WHAT Did I FIND Looking for my Missing Duck!?

Our Muscovy Duck Was Missing!!!

Ryan came in from doing Poultry chores yesterday afternoon and said he only counted 8 ducks and he thinks one is missing! I immediately went to investigate. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, where was the 9th duck!? They had a large area in a poultry net fence that they had been in for a few months with no predator issues so I was surprised one would be gone now. So I went searching for evidence of predator attack. My heart sunk when I saw a bunch of feathers buried in the brush against the edge of the fence...


As I crept closer to investigate the crime scene I heard a hissing sound coming from the tall weeds. My heart starts racing faster as I imagine what kind of vicious predator is still lurking in my Duck pen!? I don't know if I am more afraid for myself or my ducks at this point! I looked over to my right towards the ominous sound and I see...



A flood of relief washes over me as I realize there isn't a rabid raccoon about to pounce on me and claw my face off! Instead, it is my sweet buff Moscovy, alive and well! While I was happy to see her she wasn't returning the emotion, she hissed again at me like I was the scary raccoon now. So weird! She was always my most gentle and friendly duck...

As she waddles off, with an attitude, to her little pond (aka a dollar store kiddie pool) for a swim, I then bravely go deeper into the tall brush to investigate the pile of feathers. If it wasn't from her than what was it? Lo and behold I discover why she was missing and why she was hissing at me!


She was sitting on a nest of eggs!!! Moscovy are known to be wonderful parents. When one goes broody like this they tend to stay committed to sitting on the nest for 28 days! I am not sure how long she has been keeping this secret! Did she just start setting yesterday or has she been fooling us by showing up for feeding time when we do a head count? Either way, we should have some new baby ducks hatching soon! I might try candling some of them to see but I am afraid of disturbing her happy little nest hidden in the tall brush...

I think I'll just let nature take it's course... Watch our YouTube vlog for future updates on baby ducklings! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRFL-VU0wM9JZDCulQPDp4g

Thank you for reading and watching Wholesome Roots!


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Quite an adventure lol, I enjoyed it :) Will definately follow you, and looks liek you have good content on youtube nice

thank you for following!

What a happy find! Congratz!

I had a mean male miscovie one scratch/flog me as a child, but I know they are one of the best farmstead ducks!!
Hopefully you are also getting some eggs for eating.

we are getting plenty of eggs, just wish they were selling faster, lol

Yaaayyyyy! I always love it when new life happens on the homestead! Congrats on your soon to be new babies!

Very cool. Muscovy are awesome parents and always quite dedicated to the nests. I need to get some ducks again as we haven't had any in a year or two. The Muscovy are the breed I will go with and we have numerous farms around locally that have them, and also I see them up on craigslist all the time.

Good luck and I hope she finishes setting!

they are so cool to!

Congratulations on your pending new arrivals...

It's great having little ducklings around the place. Alas we only have drakes at the moment. Mr Fox was rather too keen on the mummy ducks.

this is first time we ended up with more hens than drakes! cant say the same on our chicken hatch from spring!

"I think I'll just let nature take it's course... "

I would encourage you to follow this. I disturbed the nest once when my hen was sitting day after day, by trying to clean up the nest while she was out and she never came back.

So cool! I hope all of them hatch successfully. She sure is determined to do her best.

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