Appreciate your upvoters

in #support6 years ago (edited)


One of the most effective ways to show your appreciation to your upvoters is really a very simple way that even whales do it.

All you need to do is to visit your upvoters’ blog and take a look at their articles. It is so simple but it will be valued by your upvoters.

Stop upvote for upvote.jpg

Don’t get me wrong! I am not asking you to offer upvote for upvote which is against the steemit policy. It is clearly stated in FAQ. Never write in your article that you offer an upvote if they upvote for you as it is against steemit rule and you can get flagged!

Upvote good quality.jpg

Your visitation to your upvoters’ articles should be by no obligation. I do not upvote the articles of every upvoter. I will only comment and upvote those that have a minimum level of quality and I can see the effort put in.
I am glad that my visit has brought pleasure to my upvoters as I have no obligation to do this actually. Your generosity and great attitude will surely influence others to do likewise.

Don’t just comment and upvote for those with higher steem power.

We should never look down on any upvote even if it is from a newbie without much steem power. Even if the newbie had done too many upvotes for other articles and did not know about the fact that his voting power will have no more effect and value, we should not have the attitude of looking down on these upvotes.

Every upvote should be valued regardless of how much it may be. It is really the support and thought that really matters. Value every member regardless of their steem power and don’t just keep on looking at how much you can earn alone. Your greed can very often be your stumbling block. You can never know who can become a whale one day.

Monitor your blog status effectively

I am presently using steemd as well as steemnow to monitor my upvoters as well as my blog status. By doing so, it allows me to see who have upvoted my article and I try my best to visit their blogs.

Although I do visit most of my upvoters’ blogs but I do not upvote for the sake of upvote if their articles do not satisfy some level of my expected quality. In this way, I am effectively doing curation for my upvoters’ articles as well.
Since I have never offered anything about upvoting for upvoting so I am free from any obligation to upvote and it will only base on my freewill.

I must say since I have started doing this for my last few articles, I have upvoted most of my upvoters’ articles but not all due to poor quality as well as blogs with full of resteemed posts only.

Don’t rush out articles

I have recently slowed down my articles. My last article was about 5 days ago and it is the longest that I have taken before I post this new article.

I had to sort of force myself not to post too frequently as I notice that my followers need the time to read each article especially not all visit my blog daily due to our day job commitment. I am still getting quite a few upvotes even on the fifth day actually so I believe I had made the right decision to slow down my posting.

This does not mean that I am free as I am busy curating my upvoters’ articles and upvoting those deserving ones. This is my little token of acknowledgement for their effort in creating quality articles. It may not be much but if everyone is doing what I am doing, it becomes a great deal.

How much is your article worth?

The basic fact is that every upvoter does like a nice curation reward even if they like your article and want to support it by upvoting it.

If an upvoter keeps upvoting for you but yet your articles are really not profitable even if there is certain quality, the most logical thing that this upvoter will probably do is to stop upvoting since voting power does drain and it takes time for recharge. This is human nature so we should not blame them.

It is a good idea to make good use of the marketing tool that is provided by many of our steem witnesses. Many of them are running upvoting bots for marketing purpose.

Upvoting bots can help to raise the value of your post but you may end up losing SBD rather than gain actually based on calculation of profit and loss.

For my personal view, upvoting our articles can help to gain attention to them as well as showing gratitude to your upvoters’ support. This is really something the steem witnesses created to help us who do not have high steem power to gain attention for our quality articles.

Looking at long term, it is great to reward your loyal supporters with a nice curation but never promise anything as I don’t think they should just upvote your articles because of reward. It will be quite against the steemit rule again.

Don’t write anything about a possible high upvote for your article to attract upvotes as it is really wrong to do so and against the steemit general rule. You can get flagged so don’t do such a silly thing that will ruin your reputation rating.

The fundamental of all upvotes should always be due to the quality and rich content that propel your readers to upvote for you.

In conclusion: Have you been helping your upvoters?

Never assume that you deserve to be upvoted with the almighty attitude.

We are a community and we should respect and help one another.

Even your article should be helpful to your readers in some ways and not random ones so that you can to earn some money by upvoting your own article alone. This is quite pathetic and you really need to give yourself a kick.

Start taking time to visit your upvoters’ articles if you can. Comment and upvote if they are good. Never promise anything in any article as make it your freewill without obligation so that we as a community can maintain a high standard for the quality articles rather than trash articles.

This is the end of my article. I hope it has propelled you to some thoughts in certain ways.

My next article will be quite a few days later again to provide more opportunity for my followers to have a chance to benefit from this article.

Appreciate your acknowledgement of my article and taking time to read till the end.

Thank you so much for your strong support so far and we can continue to support one another!


This is my personal reflection and I am not in any position to instruct anyone what they should do. I am not responsible for any action taken as a result of this post. My post can only be a reference for your further research and growth. By reading this post, you acknowledge and accept that.


Great tips! I will also tried my best to visit blogs of my upvoters and take time to read as well as comment on their post.

I am glad that you find it useful. You will gain lots of loyal supporters as well as establish great friends.

Since I joined I always tried to find posts that interest me or provide value in someway. Id say the two articles ive read here have been very helpful. I think i will add a disclaimer also to my posts, as it does make sense to do so.


What you've said in this post is so so true. I feel the same way. Actually I think you stop enjoying Steemit if you are doing it just for getting the upvotes, there must be something more!

We should establing good relationship and help one another to grow. Thanks for reading!

Vander Photography
Good tips. I always upvote good comments! I also sometimes get higher votes for my comments than for my actual posts!

Thanks for your positive comment. It is great to upvote good comments. We are a community to acknowledge one another.

I dont have a lot of follwers but i try to visit peoples blogs that comment on my posts and do like you said and review thier blogs and upvote their content thst i like.

Thank you for your comment! Having followers really take time and it will be great if you take time to visit their blog to establish good rapport with them!

Making connections is important element for success on Steemit. Reciprocity will help you make lasting connections.

Your comment is so true! Thanks for your support!

Great advice! I always say, don’t just go after whales or dolphins, spend time and network with those having similar sp as you. These are the steemians who will support you and grow with you. Of course, those that only post garbage and plagiarized, drop them straightaway.
Upvoted and followed!

Thank you for your support! Whales can be slowed in swimming since they are already grew too big. We are little fishes that can swim to one another faster! :)

So very true. Isn't that how we work on building our relationships also? By doing this you're ensuring that your followers and upvoters know you appreciate them. I do find I spend more time interacting than posting lately. I can't stand a reply that is. 'Nice post' I want people to talk. How else can we grow as individuals and as a community?

Another nicely done article @fun2learn. :)

Thank you so much for your support! I do try to give quality comments whenever I can before an upvote to encourage the author. Great that you can give good comments as well as to give an upvote for encouragement!

This is great advice, I do try to look at everyone who leaves a good comment and upvote on my posts! Its important for plankton like me to stick together, and to find connections with each other!

Great that you are doing that for your upvoters! I am sure your great charismatic smile can get you really great friends as well. Just a little joke! Even though I just get to know you, I like your personality greatly!

LOL Thank you :D

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