An experience of my article from hot to trending

in #hot6 years ago

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I am grateful that my last article has reached trending with the help of great people in steemit.

When I first started not very long ago, I was only getting a few cents for each post like most new members
I have been in the platform for 74 days at the point of this article and I have maintained above $10 for most of my recent posts.

The biggest upvote value that I ever got was the last article which went into the trending session.


I was simply sharing how we can appreciate our upvoters and curate their articles. I am grateful and humbled by the support of many steemit members.

Before I continue, thank you so much for all your support for my articles and regularly visit my blog to read. I am really glad that most of you have found them useful especially they are my personal reflection and experience as a newbie on how to grow in this platform.

This is just going to be a sharing of my personal experience and it is not an article to instruct you what to do.

Getting into the hot section

My recent last two articles managed to reach the hot section of steemit but reaching it does not mean it stays up there.

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The reality can be quite cruel.

With many other articles entering the hot session within minutes, their articles can easily overpower and push my articles downward. This happens to almost everyone here within minutes who does not have high steem power like me.

Getting there is already a nice accomplishment so if you ever get in even for a short few minutes, it is worth the celebration!

To get into the hot section, I believe that the 24-hour window of your post is crucial. It should be upvoted with enough value to get in and it will help with the visibility of your article.

I do admit that some steemit members have lots of SBD so they can easily just dump in a hundred worth of SBD to get into the hot as well as trending section. I am not really one of them.

Small fishes like us need to really put in lots of effort to have good article as well as good rapport and relationship with our followers and readers. There is no fast food but small fishes without high steem power will need to cook our article slowly and carefully to have the impact necessary to get the breakthrough needed.

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What about small fishes like us without high steem power?

The best thing we can do is to ensure we have many great friends in steemit as well as write good quality articles that are recognised by steemit members.

I have slowed down my posting to quite a big gap of about 5 days interval recently. This article that you are reading is done a few days before it is being posted. I used Microsoft word to do it which can also help me to check with my grammar as well as spelling errors if there were any.

The advantage is really to allow more time for more followers to see my article as well as having more time to really think through the content of my article.

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Quality vs Quantity

Having a large number of daily articles but all do not have the best possible content is really not good for building an author’s reputation.

I have chosen to post less frequently but work on my article in advance and also think through it.
The result is obvious actually. I had better upvotes for my last few articles on my blog.

My article from Hot to Trending

I was rather shocked when I received the highest upvote from a whale for the first time.

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@yoo1900 has been generously upvoting 5 minnows daily with quality articles.

Such generous heart to really go all out to help minnows is really rare.

I am really thankful for what @yoo1900 had done for me.

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Something I wish to highlight and I hope if you are new or have been hoping to get an upvote from a whale should really take note.

You should avoid asking or begging for whales to visit your articles.

I have seen many members trying to ask or even beg them to visit. This is not something you should do and it is really against the rule of steemit which is stated clearly in the FAQ.

I did not ask or beg @yoo1900 to look at my article at all.

What I really did was to upvote his article as well as to indicate that he is really doing something great for minnow.

For a good whale like @yoo1900, we should affirm his good work regardless whether it benefits us or not. We should look at the greater good of the platform rather than just for ourselves.

Coincidentally, just shortly before this great upvote, I had contributed 30 steems to a project called @thesteemhouse by @thatsweeneyguy. It is really a project to help minnows and I decided to support it.

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I felt that it could be due to my attitude of giving in return, there is a blessing that was waiting for me, which was the upvote by @yoo1900.

Seriously, @yoo1900 does not have to do all these but he has the heart to help minnows and that is already something we rarely see many whales doing.

We can only salute @yoo1900 for this great effort and words cannot express my gratefulness to him. I am sure many minnows with quality articles that had been upvoted by him share the same experience as well as feeling of gratefulness to him.

In conclusion

The most important thing that you should do is to ensure you create good quality articles regardless of the upvotes.

It is never easy when you are starting even if it is a business out in this modern society.

