Zombie Invasion Challenge – Win SBD & More!

in #homesteading6 years ago

Are you fully prepared? Did you forget about a necessity? What about a family treasure? It's often hard to even think about walking away from a life you worked hard to create, but in an emergency situation, you just might not have a choice.

This challenge is designed to get you thinking about how prepared you are to survive, if you have to suddenly leave your entire life behind and head out on foot. Put you thinking caps on and dial up the creative and imaginative parts of your brain and jump in for a bite.

A zombie invasion is happening!

You can see a giant horde heading straight for your house. You have less than 5 minutes to grab the family, your bug out bags and any one extra item you want to take. What will that one extra item be and why did you choose it? Will you choose a family heirloom? A beloved photo? An extra survival tool that is not already in your bug out bag?

image source

To enter:

  1. Write a Steemit post explaining what your one extra item is and why you chose it. I will upvote all at 100%.
  2. Link to your post in the comments below.


Post a comment below, along with what item and why you chose it.

Extra Credit

  1. Upvote your favorite 3 replies to this post. It helps us determine the best of the best.
  2. Comment with real interaction on the 3 best replies to this post. It helps us determine the best of the best.
  3. Upvote and resteem this post and comment that it is done. Not mandatory but greatly appreciated. Works as a plus to you if you have entered the challenge.
  4. It won’t be included in the scoring, but feel free to show some love by upvoting and commenting on every entry ON THEIR POST. We all need to support each other!

Prizes & Rules

  1. Top point earner will win one of my gemstone necklace creations and 1 SBD
  2. Next Top 3, point earners will each win 1 SBD.
  3. All entries from the USA will win a free package of seeds, my choice. Please send your mailing address to [email protected] so I can send them to you. Add ZOMBIE CHALLENGE to the subject so I can find them easily.
  4. SBD prize is open to anyone in the world, but seeds & the necklace can only be sent in the USA.

That is all there is to it. This is intended to be a fun and educational challenge to help others think outside the box, plus share a little SBD around to help others. Everyone has a different reason for what they want to take in an emergency and why. The time to think of these things is now, before the worst-case scenario happens, not after it starts.


I'd probably bring along a packet of seeds ( :P ) in case this zombie infestation is here to stay for a while. A bug out bag probably has all the basics like tent/sleeping bags/if I were rich, a boat to go on water with, but I need to be prepared to dig in and start over from seeds if need be. Of course, the seeds would probably need to grow to be edible plants.

Also, if I manage to kill a few zombies, I wonder if zombies make decent fertilizer...

Do you remember that old Jim Stafford song? "We just smiled and waved, sittin' there on that sack of seeds." Maybe those seeds... lol!

dang it @fishyculture, now I can get "spiders and snakes" out of my head, lol.

He had a way of making a song stick with you, didn't he? You got your revenge. It is stuck in mine now... lol!

I think they prob ably should be composted for a few years before using. Heck, it might be best to burn first, then compost to ensure the virus that caused them isn't taken up by the plants and injected to the food.

Wow, did I just come up with a completely new twist on how to start a zombie invasion!!!!

Aluminium foil: can be used to make a bowl to collect and drink water, made into a wall around campfire, can be used if ground is damp to place wood on to start fire, protection from EMP attacks, protecting food from contamination, cooking food, reflection to signal for help, catching fish (can attract them), for sharpening tools and many other uses.

While I do see you alluded to it with "protection from EMP attacks" I think it was remiss of you to fail to mention that it will be the material of choice for hats if the zombies are afoot... lol!

ha..ha..ha.. as I said many other uses

Very nice! That would be super helpful! :)

Don't forget the most important use: Protection from alien mind probe. ;) Because we all know zombies and aliens always go together.

yes definitely don't want the aliens finding us.

Sharpening tools? I had not heard of that one. Could you write a post on how to do it? That would make a great addition to our Sotall Directory!

Hmm... I would say a hammer! It could be used to break things, i.e. windows, doors and zombie heads! A tool and weapon in one!
Thanks for the chance to win and thanks for the free seeds! Its almost planting season! :) Also, upvoted and resteemed!

"I'd hammer in the morning, I'd hammer in the evening, all over this land..."
But you'd hammer for just us, right? ;)

You got it!! :D Hammer all day and night!

Have you seen those hatchet/hammer combinations? That would probably be a great real world tool to carry. Chop wood, hammer nails, and when you swing back to chop the zombie in front of you, you can hammer in the head of the one behind you at the same time!

Yes!! You think like I do! Chop, chop, chop em up!

Well, I am a "bug in" kinda' gal... I live in such a manner that very few things are going to make me bug OUT and to be honest, zombies are not among them. I have a very defend-able location, I would not abandon that! To try to get into the spirit of the challenge, I will need to pretend Yellowstone is blowing my way perhaps... one of the few scenarios I would "bug out" over. In that case, I would anticipate planet-wide extinction level events, and would not try to grab much. The years of learning survival SKILLS are with me even if I am empty-handed. I honestly think if it was THAT bad, I would grab my guitar. I'm either going to be one of the few who survive, in which case I can go grab cars, houses, airplanes, whatever I want in a few days... or I am about to die regardless of what I do. (Is that a lava-blob with MY name on it? Damn!) Either way, I think I would be inclined to want to make a little music, one more time.
Maybe in a past life I was Nero? lol!
Oh, forgot to say, upvoted and resteemed!

