Wanna Buy My House for Steem or Bitcoin?

Wouldn't that be cool? I'd totally do it, too. 4,275 Steem or 1.25 Bitcoin and it's yours. Unfortunately, the park office won't take the $250/month lot rent in crypto.

(Above pic swiped from Google street view, the rest are my own.)

Since I bought my property in Arkansas, I've been in a hurry up and wait sort of period. My mobile home isn't selling as quickly as I imagined. Actually, I've sold it a half dozen times and have had plenty of interest and tours, but that's a long story and drama I don't want to get into. Turns out poor people who need frugal living arrangements have low credit scores and can't get into frugal living arrangements.


The double-wide mobile is about 20 minutes from the University of Illinois, is in a good school district, and an apartment of a similar size would easily be $800/month around here. There are hundreds of mobiles in this park, a laundromat at the office (my place includes washer/dryer), and there's a public swimming pool. Not a bad deal at all.


I've been going stir crazy just waiting to get to my homestead and get started. Everything is on hold, but there's nothing I can really do about it. Why not post about it on Steemit? You never know, somebody in the area might be watching. Any day now...


Once I get moved out of Illinois, I'll be more active everywhere. You can also check me out on...






Sharing to others who might be interested for you!

Thanks, I appreciate that, you never know...

There you go! Thinking outside the box! I like that! Good luck on a fast sale!

Thanks Rose! Hope the storm passes you by without any more damage, glad you got all the animals put up too.

Sell it to someone local for 500.00, cut the losses and hit the road...I say.

For every year you wait, you are handing over 3,000 in lot rent...so it is costing you more to wait, then to give some lucky person a really good deal.

I'd love to give it away to someone in need, but I need the proceeds so I've got something to live in when I get to Arkansas. And they'd still have to pass the credit/background/references check at the office. Even junky old pop-up campers are $1,500 in that area. If I can only sell it for $500, I'll be living in a tent. Again.

Ahh, yeah...been there too. Well best of luck then...

I'd maybe try and post some flyers up around U of I campus. Maybe put an ad on Craigslist. I wonder if you'd have to pay a capital gains tax if you sold it for crypto?

Yep, I've been doing craigslist and local papers,good suggestions. I may have to try flyers at the campus if people stop calling when I list it. I've had plenty of interest and tours and offers, my bottleneck has been the buyer getting approved by the park office. They're being really picky about employment history and late payments, apparently. It'll happen any day now, just a run of bad luck.

I hadn't considered a capital gains tax, interesting. I wouldn't think I'd have to pay it since it's a sale of a property and I'd have the records to show that. And I'll be turning it into dollars, not holding onto it. If you bought a bitcoin at $3000 and turned it back into cash at $5000, that would seem like a taxable capital gain. Just a guess.

Yeah I think with most property sales you can get out of capital gains if you do a 1031 exchange, however I think this only applies if its a rental property or an investment. If it's your main residence than no, you should be just fine. Best of luck, you'll be on your homestead soon!

Can you rent it 'til it sells or do a buyer rent to own? You could hold the contract on the latter, I believe.

Hurry up and wait is nerve-wracking.

Nope, must be owner occupied per the park rules. They won't even let me sell it rent to own, the title has to be signed over to the new owner before they will approve the lot lease. I get why they do that, they don't want to have to deal with any disputes on ownership and who is paying them the lot rent, so it is what it is. Good ideas, though, I wish I had those options. I'm just gonna be glad to be done with it all.

Dang, I was afraid of that. It was worth a shot...

Fingers crossed the right folks are headed your way soon!

Thanks for the support. On the bright side, it'll be cooler weather for all the work I'll need to do in Arkansas, and its giving me a lot of time to research and prepare to get started. Not all bad, I try to stay on the positive side :)

Good point on the weather and the time invested in research. Both will definitely make the transition easier.

Put some sign boards that is visible for passers, so that they can easily see those who are interested..

A big sign in the yard might help, thanks, I'll see if I can find one.

Brother, that's brilliant! Good thinking!

This should be a mega popular post... Maybe it would spark others to sell their houses for BTC and drive the price through the roof 😏

Thanks. Maybe if I actually sold it for Steem, then it would be worthy of being mega popular. :) Perhaps the very first home ever sold for Steem? Probably won't happen, that I think that would be so cool.

You never know! 😄

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