Analyzing my Next ICO: GameFlip

in #ico7 years ago

I have been reading a lot about the current ongoing and upcoming ICOs, to see where to invest next. In the meantime I think for this month I will take advantage of the current BTC dip, and invest a bit more in there, as well as in LTC and ETH. I know ETH is a great long term investment, but I always end up using it to invest on other ICOs as it is the most used cryptocurrency for that, hence I am getting ready as it has also dipped a bit. This brings me to what will more likely be my next ICO: GameFlip (

The Goal of Gameflip is: “creating a transparent, safe, and frictionless infrastructure for buying and selling of digital goods among gamers”.

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Sounds similar? Probably, because a lot of other ICOs are focusing on the gaming industry (buying and selling virtual goods in a secure environment, etc.), but Gameflip is also giving the gamer the option to "cash-out". This is a true problem because gamers spend hours unlocking rewards, or can pay thousands for specific items, but once the game is over all your valuables are locked in that game. Sure, you could sell them in one of the current marketplaces, but it can be quite the challenge, or not secure, and I would like to do all my trading and cashing out within the same ecosystem (to be fair, the cashing out will be done through an exchange, but at least everything is in the same crypto currency and that is a big plus).
Something else that interested me about GameFlip was that the company itself was established in Silicone Valley (SV) in 2014, and already has a community of over 2 million gamers buying and selling with GameFlip (other stats are 10 million web views and 2 million mobile accesses on a monthly basis), which is why they are already getting support from top tier venture capital investors in SV (after all, they are targeting the billion dollar industry of game trade in which some virtual / in-game items can cost thousands of dollars).

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The total token supply is 100 million (which is a number I like, not super exclusive for the market it targets, but not massive that could potentially lower its value), and they are currently on their pre-sale (it started on October 13th, 2017 and will end in less than a day, on October 27th). The currency accepted to purchase is ETH, and the minimum amount to purchase during the pre-sale is 1 ETH (which is not bad, as many other companies request a lot more as their minimum investment during the ICO and GameFlip is also offering a great Bonus structure during the pre-sale).
They are currently at 98% of their Pre-sale goal (3,000 ETH … though their hard cap is stated at 7,000 ETH).

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The Token Main Sale will start on November 28th until December 30th, and the minimum amount to purchase is 0.1 ETH, with a decent bonus structure (the starting bonus is 20%, so for 1 ETH you receive 240 flip tokens instead of 200). II do believe that depending on how they manage their marketing, this ICO has the potential of ending quickly (especially because their token supply is not massive).

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Because this is a gaming oriented ICO, and I am a gamer at heart, I am considering joining their Avatar & Signature campaign on Bitcointalk. So far I have liked what I’ve read about the project, and I feel it is one I could support, but I am not sure if I can commit to posting until December 30th as it is a super long time (2% of the total Gameflip raised will be reserved for the bounty campaign, which could be amazing if this project is marketed the correct way). Still I want to do a bit more research before I fully commit. In case you are interested, this is the bounty campaign link:

If you want to learn more about the GameFlip Token Sale, be sure to visit: , but also, be sure to visit the company’s oficial website: (to learn more about their existing product). Before investing, take the time to check out the team, and read their whitepaper (GameFlip also has a one pager whitepaper available). Remember that investing on any ICO or crypto currency is risky (as is any type of investment), and there is no guarantee of returns, so never invest more than you could afford to lose.

Once again, happy ICOing!


PS. Links to some of my previous posts:


The beauty of block chain Love the idea! Good luck with all your moves@alecu ill be keeping an eye on ur posts.

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