An Unfortunate Chain of Events... What is Going on with our Ducks?

in #homesteading8 years ago (edited)

How it all Began...

...So we discovered we had a duck setting on a nest and we were pretty excited about it! If you missed the story, here is my previous post-


Unfortunately the next morning ALL the eggs were gone! Leaving my poor buff muscovy in quite a tizzy! They were later found a little ways away with a hole in each one... Rats? Opossum? Racoon? If it was a raccoon or opossum surely they would have taken my duck/s too??? I did find another nest had been started nearby and had hopes she would begin setting on it. Oh well, I guess I jinxed myself when I said I guess I'll let nature take its course...

...and Then...

... Late that next night, Leelah, my Great Dane began barking and wouldn't stop!!! I jumped out of bed, grabbed my big flashlight by the door and shoved my bare feet into my boots and ran outside to our duck pen. I looked and listened but found nothing except for some very startled ducks. They quacked and hissed at my flashlights spotlight and seemed more bothered by my intrusion of their rest than anything Leelah was barking at. I figured it was a false alarm. So I crawled back into bed and went back to sleep.

The Saga Continues...

...The next morning I went out to check the have-a-hart trap we set and check on the ducks. Nothing in the trap. Time for a headcount... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, where is my Buff Muscovy???!!! NO! Not HER!? I search the perimeter and find no evidence of her or her assassin! Bummer! I really liked her! She was my sweet little girl! And now there were 8 little ducks all in a row... (well not really but it sounds poetic).


I checked the other nest and it was still intact and Pepper, our rescued black duck was sitting on it! Yay! There was still hope for new babies! And maybe one of those eggs was laid by my Buff and I would get another chance with her personality!

...But Wait, There's MORE!

...So the following morning I cross my fingers and head out to check the trap and the ducks. I really want to catch whatever has been doing this to my poor ducks! BUT... the trap was empty. Darn it! Next, I go check the nest. As I try to see through the brush I notice FIRST that the eggs are still in it and as my eyes adjust to the shadows I see something else...


What the WHAT!? Are you kidding me!? When I said LET NATURE TAKE IT'S COURSE, this is NOT what I had in mind! This is not what I was expecting to find!


My initial reaction was actually WHOA COOL! I mean it's not every day you get to see a magnificent rat snake swallowing an egg! It is bad for the egg I guess but I LOVE snakes! Especially RAT snakes! Every homestead needs rodent protection! A few eggs here and there are tax for the control of the rodent population and all. I was recording my daily YouTube vlog when I came upon this so you can watch my real time reaction and how I handled the situation here...

...and FINALLY!

Okay, so this is where it gets really weird! Later that day I realize that not all the ducks are present and accounted for. I am missing two Muscovies!? Where are they hiding? I look all over their normal hunting grounds they visit as they free range. Nothing. So I think, oh, maybe they are setting on that nest!? I go peek through the brush, halfway expecting to meet Mr. Rat snake again, only to discover...


AN EMPTY NEST!? How? That's not possible! A rat snake can only eat ONE egg at a time not half a dozen!? The other egg predators capable of carrying off whole eggs are nocturnal! This was the middle of the day! And then there were 6...

What is going on here!!!???

I mean obviously, I am dealing with a mystical beast here? What would cause all this? Are we dealing with multiple predators? What can take three full-size ducks in 24 hours? Fox? Chupacabra? Raccoon? Maybe an opossum got the eggs or a rat or a raccoon? Maybe a troll is living under the duck house and has begun feasting? I don't have a clue! As I write this I pray there is SOMETHING in that trap for me this morning!

If you LOVE snakes like me you will love this video my husband got at the farm he works at of a HUGE Rat snake CLIMBING A TREE!!!

Thank you for reading and watching Wholesome Roots!


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Nice real time homesteading post!
Eeeeeked by the snake!
Maybe it's .. I can't think of the right word - conceiving?
They eat a lot during those stage - grew up in the Phils and was told snakes - even rat snakes could eat a whole turkey when "pregnant"
but am no expert - you should ask @papa-pepper he has more personal experience with rat snakes ...

edit: I tried watching the last video but it's set on "private"

Thank you! That's possible! I wish @papa-pepper would read this and give us his two cents worth! I think I fixed the video so you could watch it! please let me know if not! Thanks again!

yes 2nd video's working now :)
and yes, we don't know each other indeed :)

edit : eeked and got goosebumps on it
i dare not watch the whole thing
that's a huge rat snake!

pretty awesome going up the entire tree!!!

@wholesomeroots Hi! In reading your article, my gut instinct is that the culprit is a rat, especially with your rat snake eating eggs, instead of catching and eating rats. Hello? That is why they are called rat snakes. Rats will also kill ducks and chickens. Rats do not travel far. Meat is the top preference for rats and mice. Nuts and seeds take second place. Cheese is a mythology; it is usually eaten only when preferable items aren't around.

I have found that if one wants to have ducks, then have large geese also. I'm talking the ones that are twice the size of Canada Geese. Geese are an incredible early warning system. Also, it is rare that a fox is able to take down one of these geese as long as it is healthy. Geese deter most duck predators except eagles, hawks, and members of the weasel family.

I will upvote your post in a few hours when my percentage builds back up.

I have really wanted Geese too but my husband hates their sound! Thank You!

Holy Moly.. what a week!!!! I would go out and get a cheap trail cam and set it up. I have a $40 one that's been great for helping to identify problem animals.

I'm thinking raccoon or fox, but don't know your area. We've had raccoons come around in the daytime for food if there is a source and need on their part. We keep a trap set pretty regularly, too. Along with a scoped .22 rifle! Though most low-level pests get relocated some miles down the road into the forest. If it were me, I'd be on a rampage... three ducks and about 16 eggs? Shoo-wee....

THat's a good idea! This is a rent check though so it will have to wait two weeks... I think raccoon is MOST likely! I will put marshmallows in trap tonight!

Yup, I was thinking some sort of camera / motion detector set up would tell the story. It's hard to know for sure what's going on when there are so many likely scenarios.

Chupacabra 😂😂😂. It was neat to see but heck no on the snake ... ick!!!

Woah!!! So the snake has been stealing eggs, but do you think it's the snake also stealing ducks? Or is there an accomplice in this crime?! I'm in suspense!! Please keep the updates coming!! I hope your ladies stay safe through the night. Resteemed!

The snake is most likely the egg thief and I'm leaning towards raccoon for the ducks. I will add marshmallows to the trap tonight!

That is some CCCRRRAAAZZZYYYY stuff! Sorry for your losses sister. Is there anyway to get em in a coop to keep em safe?

That would require a lot of time and money building a coop, lol... We don't have either at the moment!

Crazy! I sure hope you catch whatever it is that is making everything disappear! Sorry, I just couldn't look at that snake. YUCK! It will be interesting to see what this THING is!

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