With Great Power, Comes Great Responsability

in #howivote8 years ago

Now that your Vote Matters... YOU influence what content we see more of.

Since a majority of the Whales have stopped voting (or reduced the percentage) the Minnows and Dolphins have a LOT more influence. I'd bet that just about everybody is really excited about this...I know I am.

For months and months I couldn't give a penny to a zero payout post or comment. The only time I got to see some pennies being added was when the payout was already higher..like at least a few dollars. On the flip side of things, curation rewards were so small, for me usually being in the hundredths or thousandths of a steem, it wasn't worth it for me to really care about either.

My voting became Indiscriminate

To me, my vote was rather meaningless, outside of merely saying I liked something. WAIT A MINUTE!! Just saying I liked something...does that ring any bells for anyone? Facebook maybe? Where the 'like' button is just mashed rather liberally to just give a thumbs up to someone.

My point is that my previously meaningless Steemit votes felt like voting on Facebook. I didn't give any money unless someone else already had an existing payout (3 dollars at least)...meaning I really didn't 'curate' myself, but merely could hop on the band-wagon someone else had already curated. This is not meant as a complaint, but rather an observation of my own (and to some degree I believe others) behavior.

The Problem with This

When the whales were voting, they were the driving force behind what posts and comments get higher payouts. These are the ones that got seen more by being atop trending lists (to some degree hot lists too) and would be seen by more people. Minnow votes had almost no effect, which dolphins having a minimal one.

On top of this, most people (understandably) tend to make posts trying to make some money, so there's a drive to create things you've seen to be 'popular.' Now, while it may not have always been noticed, many whales got flak when a voted up post was viewed by some to be of poor quality, having a disproportionate reward for what the post is, and sometimes had even been plagiarized.

With the whales (mostly) not voting now, the power of what gets payouts and hence what is shown on the trending pages, is in the hands of each of us 'smaller guys.' Now I understand that determining what is liked, considered quality and what something is worth, is subjective to each person. (Plagiarized is often more a clear yes or no.) I'm not here to tell you how to judge these criteria, but instead I merely ask that now with more power being in our hands that we try to give our votes in a more meaningful fashion. Try to have some idea of why and how much (meaning your slider bar) we're voting on something.

There is also a slight "self fulfilling prophecy" effect where things that get highly and frequently voted up, we get more of.

Over all, the trending page has been A LOT better with being rather diverse. But just as an example, two days ago @thedegensloth started a 30 day power-up challenge asking participants to have all post rewards go into their Steem Power. This was absolutely fabulous, especially given the recent bump in the price of Steem. However, what makes little sense to me is that his post, earned a little under $4. Then the next day, this post by @richman was posted to (I'd guess) say that he was taking part in this challenge, and it made over $95. It was an exact copy and paste into this template outside adding the link to the original post. I can easily assume this was done solely to draw attention to this initiative...but my question...Why not go vote the ORIGINAL POST?!?! Why couldn't this have simply been resteemed to have the same effect?

This isn't meant to be saying anything bad about @richman, but rather my question is "Did voters not realize this was a copy/paste to another user?" I have to assume this was completely missed by voters. **So my plea to voters:"

  • Look at the posts and determine who deserves the your vote. If you're so for this type of initiate, go to the original post where the idea and work was generated.
  • Think how you would feel if YOU had been the original poster in this scenario
  • Open and Digest Posts before simply clicking the vote at 100% button. (For instance, maybe give 10% vote to @richman for advertising the initiative and and 90% vote to @thedegensloth for creating it.)

How I'm Trying to Adapt my Voting from Here

Now that my votes actually have an effect of post or comment payouts, I want them to go where I feel it's most deserving. I like being able to give some pennies (sometimes more) away.

This means I will be making WAY more use of my slider bar, which I've not done in months. To achieve this here is how I'm going to be approaching my voting from here:

1. I vow to actually OPEN every post before I vote on them. No more voting on the thumbnail listing. It's hard to promise every word is read, but I will do my best to digest the content. This same analysis will be applied towards comments, which are just as important to reward and help filter the best to the top. (FYI: Where a post falls on a trending page is determined by BOTH post and comment payouts.)

