Finally Getting My Seeds Started Indoors

I hope everyone is doing well. Today, I finally got around to starting some of my seeds. I have been seeing many people on here getting started and I have been waiting to start on mine. Well, today’s the day (it’s still a little early, but I think it will be okay).


I really enjoy being able to get in the dirt and watch things grow and I have been waiting because I have some new seeds to try. We have plans and will be redoing the way we plant our garden this year. It will involve more raised beds, than putting plants out in large rows. Also, by using the raised beds, it will help to keep some plants separated to prevent them from cross pollinating, but I will get more of that ready as it continues to warm up in the coming weeks.

I think part of my anticipation is that after having all of the cold weather and now getting more Spring like temperatures, it makes people want to get outside again to do things like get a garden going. This year we are going with all heirloom seeds. So far, I have just started my tomatoes and a few peppers. The tomatoes varieties I used were Beefsteak, Rutgers, and Black Vernissage and the only type of pepper is called Keystone. In the coming weeks, I am going to get other things started like cabbage and a few more peppers, but I have to look at what some of your local stores have in stock. Some other seeds I was thinking about starting indoors were onion seeds and ground cherries. I have never grown onions from seed before and never grown ground cherries at all, but I was going to see if any of you have. Did you have luck doing this or was there something special you had to do to help the plants along?


While these are just a few of the seeds, I have much more interesting ones to plant. I am hoping to do some reviews on these different seeds. As it gets closer to putting out things like beans, I am very interested to see if any of you have tried them/heard about them and if you liked them or not. So, I hope you stay tuned for this growing season to see how things turn out.

Thanks for stopping by and reading!


Onions from seeds are a easy grow. the more light, the better, what variety are you wanting to go? my favourite to grow are walking onions, they make new bulbs on the top of each plant all summer long and you can replant to grow more little ones over the summer or keep letting them go ontop of the plant till fall then harvest and plant in the ground after the first snow so they come up in spring, or dry out and take inside and plant in spring

Usually we buy onion sets from a local store and they are smaller onions (I am not sure what kind). Are the walking onions a generic onion?

The onion seeds that I am trying are called Ailsa Craig Onions, I think. They are supposed to be a huge onion that gets to 5 lbs. I got them from Baker's Creek and when I saw them I thought I would give them a try. Thanks

walking onions can be referred to as a few things, most comonly egyptian walking onions or winter onions, they make fairly small onions unless you let them grow a few seasons, their a white onion and the greens uptop are Very tasty i will come back and link a picture and some info to them

Yeah that would be great and I would really appreciate it! I will have to look into those types of onions because most of the onions we eat are usually smaller, so they sound like they might be a good fit. Thanks again!

Perennial onions are so cool! I also have egyptian walking onion and I picked up local seeds for 2 kinds of perennial chives and one perennial leek. They are germinating now, so excited lol!!

nice i have onion and garlic chives that come back every summer, i wanna plant leeks this year,, my walking onions came of my great grandpas farm when they moved to town in 1968, bought my grandparents house 3 years ago, still have the same patch, the heads on them must be huge by now, i just take the bulbs off them and plant the bulbs each year, last 3 years i plant all the bulbs i get but only harvest half of what i grow, keep making the patch bigger and bigger.

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There is really something special about planting a seed and watching it grow. I've said before that a person can go through pretty much every human emotion during the growing season.

Planting season is one of my favorite things about Spring because of being able to see all the hard work payoff. The only thing better is when the calves start coming and are running around. Thanks for stopping by!

So exciting picking seeds! Ground cherries grow very fast, I would say even faster than tomato seedlings. Starting them in a month is fine, onions you want to get going now! They have a long time from seed to maturity. Groundcherries are also really prolific, they self seed so put them somewhere in your garden that you can control them haha!!
I am also itching for spring!! Bring it on:)

Thanks for the tips! Like I mentioned some of these plants I have never grown before, so any hints are greatly appreciated. I have had these seeds for a couple of months and been wanting to plant for so long!! I am glad I got a chance to finally start.

So the ground cherries are a perennial? I have read that some are and others didn't say. That's also really good to know that they will take off now, so I can plan for that and won't worry about having a whole garden full of ground cherries :)

Another question is did you like them and what did they taste like? I have heard from some that they taste kind of like a pineapple. Thanks

They are perennial in the way that the cherries themselves (that fall into your garden, as it is unavoidable) are excellent at germinating after the winter and are fast growers. They will re-seed! They have a weird sweetish pineapple/melon taste....but not too sweet. Texture like a tomato....funky little things. They store for a long time in their wrappers just like tomatillos.

Any questions ever, ask away!! I love me some plant talk <3 <3 <3

Okay thanks! I that's what some have been telling me that it has a pineapple/melon taste and I have read it can be good for things like pies and I figured why not. I will probably have more questions down the road, but for right now I can't think of any more. Thanks again for your help :)

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