in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)


Don’t Buy the Lie.

I’m a firm believer that any and all illness or disease whether that is mental or physical can be cured, however, I have been repeatedly reminded that you can’t cure stupid – you see the inherent stupidity of the people who own and control the Mainstream Media (MSM) is beyond redemption –

Fifteen years ago the MSM pumped a lie about Saddam Hussein (IRAQ) having chemical weapons of mass destruction, this particular Fake News pump and dump, cost the lives of over 1 million people and the near complete destruction and destabilisation of large areas within the middle east.

Although this was not the only Lie and fake news pump by the MSM, I believe this was the mother of all fake news narratives pumped in the 21st century so far and I why I say this is because, it is a proven irrefutable fact that all this WMD(weapons of mass destruction) info was engineered propaganda created for the sole purpose of invading Iraq, and the medium used to facilitate this Lie to ensure that this agenda was achieved, was the mainstream media (MSM) who are complicit, in what can be described as one of a series of major crimes against humanity.

You would think the mainstream media would have learned there lesson after being exposed as deceitful liars, and would stair clear of using this chemical weapon narrative, however not the dumbass MSM, they continue to insist on pumping this fake news propaganda.

In 2013 during the attempted regime change in Syria a chemical weapon was used in a suburb of Aleppo, and immediately without a shred of evidence the MSM accused Bashir al-Assad’s government of being behind it, however not surprisingly the international community and the wider public weren’t buying it, which in fact eventually turned out to be a pathetic attempt to justify an invasion of Syria. (It has since been proven that it was not the Syrian government behind this attack)

Since this time, even after the Syrian government has destroyed all their chemical weapons, these forces who are hell-bent on war and regime change have systematically been trying to re-pump this propaganda that Assad is killing his people with chemical WMDs –

Only two months ago in February 2018, I wrote a post highlighting the pathetic fake narrative being pumped out of the BBC –


In this post, I explained that all groups fighting against the Syrian government are criminal foreign combatants being controlled and funded by various governments outside of Syria (all rebel groups fighting in Syria are terrorist mercenaries).

Thankfully the Syrian people and Government with the help of Russia and a few other nations have managed to take back majority of their country, with just a few small pockets of western backed jihadist left to clear out, and as it currently stands project “regime change Syria” is in complete tatters, and has proven to be a monumental and costly failure, that has exposed the abhorrent nature of how the western elite (paedophile) networks use the mainstream media to peddle war and death, and In the case of Syria the west has been caught red handed –

Today the 09/04/2018 – the MSM and most notably the BBC are pumping and dumping fake news on Syria again, and what’s the headline this time? Assad is apparently using chemical weapons on his people in the town of Douma –

You would think the MSM would have learnt that it is pointless to flog a dead horse, but yet in their hunger for death and destruction, the MSM has decided to go full hog mode and continue to flog this dead horse narrative in what I can only describe is foolhardy desperation.

(Like they say there is no cure for stupid)

Coincidently ”Q” has posted something relating to this Chemical attack –

We have got to the point where the vast majority of people are tired of lies and wars and are still aware that the war that has taken place in the middle east over the last 15 years was set into motion through a series of Lies.

The people behind MSM believe people/audiences are inherently stupid and this might have been true in the past but people have started to awaken (#GreatAwakening) and it is now the MSM media and the people engineering these fake narratives who are the inherently stupid ones.

Truth is more powerful than deceit

The Truth will set you free

Don’t buy the lie

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Hi. I fully agree and in the Netherlands it is not different. First shouting with the others that Ghouta will see many civilian casualties and then when all is gone rather well and jihadis are taken out by busses (to southern Turkey = Idlib) you see nothing of this on the news. Next a fake chemical attack is predicted and here we go again. Not that I trust Russia leaders any more than the USA but hearing both sides of a story is what we pay journalists and politicians for. Our sacked Dutch minister of foreign affairs even lied about an event in the past and built a foreign policy versus Russia on that lie. Shame on them!

Thank You @goldrooster - I will be a happy man when politicians, governments and the MSM are held to account for inciting war and deceiving people.

A timely reminder @blackrussian. Great post

They are trying to stop Q. MSM does not talk about QAnon. Some people profit from war. Especially the Rothschild Empire. We gotta get more people to talk about all of that. MSM and the NWO hates Bitcoin and Steemit and Q. They are trying to stop all of us. Thanks for sharing, hehe. I'm Oatmeal Joey Arnold. You can call me Joey.

Thank you @joeyarnoldvn - I appreciate your reply - You Know whats going on Joey ;-)

The situation is very dangerous now. All news become more and more alarming. I hope it would not lead all us to the Third World War. But everything looks like most dark time since 1945.

I couldn't agree more @latrixetanobis - Thank You

Very well written.
I agree. Manipulation of Media has caused much harm !
Twisted Truth breathes Poison into the air !
and @blackrussian, West has a penchant for creating drama to gain supremacy, control and attention. They thrive on creating conflict. The World wars and dark ages are proof.
After every few years, there is an exposure and a scandal !

We are living on "Mash-up News and information" .

Summer months are very hectic for me. I came here after a long time.
I missed this post and I am too late to upvote it. :(
Hence I will give my upvote to your reply, @blackrussian . That will be reward restored ! :)

Thank you @nehab ;-)

😊😊 reward restored.
And you are most welcome 😊

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