" evenly across the demographic? If so, can such situation be even considered "opportunity"? All men are born unequal and live under unequal situations, thus, generating disparate opportunities for all men. An example of "equal opportunity" seems to me the segregated sports leagues that existed in the US, during the early 1900s, as both Whites and Blacks were granted "equal" opportunity to be in athletic industry.

I do agree that men's differences do strengthen society, rather than harm the sociocultural matrix. The recognition that certain breeds excel at certain fields allows for men to pursue their strengths, rather than waste resources (both theirs and society's) chasing delusions. Life is unequal; forcing equality upon reality inevitably results in tragic outcomes.

Instead of being separated by our differences, we need to embrace them and use them to our advantage.

..that's why we have 140 + IQ'ers doing brain surgery, and 95 IQ'ers sweeping the roads.

Only people looking to create divide will use this as tool . (the easiest Marxist tool in the box that appeals the less intelligent).

Value of a human being is inherent - and not dependent upon breed or IQ.

People wishing to create conflict use these differences as weapons. Rather than accepting differences exist in the real world, will go down some theoretical perceived nirvana of equality that has never- and will never- exist.

...and hence the perfect weapon for those wishing to sow discord.

How many of the experiments necessary to know that IQ is largely genetic and accentuated by good nutrition have you done your self?

Please explain to me the difference between "Knowing" versus just believing the preacher on the pulpit (testimony).

Everything is claimed to be science. Please tell me is science a verb, adjective, adverb or a conjunction.

It is OK if I am wrong. The world won't end as a result and if I am wrong again soon my luck will not have run out.

I have written several post on IQ.. (15 or so in one aspect or another, probably). I have done quite a lot of research.

...a broad perspective on the IQ subject?... - Molyneux has quite a few hours on the subject, on you tube..)

Scientific research can be found online.

Nothing wrong with being wrong, mate... (I'm an expert at it! lol)

I don't indulge in pedantry.

Sadly the only translation possible for such an answer to direct questions: None, Don't know, Don't know.

To me research is what you do before an experiment and after if needed.

Science is a verb. You have to do it to know!

I know that I am most likely wrong about everything all the time. So what?

If your talking about Stephen Molyneux he admits he is talking about research and didn't do the experiments himself. I find him to be intelligent in most things, but he has the same failings we all do. He mostly just believes. I am know exception. lol

Applying the correct terms is definitely the place to start a conversation regardless of the topic. This helps, great post!

It is true that applying the correct terms makes for lucid conversation. I try very hard to do that, but as is the case for everyone, I make mistakes all the time.

I wouldn't worry about it. If someone starts to nit pick your details we will back you up.

Hopefully when I discover that I have made a mistake I'll be able to admit to it and still kick some but. lol

Regardless of where you stand on the spectrum
of creationism vs. evolution. One of the founding
principles of this country is the notion that all men
were created equally. According to God theory men
were put on earth in dominion over the animals. So
if the legislators subscribe to creationism, but create
the laws with an evolutionary bent. What they are in
essence doing is getting people to unknowingly con-
sent to being "animals". Meaning, to be under their do-
minion, if the legislators are claiming to be men of god.
Learn more: Alfred Adask on Man or other Animals

@thoughts-in-time I am not a member of any religion. That includes evolution. I don't consider creationism a religion, just the most likely logical, and reasonable way to think about what I wasn't present for. The creation we see has some characteristics that as far as I know match everyday life. Never in my everyday life have I seen anything just pop into existence. To be honest without seeing that happen all that I have read concerning how the universe came about sounds like the quarreling of squirrels trying to get a nut. That there is a God I have not doubt at all.

P.S you cannot unknowingly consent. If not know consent isn't interring into it. The truth is there just criminals and believing them is and always has been a mistake. There is however Natural Law and everyone who ignores it receives their just rewards.

Yep, I didn't claim to know where you stood on the matter. Just saying that the law calls men "animals" meaning it was written from an evolutionary bent. So if the Bible claims that God put man in dominion over the animals. Then sneaky legislators claiming that man is an animal is the same kind of end run around as the divine right of kings.

Kings claim to be superior to man because of the will of God, I do not know the scripture off hand. This was rebutted with the declaration of the independence. So the new con which needs rebuttal, is the notion that man is an animal. Then men can stop going to jail for drug laws that have side stepped the constitution.

In regards to this "Learn more: Alfred Adask on Man or other Animals" after listening to Alfred Adask, I was impressed that I heard nothing whatsoever that was wrong. The only thing that I missed was something he never mentions. You see not only do you have the right to believe in God, but you have a unlimited right to contract.

Merely writing in your fee in any of your briefs would also mean being paid your consultee fee's whatever you decide those are. One merely needs to make continued contact the consent of the principal. There principals do not exist, thus there is no way for them to deny the contract.

Men have done this. They do not pay, but leave alone after that. Sadly this is actually proof that playing in court with a criminal doesn't pay. We must support our committee's of safety and begin to go after these criminals. God will not be patient for ever! At some point those who ignore his laws suffer the consequences. It doesn't matter if you do it knowingly or ignorantly. The price is still the same.

"P.S you cannot unknowingly consent. If not know consent isn't interring into it."

In the case of man or other animals, it is written into the law. Most people will not catch it because their lawyers are doing the footwork for them. So they likely would not have the wherewithal to have their legal council challenge the foundation of the charges. That's not even getting into the quagmire of whether or not people as opposed to PERSONS can be chargeable instruments in the first place. Point being, a presumption in court if not met with rebuttal stands as truth. That's where the unknowing consent comes into play. Failure to rebut is received by the court as tacit consent to the presumption.

Yeah you have to take the right to assume or presume anything from them before you step into the courtroom. That is an absolute necessity. More importantly we need to support our committee's of safety's so that we can clean up the mess.

When looking at demographics across the country there are some places where people identify as American instead of the many groups identitarian politicians have divided us into. That gives me a lot of hope but the true test will be in 2010 after the next census. We may not even be able to ask again (thanks PC culture) but if we do get the information let's all hope the group that says "same team" grows and doesn't shrink. I would suggest we don't start holding our breath or call a bet into Vegas just yet, the last decade has seen a lot of separation I'd say.

Yeah a lot. I did a post on the definitions of person according to Bouvier's legal dictionary 1853 and noted not only the separation, but the fraud within the text itself. I might to another post showing how they separate people into boxes of bull. Could be interesting. LOL

I'll read it, would like to know. Solid evidence is the best ammo in this one.

When it come to filling out forms where RACE is requested, I jus write: None of your business.

Now I will start writing MAN or human being:)

Thank you for the post and pointing out how we've been wrongly indoctrinated by the racists...

Instead of writing Man or Human being one needs to know the definition in law of those terms. For instance Human being in Black's Law 4th Edition states: Human being : A Monster. Legally you don't want to claim being a monster. I would claim to be a living being while refusing them the right to assume or presume anything.

So glad that another person understands the facts do not support the existence of race and that racism is a scam. Makes me feel like I accomplished something important for my fellow living beings.

I like it, I'm a living being. That's an even better answer for all those doctor's office forms and other invasive required disclosures....

Cool I am glad you like it.

You have a minor grammatical mistake in the following sentence:

If you guessed none your a genus and ought then to know that racism is bull.
It should be you're a instead of your a.

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