2. If the post is an initiative, contest or challenge, I will at least in part split my vote between the post of the person 'entrant' and the initiative 'creator.' It takes time, work and effort to effectively setup and run some of these.

3. Applying varying vote percentages depending on the TYPE of post and content. While I like memes, personally I hold them to hold a different value from a well presented and worked out written piece or photo/travel blog. I appreciate things that have taken more time in thought, formatting and editing.

4. I will very rarely be giving a 100% vote to Steemit related content or topics. This ESPECIALLY applies to DRAMA posts which I refuse to vote for, at most I'll leave a comment. I do highly appreciate development work on applications such as @good-karma's esteem mobile app or @steepshot's instagram like app, which likely will be an exceptions to this.

Beyond this, I try to put myself in the shoes of somebody looking at Steemit for the first time. When they go to Steemit.com what they see are trending pages and make their first impressions from this. As ironic as it is to say here, considering this post is about Steemit and voting...
People don't go to Reddit to read about Reddit!
People don't go to Facebook to read about Facebook!

They are there to read and ideally interact on other topics, which they are interested in. There were some whales and guilds that wouldn't vote on Steemit related posts just for this reason (I believe.) It's important to create a wide array of content that make people find our posts in Google when they search on a topic...and these people likely aren't searching the word Steemit. Now that the power is more in the hands of the larger community here, please please please keep this in mind.

5. I am going to start downvoting content that I feel is outside the bounds of abuse, but I find to be overvalued. I realize that this is a hot button issue for people right now, but I feel it's an important piece for me to start being a part of. I thought about this yesterday after seeing the post I mentioned above, but didn't want to downvote simply because of all the recent drama associated with it. While I've now missed the payout period on that post, I am going to start acting in cases like these to state me opinion on it. I do promise to leave a comment on every downvoted post to explain WHY I chose to do so.

6. Largely I do rely on @steemcleaners to find plagiarism, at times I do wonder if something being presented is truly original. When this is the case, I try to go a google search for portions of text or reverse image searching an image. While it's hard to know if something is necessarily a problem or not, I may withhold my votes for things that don't seem to have some added value by the poster. Simply linking a youtube video with nothing else, while perhaps entertaining, isn't worthy of my vote.

I also want to ensure that I'm applying my vote where I feel it's value is most deserved (in my own subjective opinion.) But I will NO LONGER be indiscriminate with my votes!! I truly hope to see others attempting to do the same.

Now that We The People have influence over how rewards are distributed, WE hold the responsibility to be good curators. While it may not be the easiest route, I do feel it gives the best result for Steemit as a whole.

*How do you vote?

  • Are you planning any changes to your method now that we have influence over distributing the reward pool?
  • Are you going to use the slider bar more?
  • Are you going to upvote good comments more?
  • Are there things that you will be downvoting outside of abuse?**

Feel free to use the #howivote tag if you wish to make these easily viewable for people.

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Image Sources:
Where is my Vote
Luke, I Don't Care
Thinking Monkey


I will actually not change anything into my voting pattern. I am not really curating for money, but more giving upvotes to posts I really like. The rest, ... well... I leave it for the others :)

EDIT: yes, I am usually reading over 40-50 posts a day (during the week, not the week-end)!

There's definitely nothing wrong with that. And honestly, I'm not doing any of this with curating for money in mind. It's purely in the sense of curating on what I subjectively find to be good quality and how much. This really is based on what I give, having nothing on what I receive monetarily.

Being guilty myself of rather blindly voting at times, being able to now give even pennies made me want to stop doing so. I'd way rather not user all my votes and instead only vote on what I actually read. This also means actually using my vote slider bar again. :)

I agree :)

I won the whale vote contest - watch out! Good things coming!

I missed this. What is this whale about? :)

You should have a whale sized vote from @htooms - tell me if you don't! I have been doing his voting for about 5 hours - I voted then he voted behind ... but just bigger!!