Now you are gonna make me put my thinking cap on. How can we make you run for the hills during the zombie invasion? ..........

Ok, a horde of zombie firefighters are headed for your place. It's been reported they are setting fire to every building they pass and yours is next on their list.

Will you run for the hills? lol

Lol! Honey, I am ON the hill. I have a vantage point here that no one can sneak up on me. Act of God, THAT is what it takes to get me to run. I am old, I am tried, and I am ready to make my stand HERE!

Because it’s always a good idea to make noise with zombies around to make it easier for the poor dears to find their next meal...

But I do see you’re point about one last song 🤔. But what a way to die, eaten alive ... no thanks

I will never be eaten alive. So many bullets, so little time, lol.

Haha, the best thing you can have is years of experience - then you're resourceful enough to make to with whatever you need! But gotta enjoy life even if it's about to mostly end!

I would grab my pair of butterfly swords,. Why ? Because is one really enough and the bigger the better. Zombies 🧟‍♂️ are just part it the problem, people will be the worst. Anyone that watches the walking dead knows guns become rare along with ammo, if u make it far enough your martial arts skills become a great asset along with the right weapons. Might as well invest in the long term... Lol 😂

I really need to get a sword and think it should be part of every survivor type's home. It is especially good in a zombie invasion. But you got to keep it sharp so you can slice and dice a dozen zombies with one quick swing, lol. But seriously, I want to get a katana. I don't think I could handle a broad sword or anything heavy. A Katana seems like the perfect grandma sword. Not saying anyone who uses one is a grandma, just that it is probably the best long sword available for us.


Butterfly swords, big knives but not as long or heavy as swords, nice for close range and can take on two zombies at a time :) good weapons for the ladies too

With my short little arms, I am afraid any half way competent zombie could reach out and scratch me before I could cut him up with them, lol.

Well it does depend on the strain of zombie.. the original can only infect by bite, a scratch might be ok.. if that’s the worst you receive and you are worried you could just lob off the infected arm before it spreads using ... wait For it now.. a butterfly knife. But please sanitize it first, no point cutting off the arm if the blade is still covered in zombie.. so many people make that mistake 🙄

You are correct on that point. I think I have one of those grandma moments and forgot about it.

But if you're really close and personal with 5 zombies, seems like it'd be hard to not get bitten - what kind of armor would you think would go well in a zombie type invasion?

Shark suit :) if it can stop a shark from biting you in a dive it should work for zombies lol

HAHA! Good thinking on the shark suit!

:) lol this is not my first zombie apocalypse.. I have lived for thousands of years. What am I ?

Wow! Great Idea. I wonder if they come in 3xl grandma size!

That's when you jump into the air with a HUGE swing kick that take out 4 of them with one blow. The left over one is then easy pickings, lol

We would be set! My husband has a wide array of knifes, swords and other sharp objects! A few guns as well... we do live in Texas! :D

:) I do find that amazing about USA, right to keep and bear arms. It’s very difficult to even get a gun license for 1 in South Africa.

I love this post! Now, since I am a wannabe doomsday prepper (I dont actually have any supplies, I just wish I could afford an underground bunker and would enjoy immensely the setting up of one) my bug out bag probably weighs 250 lbs and has all the major and minor necessities. We were just evacuated a few months ago due to wildfires, so I re-did our go-bag into a go-bin. Fully prepared to camp and live off grid indefinitely with the supplies I packed. So...last thing Id grab would be a cheeseburger animal style and a chocolate shake from In & Out :P Its going to be awhile before I have artificial fatty goodness again!

Your cheeseburger is so funny, lol.

I would love to build a place underground, but I would just go ahead and build an entire house with lot's or storage areas. Sadly, I don't have the choice of bugging out. I'm not physically capable. But I had about 25 years of preparing so I am ready to hunker in place and protect what I've got.

I'd prefer to stay home, any day! I think I have too much anxiety for life on the road, even without the zombie apocalypse. Id like to think of my underground bunker as an underground house. There has to be a number of tunnels and rooms, otherwise Id go crazy. A sauna room with a hot tub is in the plans, too, LOL. Gardening room with generator and growing lights for fresh veggies and fruits...life still has to be good, otherwise, what was the point in preparing?

very true. Maybe we should start planning out the perfect underground bunker. Decide how many people we will let me involved, what types of areas we want to include, where all the storage rooms should go, etc., etc. No reason why we couldn't use Steemit to help us raise money for it.

Well first off, we need an architect. Everyone we allow in must have some skill or offering to the group so we can thrive as a little community. Doesn't necessarily need to be a manual skill either, we need our psychological needs met, too! Great idea - maybe we can try hosting a collab post to build the ultimate bunker and get the community involved?

Great Idea! My little daily prize pool questions are slowly working toward picking peoples brains on ideas, lol. We could come up with an entire series of questions oriented on what would you include in an underground community.

YES!!! and in response to the other comment - the thinking and generating of new ideas and sharing really is the best part of your contests. what is common knowledge to you may be life saving info to someone else, you never know! Are you on Facebook? Maybe we can connect there to chat about our top 10 questions for the bunker post and the best way to go about it? Im still dealing with bandwidth issues :(

Made a post on the uses of aluminium foil. Thanks for giving me the idea.

got you covered!

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