Original Horror Story-- The Room Mate. (Fiction).. Bonus: Why you should visit Tagaytay,Philippines.

in #horror-story8 years ago

Hi steemers! This is my new horror story, The Room Mate. This is not about the Room Mate Movie nor related to it though I used its movie picture. Enjoy reading!

Previous Horror Stories--- The Favorite Grandson,The double walker,Hitchiking Ghosts


The Room Mate

There is a retreat house in Tagaytay that is a bit famous for its Room No. 1 which is reportedly haunted. Well, four years ago, I guess it wasn't famous enough because a friend and I chose to occupy it, totally clueless of its history.

Why you should visit Tagaytay, Philippines

Room No. 1's comfort room was kept locked and when we asked about it., the people from the house told us it was just broken. Left with no other choice, we went to Room No. 2 every time we had to answer the call of nature.

Nothing much happened over there during the first few nights, but on the last one, when my companion was sound asleep and I had to go to Room No. 2 to take a leak, the lights of our comfort room flickered on and off. The toilet bowl kept flushing and the shower sounded angrily on.

I hurried to Room No. 2 and forgot about the need to urinate. Instead, I decided not to go back to our room to sleep.

And so I quickly fell asleep in Room No. 2. In the middle of the night though, I had to urinate and was able to do so, totally forgetting the scary experience I had earlier. It was only when I was already back in the bed that I remembered everything. I covered myself with a blanket, bent my legs and hugged them close to me. After a while, I got tired of the position and chose to straighten my legs, my feet unintenionally hitting someone.

When I took a peek from the blanket to apologize, I realized that no one was there. That I was alone.

Before we left the next day, the cook from the retreat house told me the story behind the rooms.

When the owners of the house left for the States, they left their teenage daughter to take care of the house. One night when she was taking a shower, a couple of men broke in to the house through the veranda. They raped and killed her and stole things from her room.

Her ghost, the cook told me, is said to hate men, which explains why only guys sense her. Or maybe, he said, she was just guarding the females from the males, preventing anymore rapes from occuring.

So if you're male and you find yourself in a retreat house in Tagaytay, make sure you don't volunteer for Room No. 1 or No. 2 for the matter.

(c) @pinoytravel
I write poems, stories and thoughts in life.

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