Draw on Blockchain : Spring Couplets 揮春

in #illustration7 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemians! The New Year was just ten days ago, and now shops displays start changing from Christmas/New Year to Chinese New Year :O This year is a bit late, on Feb 16, sometimes it is at the end of Jan. This few days was very cold, don't know whether it will be a cold CNY or a warm one. I remembered there was a year I wore Summer shirt to family gathering. To me, coat and thick cloth is the New Year dress code :-|

I just think that if there are Christmas elves, will there be CYN elves, writing spring couplets, preparing sweets and fireworks? xP

西曆新年才過了十天右左,但店舖都開始了農曆新年的裝飾了!今年新年在二月中,比一般好像晚了一點點。這幾天好冷,不知道今年會是個冷冷新年還是和暖的?猶記得有一年暖到穿薄衣也可以去拜年... 好像新年就是要穿大衣才有氣氛啊(是嗎?)之前畫過聖誕精靈,如果有「春節精靈」,他們會做甚麼呢?

A drawing of pencil draw and coloring in Photoshop.
The original pencil draw:



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Totally cute ❤❤❤


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