Received Next Years Seeds From Baker’s Creek

It has been a little while since I last posted about the happenings on the homestead, so I thought I would give a quick post and update. These last few weeks we have been preparing and planning for what our garden is going to look like next year. We are going to use several IBC tanks as raised beds and will have several other plots set aside for various things.

As I mentioned in a previous post, I am getting very excited about next year’s growing season. We were planning on trying some different heirloom varieties to find a couple that we really like. Our goal is to move away completely from hybrids and rely solely on the heirlooms seeds. So, this will be a big step toward that goal.

With such success and enjoyment from trying homegrown cilantro, we are going to grow several other types of herbs. We have been able to get and put back several varieties of herb seeds that we want to grow, so then we turned our attention to some of the other staple crops.


A few weeks ago, I had ordered some of these seeds to plant next year. Then they arrived a few days later. We ordered our seeds through a popular supplier called Baker’s Creek. They have a wide array of seeds consisting of different beans, peas, herbs, and just about kind of garden plant one can think of. Many of them are obscure and different, so if you’re looking for something that is not offered at a local store, then I would recommend looking there. Some of the different seeds that we ordered were corn, popcorn, several beans, peas, and ground cherries.

We have never grown some of these garden vegetables before, but I am hoping to give you my thoughts on some of these varieties and I hope you will join us for the growing season next year!

Thanks for reading!


Which is more exciting... A. getting those catalogs and browsing for hours on end... B. placing the final order(s)... or C. getting the seeds in the mail.

I pick D... allof the above. I can't decide!

Yes! When the catalog arrived, I sat their for hours and could not believe how many different heirloom varieties there were. Now that we have the seeds, I cannot wait to get them growing.

Waaaaaaahhhh! Yaaaaaass! I just ordered the Atomic Grapes. I. AM. SO. EXCITED! I have a large heirloom seed collection, with a big portion of those being tomato. Baker Creek’s Beauty Queen is incredible. Maybe my favorite. Maybe. :)

We are trying to expand our heirloom seeds and are experimenting with some different types to see what we like. Usually, a majority of the seeds we keep are beans, but we want to keep more heirlooms around and get away from so many hybrids.
We almost ordered the atomic tomato, but decided against it for some reason. I have heard good things about it, so I may have to order some next time. When your's get to growing, I would love to hear your thoughts about them. Thanks for stopping by!

I save seed from all my tomatoes. When that time comes I'd be happy to send a few your way. ☺ I'll definately be sharing about them

Thanks! I cannot wait to hear your thoughts about them and your other plants.

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Atomic Grape. What a name. Sounds like something from Fallout. :) Do you save your own seeds at all? It's easy to do and allows you (after a few seasons) to grow plants well acclimatised to your area.

Yeah the Atomic Grape was really interesting. Unfortunately, we did not order any this year. In the past, we have saved our beans and potatoes to use for seed. We are really wanting to get away from growing hybrid plants and go to completely heirloom. So, we are trying several different kinds to see what ones really stand out and will then become permanent keepers.

Nice. It is always good to find what grows well in your local climate and then grow heaps of that. A lot of people seem to go to funny lengths to grow tropical plants in the northern wastes or boreal trees in the steam equatorial zones. If it doesn't want to grow in our garden it doesn't. And if it does then it grows everywhere. We have been keeping our seeds from a batch of various organic/heirloom seeds we bought a few years ago. This year is our first time growing an Ethiopian corn although it is not doing as well as the Anasazi or Strawberry Popcorn. We think, last year, we may have also cross pollinated some Tomatoes to make new and interesting varieties.

I've grown Brad's atomic grape tomatoes before! They are delicious. The color is amazing too - looks almost like an oil spill looks with that rainbow of colors swishing around on the surface.

You're gonna enjoy them!

~ Kevin

Hey Kevin. Unfortunately, we did not order any of the atomic tomatoes this year. We can real close to, but for some reason we didn't. I think it was because we were unsure how they would taste, but they would like nice on things like salads. Where they a milder tomato?

I found them to be quite delicious! Not mild though, an intense flavor.

I think we are going to have to give them a try next year. Thanks

I am in the midst of planning our garden. I love mapping it all out and reminding myself of what lies beneath all that snow.

I sure wish we could all exchange seeds through the computer screen because I would happily share what I have. I think I have a seed hoarding problem. I really like trying new things but you always get way more seeds that you need in a packet and we also save seeds. You'd think I would be satisfied but I have the baker creek catalogue ...and some birthday money ... :) :)

I'm going to donate seeds this year, I've discovered that the library has a seed exchange in the spring (yes!) and there's some other great seed bank initiatives as well that I want to write about and share. So glad you are getting into heirloom seeds! I am

That would be really cool to find local seed exchanges. I have been looking into some seed bank places because I am really interested in old heirloom seeds. After seeing a documentary on a gentleman that collected seeds, I have wanted to try them to see how different they are from today.

We have also been thinking about how we are going to plant our garden next year and trying to figure out the best places to put things. Before long, we will be trying to start some of our plants indoors. I cannot wait!

I can't wait either! IT won't be long until our fingers are in the dirt again. I miss that smell!

oops, hit enter before I was finished. I spent some time researching and talking to seed sanctuaries, many are non profit and really struggle. Many ask for a small membership fee but I think the value is truly worth it. I have a Canadian contact if anyone is interested.

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