Let Us Welcome Elizabeth Vlachoulis - My Sister, My Best Friend, My Teacher and My Hero

in #ians6 years ago (edited)

Hey Steemians! Allow me to introduce to you my beautiful, gorgeous, intelligent, loving and compassionate sister, Elizabeth Vlachoulis (@evlachsblog). She will be celebrating her birthday this coming February 6th so I wanted to take this chance to write something special for her.

She is not just a sister. She is my best friend, my teacher and my hero. She is one of the most important people in my life and I feel so incredibly fortunate to have been blessed with a sister like her.

A Sister and A Best Friend

My sister is the second to the eldest of five siblings. Like any other sisters/siblings, we also have had our ups and downs. We used to have quarrels over things that were usually my fault, but she never have left my side. On the other hand, we also make funny jokes about and laugh at something which we only do just between the two of us.
Eventhough we are now thousands of miles away from each other, from a different continent and time zone, when ever I need advice, need to vent or just need to share a story, she is always there to listen, commiserate or celebrate. She has always been my sounding board and that one person who knows all my secrets, my fears, my weaknesses and strengths. Also, the one I know I can always go to for an unbiased opinion. Well, maybe not completely unbiased. She does, after all, take my side quite a lot. But, she also provides lots of solid advice and guidance, just like a big sister should. I couldn't be more grateful.

A Teacher

She graduated Cum Laude with a Bachelor's Degree in Secondary Education from Jose Rizal University; and currently working as a teacher in a Christian private primary school in Whyalla, South Australia where she has had different positions, such as relief teacher, Out-of-School-Hours Coordinator, Library teacher and presently, as a teacher/educator in the Early Learning Centre.
I have always admired her intelligence and wittiness since we were young. I actually envied her in some way as she's the type of a student you would barely see studying her school lessons, and yet has consistent excellent grades. While me, I needed to squeeze my sweat, blood and brains out literally for me to get good and acceptable grades. Lol. Unfair! Well, she's gifted with a brain like that of Einstein's.
Not only she is a teacher by profession, but also a teacher at home. She taught me to be mature and to be responsible on decisions I make. I could not be this tough in life without her support.

A Hero

Ever since our father died in 2001 due to the fire incident happened at Manor Hotel (where more than 90 people, mostly Born Again Christians were killed including my twin half-sisters and stepmother), my sister became an instant parent to us, her four siblings, at the age of 18. She took the responsibility by heart even though she's the second to the eldest.
It was no easy to become a parent to four people who have different personalities especially we were all teenagers that time. In addition to that, I had a baby at a very young age and become a single mom.
She took me from our mother who at that moment, was incapable to take care of me and my baby. My sister held the two of us as her obligation to give us a good and comfortable life. She even chose a night shift subjects in college just for her to take care of my little one during daytime while I was in my 4th year high school. The set-up has continued until all of us have had finished college. I also recall, there were several times she missed her class, just for me to be present in my hospital duties and be able to attend school classes.
She's also a good provider. She worked as a teacher and as a customer service representative from a couple of BPO companies in order to fulfill our other necessities at home. And, never did I hear her complain even if she had none left for herself as long as her siblings and my daughter had our needs. Even now that all of us have our own life and family, she would still support and send gift to our birthdays when ever she can.
It was certainly complicated for everyone of us before. But if it weren't through my sister, we won't be able to balance and manage everything smoothly.

Right now, she is blessed and happily married with a loving husband.

She's also currently part of a discipleship group in her church. I am so happy about her spiritual growth as it would have always been my prayer for all of my family - to have a Christ-centered life.

She's loved by many of her friends, colleagues, and family.

I look forward to seeing her someday so I can bond with her and she could also finally meet my two younger son and daughter for the first time. And also, for us to have more pictures together in the future. I think the photo below was our last picture together.

If I would be given another life and a chance to choose who my sister could be, I'd always and forever pick her. I will never trade her with anyone and anything in this world. I am so honored and grateful that God has blessed me someone like her as my sister.
You rock my world, sis! Advanced happy birthday and I wish you more success, meaningful, godly, and a healthier life this year and the years to come. I love you so much!

Steemians, please welcome my sister, Elizabeth Vlachoulis. I invited her to be part of this wonderful community with awesome people and because I believe there's more excellence in her that she can share with us.

These were her first blogs:




Welcome, Ate Elizabeth! 😗🤗


Your sister deserves an award..Happy birthday @evlachsblog 😊
Welcome to Steemit community!

Thank you, Sarah! I cried whilst reading your post. Thank you for your beautiful words. I love you and your children with all my heart and soul!!!

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