Information Finding Championship - Season 1 : Round 19 Entry: 4 Stages of Life

in #informationfinding7 years ago (edited)

This is my entry to the @apolymask contest on Teaching New, Cool, Unique, Things, Ideas, how to cook, how to do this, how to do that, how to live better, other how-to tutorial possibilities, and more. My entry is focused mostly on and upon finding meaning to life, found in the four stages of life, and it is all about hope over dope, joy over circumstances as I'm Oatmeal Joey Arnold, the Original Oatmeal, and as life can be scary and as we can have better life through a better understanding of who we are, and better yet in who we were, have been, that eternal foundation, that rock, in those principles, and in the potential, the destiny, of who we can become, of what we were born to do and be through Oatmeal, through meaning, purpose, joy, love, life, which is there for all of us to be part of no matter what we may or may not do, become, feel, talk about, know, and believe.

Four Steps & Secrets To Life

  1. Wait but Life Life
  2. Listen but Love Life
  3. Love but Love Love
  4. Fight but Live Love

Four Stages to Life

Understanding the stages and steps of life helps us understand ourselves better and it helps us understand which stages others may be in their lives which can then help us help them where they may be to get to higher stages.

Live Life

The first stage and step in life is life itself which begins at birth and we can do what we can to survive through education and employment. Life may also include encouragement, entertainment, and equipment. Like animals to some extent, us humans can monkey around and pig out and become night owls and eat like horses and stick together like packs of wolves. Add your animal puns in the comments below, haha, if you want.

Love Life

After living life, we can learn how to love life in finding contentment and joy over circumstances and meaning and purpose and maybe happiness. It may take some reflection. It takes some appreciation for life, for others, for ourselves, for love as well. How can we love life better? Let me know.

Love Love

The more we love life, the more we can love love, which means loving eternal principles of life which @Stefan.Molyneux can talk about. We can look more at the foundation to western civilization, to principles, timeless wisdom, purpose, in hope over dope. How can we love love better? Write a book about it. Make a video about it and share it here.

Live Love

As we love love, we live love through the conviction of love, of life, of truth, principles. The meaning of life is love and the meaning of love is life and is rooted in the sharing and caring of it all by nature and these four things, steps, stages, to life, was written originally by me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, in 2007 at Camp Kuratli, or maybe before that as I was writing about L4OJ, Looking For Outrageous Joy, back in 2004, or maybe longer than that in some cases. Living love is all about paying it forward or as Yoda in Star Wars says, to pay it forward. How can we better live love for others?

Dear readers, I love writing, singing, drawing, filming, designing, creating, inventing, playing, living, loving, and I can always expand and explain more on what I write including upon the four stages of life as see in this post for example. Thank you for reading and have a lovely day. Below is my signature or you might call it spam. But the links and videos below are supplementary to some extent, directly, indirectly, to the stages of life, and to and for many things. Eat some oatmeal or be a potato. And I'm Oatmeal because I eat oatmeal, hehe.


Authored by @JoeyArnoldVN
Inspiration by the @apolymask contest


2004 and 2007: L4OJ: the four stages: 2018-03-19 Monday 10 AM PST: started writing this:

2018-03-19 Monday 02:02 PM LMS:
Information Finding Championship - Season 1 : Round 19 Entry: Meaning To Life
Email: [email protected]

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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Which stages are you at in your life?

Feel free to leave some comments, feedback, animal puns, principles, questions, answers, ideas, messages, stories, entries, and everything, or whatever you want, in h comments below: this was an entry for the @apolymask contest.


Nice, Oatmeal @joeyarnoldvn!! Although I believe you forgot the information overload tag lol! I am set for the night on youtube videos! Thanks! Seriously. I am glad to see you are participating in the contest and I hope to see more of your entries in future rounds! Good luck!!!!
this was definitely a wonderful lesson

AM I supposed to tag the entry with #overload or is it #informationoverload or what? The first tag is #informationfinding and I thought that was the only required tag. Thanks for commenting.

NO, i was just trying to be funny! You did awesome with your entry!

Oh, a joke, haha, Ok, got it. I am sometimes color blind, I mean joke blind haha.

Loved your entry! I don't agree with you on everything but I really like your style and your energy and your intentions to help others. :) You seem like a really cool dude. I dunno if this is accurate or fair of me to say, but.. I feel like this is one of the best entries we've got so far. And you seem like someone we'd love to have play in the game more in the future.