I just didn't post anything for a couple of days, but I was surprized to catch two of these votes on my comments :) Wow! Thanks!

As i can see a user who joined made more then me for the copy paste that don't matter much to me. I just wanted to do something for the community the word has gotten out and that's all that matters to me. So i sucked up my pride then paid to promote his post and a few of the others who joined as well. Seems to have worked since now that over 20 people have joined.

As for the blind votes im guilty of that and try to read everything i can but that takes a bit of time. But i can agree sometimes some posts have to be down voted by people who feel the post just wasn't that good. They also shouldn't be ostracized for it.

Ill continue to follow your posts and i have already followed best of luck. I can imagine how these comments might turn out.

I do understand. I really didn't figure you'd have a problem with it. This is just an instance of not reading posts causes an issue in general and why I'd LOVE to see voters pay more attention, especially since we have so much more of a say. I do want to add I honestly don't think that poster was intending to do anything but give your powerup challenge more exposure, even though a resteem really would have done that job imo.

My bigger point from needing to include the specifics was that I had seen it yesterday, but didn't want to downvote it myself due to the recent stigma of doing so. The more I thought about it, the more it bothered me that I didn't take that action.

But i can agree sometimes some posts have to be down voted by people who feel the post just wasn't that good. They also shouldn't be ostracized for it.
I totally agree! And more often than not, just not voting at all would be quite sufficient in my eyes. Outside abuse, flags really are only used due to 'disagreement of rewards.' In fact I found myself i the last hour or two applying flag due to this for the first time. Even though I liked the content, I just felt it was necessary. But I did leave a comment complimenting the work and stating my reason for the downvote. No ostracizing. There are ways to disagree amicably in my eyes.

Thank you for reading! :D

I won the whale vote contest - watch out! Good things coming!

Oh nice, that's awesome! Congrats!
You're a great recipient for that in my opinion!

Have fun whaling!

I won the whale vote contest - watch out! Good things coming!

It's about to get real democratic up in here.

I won the whale vote contest - watch out! Good things coming!

Hehe, that's for sure. I'm rather excited about it myself. It's really nice to be able to give have a say in rewards. I know this hasn't been the case for long, but I now feel it's WAY more important to be more picky on how I votes intelligently (not meaning making money, but in my subjective take on what things are worth.)

I hope to see others being or becoming more mindfully involved. :)

Good informative post. Thanks for writing it. The best thing is the news that the whales aren't controlling content as much, largely by their choice. I don't think I have enough SP to have a slider, but lately I haven't been voting much at all so you could call me discriminating (or lazy) about voting. I only vote on posts that I read, and that won't change. To me, voting is about expressing my opinion that I like something. I do not expect much in the way of curation rewards.

Thank you and you're welcome!

I'm with you about the whales not voting. I do wan't to give them 'props' for doing this since they are willing to lose out on curation rewards for the prospect of increasing the Steem share price. Seeing anybody being willing to forego dependable short term returns for a longer term gamble is really quite refreshing.

Ah, yea. You'll get the slider bar (as of right now) at 480.786 SP. Just in case you were curious.

Personally that's similar to what I'm trying to do from here. I'd rather read more, even if it means voting less. While it's definitely open to debate, I sooner view giving tons of votes without any reading to be more lazy...even if it is well intentioned.

I only vote on posts that I read, and that won't change. To me, voting is about expressing my opinion that I like something.

YES to this!

I was curious. Thanks for the exact amount of SP needed for the slider. Guess it's a good thing I'm participating in the #powerupchallenge :)

No problem. The amount of needed SP varies a bit, but you can always see it here: https://steemd.com/distribution

I do really think taking part of the powerupchallenge is a great idea, especially for new users. I powered up every single thing I earned for my first 3 months on here. Then I had to pay a couple bills and recently took a bit to start crypto-trading..just to try it out.

So is steemit your first exposure to crypto currencies?

