THE Icicle Party Reporter -- Icicle Party Update -- Day 3 and Counting -- "Be There, or Be Square"steemCreated with Sketch.

"It's Still Goin' On!!!"

Day Three -- The Icicle Party -- Put on by @haphazard-hstead.

Being an Ace Reporter (it says so on my Certificate of Mastery, which I received in last Saturday's mail). I thought I would keep you all informed on the most current events and what is happening at the multiple-day and night Icicle Party. Here is my latest report, fresh off the *AP wires:

"The sun has come and gone twice now, but the party is still a happenin' x 10 !!! "Where?" you ask. "Have I missed it?"

To this, I reply with a large, resounding "NO WAAYY, this event of rollicking fun and games goes on until Wednesday at 1700 hours, PST!!"
"But WHERE IS IT?!"...everyone keeps asking me, constantly stopping me in the hallway at work on the way to the lunchroom, or worse, the loo. I keep telling them..."It's at the post-house of @haphazard-hstead. Here is the link: Party . And if you are so inclined, there is a music contest link as well: Music Link ."

There are prizes, drinks, photos, music, jokes, poetry, limericks, hie-ku's, dancing with lampshades on your head, if that is your party thing, and all sorts of other shenanigans of revelry that you can dream up. So, head on down to the party, it's more fun than an oaken cask full of simians.

This is my first entry into the card contest of 'The Party'.
This design is for a Fold-Out card, like the ones Hallmark makes, only MUCH better....




Poste Script -- *AP: AbsolutaPhenomenoTaceous Party, One

Self-Actualized ~ Multicolor 33 1/3 Award for Number of Followers

Self-Actualized ~ Multicolor 66 2/3 Award for Number Of Followers

Please Check Out My Other Posts, If You So Desire


That's a great card! Thanks for being such an enthusiastic Icicle Party participant! If you put a lampshade on as a hat, just don't tip over the lamp, lol. That's a great card, too -- the birds that use it definitely went South. They are Violet Green Swallows and they head to Mexico for the winter. Maybe they could be convinced to try Miami sometime! ; ) Party On! :D

And I like your "Party Reporter" idea. I didn't even think about posting party updates, doh! =8O This is a great way to update what's going on. Maybe you will be a Steemit Reporter for a lot of the goings-on! :D

I have my certificate now, so that may be a possibility in the future ( :
Thanks for the view and great comments. I appreciate it muchly. The party was such a great idea, and a way to get folks involved in an ongoing event. Very creative indeed.

Great reporter! Congratulation! ;)

Thank you. Maybe I have a new calling ( :

You're welcome!

Ha ha! That's a good idea! ;)

Well done dear friend @ddschteinn, thanks for the update

Thanks so much for stopping on in, and commenting. I'll keep folks updated on the happenin's.

Any whales at the party in compromising situations? Your audience has a right to know! Go sleuth!

That would be one MONDO the camera set on 'ready'.

Here, this should help you get more access:

Edit: there was a press card here.

Wow. My very own press pass!! That is absolutely priceless. Thanks so much for making it for me. I'm touched. (Possibly a bit 'tetched' as well).

Ironic, I was just creating a similar thing for myself here after our last conversive. WITH the Mr. Chicken photo! Great minds really do whirr alike. (Yours looks SO much more professional than mine. I'll get so much better access than with a cheesy one.) May I assume I can use this, on my future endeavours? I have a couple questions/etc, can I send you a private chat?

It only looks professional because I stole all the bits and stuck them together, at least two copyright violations, but I think you can do that for a spoof.
And yes, use away, and yes, of course. I hope something goes "ploink" on Steemit chat when you say something, as I haven't used it before.

Mine jusk "ploink'd", so should be a chat soon. I'll write back on here if no reply comes through from you in 'chat'.

Card updated, see chat.

Thanks so much for the look, and comment. Appreciate the support. Have a nice day.

Thanks so much for the 2.00 SD !! Im glad you liked my poem !😂😉😍

You're welcome, @karenmckersie! Thanks for coming to my party -- and for enjoying the great postcard here in the post by @ddschteinn! Party on and Steem on! It's a wild place, alright! ; )

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