As I mentioned in my other response to you, I'm not really a fan of Alex Jones anymore, but I think the Infowars concept is a really important one and if you're an Information Warrior it would be awesome to have you in the Information Finding Championship. :)

Thanks for the super cool entry and the inspiration in general. I'm glad to see people like you out there being courageous enough to stick up for what you think is right. :)

@apolymask, you said you didn't agree with me on everything, but like with what do you disagree with? You mentioned that you're not really a fan of Alex. Is that what you didn't agree with or was it any of the main points I made? My four main points for the 4 stages in life is as follows:

  1. Wait but Life Life
  2. Listen but Love Life
  3. Love but Love Love
  4. Fight but Live Love

Do you disagree with any of those 4 main points or with maybe some of the details or in my style of writing ir in some of my videos or links to Alex or to other people or what is it?

I was mostly referring to you sharing links of people like Alex Jones. If there was anything else I disagreed with it was minor and I don't remember what it was.

I have issues with Alexander Emerick Jones. And I think he's part of the "system" so to speak. I've researched his history a bit, and.. I am very skeptical of him and his intentions.

And no I don't necessarily disagree with those 4 points you made, I enjoy those points. I think it could be possible to look at things in a different way, but I enjoy your presentation and think you did a great job. :)

99% percent of my links are not really directly of Alex but are rather a bunch of people and networks and channels and more, like @Cernovich for example and #QAnon and #Veritas and #Wikileaks and #LaurenSouthern and #TommyRobinson and #BrittanyPettibone and Lionel Nation and #Corsi and #AIG and #KenHam and #Rebel and #MarkDice and #KikiGreen and #RoamingMillenial and #RonPaul and #LisaHaven and #HealthRanger and #PaulJosephWatson and #Milo and #TomiLahren and #DiamondAndSilk and the Blond in the Belly of the Beast and the #BillStill much more.................

I didn't say all of them were Alex, I just pointed him out because he is the one I am most suspect of.

You don't like it when Alex says Rothschild and Soros and the CFR were bad?

I don't mind that. I applaud all the good work he has done and all the people he helped wake up more, he helped wake me up a lot.

However. He himself has essentially admitted that he himself and his family are high level Illuminati, and I did some research and while I can't prove it, that does look like it is the case. So I'm definitely skeptical. Also I dislike his obvious support of the system.

And.. You could look at it this way.. Are you familiar with the poison pill idea? The idea is you give someone mostly truth, you could even say 99% truth, but then you slip in the 1% lie.. And that catches a lot of people. The 1% lie hidden in the 99% of truth. And I'm not saying I think AJ or anyone else is right 99% of the time or anything like that. I'm just using an example.. I think a lot of people who are stars in various movements sort of.. Play off of that principle. Unfortunately you rarely find someone super powerful or famous who isn't a part of the secret societies.. And that may sound crazy to you, I dunno if it does or not.. I used to think it was crazy too, but.. I've got really deep into the occult.. And.. They are "everywhere".. so to speak.. I'm skeptical of almost everyone I meet. Lol.

George Washington was a Mason, people that lived in Texas were, generally, connected to Masons, Free Masons, which comes from the occult, and some of it may be connected to the Illuminati and to Luciferianism, Satanism, and other things, and Masonry was a thing some people in the past were involved in or connected to some degree or another, including ancestors of Alex Jones as his family was and has been in Texas for decades or longer.

Alex talks about Masonry and stuff in the videos below. Alex read hundred of white papers, read dozens of books about Masons, which includes knowledge on Solomon, magic, religions, math, and there has been variations of Mason groups the past few centuries or longer.

Look at the symbolism and other things found in Disney especially over other Hollywood empires. And how can we know how much poison something has or has not if we do not know everything? And is it better to know nothing than to search for truth wherever we can find it?

We Are All Of Poison

We are not perfect. Therefore, we all have poison, whether it be one percent or more, and that variable and that element is everywhere and that can discourage us from learning and from living or we can learn to deal with life as it is full of so many things both good and bad. I try my best to learn from anybody and everybody and to pass it on and everything. People accuse Alex of things he does not say. I have been listening to Alex since 2016 and I see Alex say one thing but then other people say Alex said different things or did things that Alex didn't. Same thing goes for Trump and others. It is happening every day, each day, as the main stream media lies about this and that in live time about so many things at the same time and I can contrast and compare and see and millions around the world are seeing all of this and we are talking about it.

People accused me of things I didn't say/do in my life so many times, too. And YouTube deleted thousands of my OJAWALL videos and Twitter said I was a Russian Bot and Facebook has banned me and terminated me and removed me and everything so many times.

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