I started out not getting much upvotes as well but I kept on posting actually. I don’t go around begging for upvotes as well as asking others to visit my articles.

If your articles are good, it is only a matter of time that upvotes will slowly build up as you establish great rapport with readers as well as gain a pool of supportive followers.

Maintain the right attitude! Don’t beg for upvotes and don’t pester the whales. Instead of getting upvotes, you end up getting avoided or even flagged by them.

Whatever we do, think about the greater good of the platform rather than only selfish gain. I do agree that all of us want to earn high upvotes but we should also think of the bigger picture. When steemit grows, our value as pioneer steemit members will definitely gain in long term.

This is the end of my article and I do hope that you find it meaningful reading my personal thoughts and experience.

My next article will be about 5 days later again to provide more opportunity for my followers to have a chance to benefit from this article.

Appreciate your acknowledgement of my article and taking the time to read till the end.

This is my personal reflection and I am not in any position to instruct anyone what they should do. I am not responsible for any action taken as a result of this post. My post can only be a reference for your further research and growth. By reading this post, you acknowledge and accept that. All images and pictures are taken from google image free from copyright labelled for reuse.


Thank´for beeing so helpful! I´m new since january 18 and I have slowly started to understand how it works!

You are most welcome! We need to help one another as a community to grow. All the best in your steemit journey! We can support one another whenever we can in many ways!

Thanks for all the great tips! Should learn from you haha..Your articles really provide values and you deserve it!

Thank you Jiafui! You are always writing useful medical articles in steemit. Glad to have known you!

Your Post is Inspiring for a newbie like me.
Nice post @fun2learn.
Are you in steemit chat?

Thank you! I am glad that I have inspired you in some ways. I am not using steemit chat at all actually. If you really have things that you want to find out, I have many past articles that may be of some help.

Welcome @fun2learn.
I saw your posts and they are very helpful. Surely i will upvote them.
The reason i asked u was that(about steemit chat), i found you a helpful human being. So i wanted help from you, as there is difficult to find a helpful buddy like u in steemit.

Thank you! You can always drop me questions if you need quick answer in my post. I may not always have all answers but I can try to give my few cents worth of ideas if I have any. By the way, articles that are over 7 days cannot receive upvotes if you are not aware. Don't need to really upvote for those and I am asking you to read for your own growth if there are any info from my past articles that could be useful to you! Thanks for your supportive comment! I believe there are many helpful steemit members too!

Thanks @fun2learn for your valuable words.
It feels really great when i find helpful people like you in this competitive world.
Ok i will ask questions whose answer isnt with me.

Hey @fun2learn. I wanted to ask something.

What is it about?

I am not getting much support from people here. Like I'm posting blogs with attractive contents, but still not that much.
Give ideas that you used when you were a newbie.

I am going to be frank with you! I took a look at your blog. I saw resteem, photographs of your contest participation and I didn't notice many articles with rich content. You may want to look at the hot section of steemit and see what content is getting good upvotes as well as the way they write their articles. Following me alone may not be enough. You need to follow hundreds of good writers. I have some articles that I wrote when I first started that you can read about.

Something like this sort but there are a lot more.

These articles may not be earning any upvotes after 7 days so you need not upvote them but read for your own learning. Don't rush into posting anymore. Learn what steemit members like to read and take time to learn from good writers first.

Very good information, things like these help us to follow everyone together. And to be able to continue contributing with the steemit community.

Everyone is important as a great community.

Such an helpful post,thanks for sharing

You're welcome!

Congratulations. That is a accomplishment i have yet to achieve.

I guess everyone who does not give up will get there one day. Thanks!

Thanks for your precious Up-vote me...i have also up-voted you..and following you.

I hope that this practice will continue in future..with you help and appreciation.

In steemit, it is against the rule for upvote in exchange for upvote. I want to follow the rule so I do visit my upvoters articles but I may not always upvote. There must be certain quality as I have mentioned in my article. General, we are not allowed to promise anyone for exchange for upvote as we may get flagged for doing so. Be careful in this! Just a gentle reminder.

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