in #nomorefakenews6 years ago (edited)


The Brazen lies and falsehoods being pumped out in the UK at the moment on Syria, is not only pathetic but outright offensive, now I don’t want to go into all the ins and outs of the conflicts in Syria, because not only would it take me several posts to do so, but it is all well documented for anyone to see, however I will try and outline the folly of the (MSM) BBC/SKY.

I have been following the troubles in Syria since the beginning, and in case you didn’t know, the sole purpose of this conflict, was regime change, western globalists wanted Bashir Al Assad ousted from power in Syria so they could replace him with a government that would be more cooperative with their abhorrent and Orwellian world domination agenda, that would entail the Globalist paedophile Satan worshipping networks getting full control of gas and oil distribution from the middle east, whilst at the same removing Russia's only base in the Mediterranean.

Out of all the recent regime changes in North Africa and the middle east, Syria is possibly the most strategic pocket within this area, when it comes to distribution of Oil and Gas pipelines, now it is common knowledge that Assad and his father before him had no intention to play ball with Globalist forces or allow them to have a free rein over Syria, so a plan was hatched to remove Assad from power, which would basically involve tens of thousands of Jihadi mercenaries being flooded into the country just like in Libya.

Something important I must mention is that Syria is a secular country, no one religious sect has religious domination, so all religions are treated equal, which meant Sunni, Shiite, Christian, Allawite, Kurdish, Druze, Yazidis, Salafi etc. all lived in peace.

One of the key aspects of the Globalist human traffickers was to create division in this country by trying to set the different religious groups against each under the guise of an uprising against a so-called dictator, something I must point out is that the conflict in Syria is not a civil war, because of the fact there is way too much foreign involvement, you see every rebel group in Syria is owned i.e. trained, funded, supported and controlled by different western countries who are involved in the aforementioned agenda.

Thankfully the Russians stepped in to help the people of Syria, to clear out all the Jihadist terrorists.
Throughout this whole conflict in Syria, the Main Stream Media the propaganda arm of the globalist human traffickers have spun one Lie after another, and done everything in their power, to ensure there is no peace for the Syrian people, and one of the biggest lies and fake news, the main stream media(MSM) most notably the BBC and SKY news in the UK has pumped is that there are moderate rebels, which is FAKE NEWS and a big lie - all rebel groups including the (FSA) free Syrian army, Al-Nusra, Isil, Islamic state etc. are all terrorist mercenaries.

"If it acts like a terrorist, if it walks like a terrorist, if it fights like a terrorist, it's a terrorist, right?"

Another big lie and fake news pumped are, Assad has used chemical weapons against his people, even General “mad dog” Mattis has recently admitted that he has seen no evidence of that, besides on both occasions where chemicals were used it was proven that it was not the Syrian Government.


It is obvious the main stream media in the UK is in a terminal condition because anyone who has bothered to follow the events in Syria, keeps hearing and reading the same old fake news lies, and the BBC and SKY NEWS seem to still believe the old propaganda trick that if you Lie enough, the public will eventually believe it to be true, well the vast majority of people are not falling for it, the Assad must go narrative is well truly dead, because god forbid something bad happens to Bashir Al Assad, Syria would turn into another Libya.

When the Syrian Government liberated Aleppo last year, the BBC and SKY News kept trying to beat this dead horse narrative that Assad is killing his own people, when in fact he was saving the people of Aleppo, the only humanitarian crisis that occurred was from the terrorist rebel groups that insisted on using the people that they had enslaved since the beginning of the conflict as human shields, and shamelessly as this was going on, the mainstream media (MSM) even tried to pump this fake ass group called the Syrian White hats, which was the dumbest and most desperate propaganda so far used by the MSM, because again they were exposed as nothing more than terrorists disguised as the emergency services.

The Syrian government has nearly taken back the whole country, however, there are still small areas controlled by terrorist rebels, and as of this week there has been a push to cleanse an area just outside of Damascus (eastern Ghouta) of these western backed terrorists, and the BBC and SKY NEWS in the UK are pumping out the same distorted fake news they have been trying to pump since the conflict started, it’s a Humanitarian Crisis, Assad the Syrian Government and the Russians are killing hundreds of women children, the truth is the BBC and SKY news and other MSM don’t understand the vast majority of the audience they trying to sell this bunken to, don’t care because deep down everyone knows these western backed terrorists need to be wiped out, and the people who do care and follow what is going on already know its fake news and to add insult to injury all the main stream charities are out in full force trying profit from the misery of the Syrian people.


BBC and SKY NEWS are news organisations, I doubt will exist in the future and even if they do it will not be in there current form, fake news and propaganda narratives are a scourge on humanity, and is like a broken record, that more and more people are refusing to listen to, they have gone too far and have reached the point of no return.

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Syria is a total debacle and the MSM does nothing to clarify or stop the massacres.

I'll be drinking champagne asvthe big six media conglomerates that control the vast majority of mainstream media globally begin their plummet into obscurity.

A toast to the vanquished legacy of lying media!

My Friend @aagabriel - Thank You for your reply - Cheers and I look forward to toasting the vanquished legacy of lying media! ;-)

This article should be what's on the front pages of news papers.
Are we now divided between the dumb and the not dumb?

Cheers @roop :-D could be

Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance:Destruction of Nation States

The thing I find absolutely hilarious is how we use to hear about Al-Qaeda every 5 seconds on the MSM. Do you remember that you had to check under every rock to make sure there wasn't a Al-Qaeda terrorist hiding there because they were coming to get us all. Then POOF they are all gone and no one even mentions them anymore, it's fucking pathetic and people just keep eating their shit sandwiches, mmmm taste good.

:-D thanks for reply @silverbug - always appreciated

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