Yep. Prior to this, I'd heard of bitcoin, maybe litecoin, but that was about it.

Then welcome to the cryptosphere :) I've been around the space since early 2013 so I'm "seasoned," you could say. If you're looking for some great other coins to get into, here are ones that I hold: Diamond (DMD)--this one mints at 25% APY and is a very stable coin; XEM, DNotes. All of these coins have great developers and communities. They're all buy and hold. I don't "trade," per se, just use the exchanges to buy or sell what I need. This isn't financial advice, and you have to do your own homework, but I think you'll be happy to have heard about these coins :)

At long last, some one is going to look at the content as and when they vote. If everybody did this "Oh what a wonderful world we live in". If things were read before a vote was cast it would show th true worth of the post, not how many bots had the authors name programed i to their system.

I'm with you! There's always going to be bots and voting trails (which I don't have an issue with,) but this is at least something within my control that I can do. I've been guilty myself of voting from just the thumbnail/title listing. But having the ability to actually distribute some rewards made me view this differently and hence my planned change. (Which took effect when that post went up.)

Even though it won't stop bots...I really wish they'd remove the upvote button from the listing screen. At least make humans open the post and scroll down to do so.

Wouldn't that stop the bots as well?. If the post had to be opened to vote, could a bot find the right p.ace at the end of the post so it could vote, even more so after a few replys. There you go, the start of hard fork 18.

Unfortunately no. The bots basically send the vote command directly to the blockchain, so how the site we look at doesn't matter in that respect. It'd just effect human readers.

No worries. That's pretty much the same way I found out. I'm still constantly learning about this place and now I've been wrapping my head around the Viva project too.

At some point my head with just explode. :P

I won the whale vote contest - watch out! Good things coming!

I'm all for, "If you like a post," up-vote it.
I will only down-vote Scamming or begging posts.
Leave the down voting because of big pay-outs to the Fraggles.
(And if you don't know what I mean by Fraggle, Google Fraggle Rock)

I do understand where you're coming from and really can't disagree. I'm still going to upvote things I like, just gonna make more use of my slider bar now.

I also understand on the downvoting...outside abuse...this is an extreme rarity to be used. Many of these are instances in my eyes, caused by automatic voting bots. If I see a bunch of views, it'd never cross my mind.

But I also don't want to be afraid to be using it when I do feel it's one of those cases. I believe that the stigma of it being a 'flag' prevents the community from monitoring certain things themselves. If I had a bunch of voting bots bring one of my 'lazy' posts way up, I'd rather expect others to bring it down a peg. When the bots get smarter, then those situations ideally won't occur.

The biggest change for me is the big focus to just not vote for things before reading them. I've been spreading my votes too liberally in the past when they gave nothing or very little. Now I'd just rather be more refined in what I vote on (which probably won't change much) and how much vote % is applied. This in the end means I'll be voting less, since I'll be spending more time on the posts I do, trying to comment on most of them.

I fully expect each user will find their own method...it by no means has to match mine.

And I do fully know what a Fraggle is. Dozers too :P

I won the whale vote contest - watch out! Good things coming!

Couldn't agree more @sykochica I remember when you brought this up in TeamSpeak. It's totally true. And ,yes @thedegensloth deserves his cut. People need to get off the don't-look-and-vote regardless mindset. I'm guilty of it and I've been working on it better. Great post.

I do flatly admit I've been guilty of this myself and trying to change it...since that's in my control. All we can do is recognize things we like/don't like and be willing to work to adapt when we see a problem. Nobody's perfect.

Splendid and very enlightening post @sykochica You are an Ace using the words!!
¡Votes where it's most deserving!

Why not go vote the ORIGINAL POST?!?! Why couldn't this have simply been resteemed to have the same effect?

However on my evil manners, to add more fuel to the fire, I think shamelessly, I will fling a few more clues onto the subject. #upvoted & #resteemed babe. :)

Thank you!
I read, voted and left a rather long comment on your post. :)

Haha, that's great! Made me smile!

I won the whale vote contest - watch out! Good things coming!

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