Liberty & Preparedness Series: #2. | What Are Your Emergency Preparedness / Knives On Hand Like? | Do You Have Your Supply Ready? Community Engagement Post!

in #homesteading6 years ago

In my travels around the Dutton Estate tonight, I always walk by some of my bushcraft/outdoors/homesteading gear and supplies and got me thinking maybe I need to run a series on such things.

Are you prepared as far as your knives/cutting tools go??

... for 3 days.... and beyond?

I have touched on it a few times here and there of course but largely avoid it since as a high profile activist here over the years calling out the police state and related government corruption, they watch me and they have admitted it.

Why add to my file and make their overpaid jobs any easier to extort tax dollars and steal what is left of our civil liberties, right?

They are known to target people who like to be prepared... even though here is a complete search string, tied to government links and propaganda telling us to do it as citizens and be ready.


Government double-speak or stupidity.... Shocking, I know!!

Government Sponsored Links Advising Residents to be Prepared Yet Target Said Taxpayers for it Anyways

They are state sponsored gutless terrorists for the most part, paid out of tax dollars and so are in a complete conflict from a Liberty and Civil Rights perspective of course, along with a waste of said tax dollars on their over the top , gold plated salaries, pensions and benefits and whatnot to over regulate everything in life....

.... but they know that. I have told them all plenty to their faces, by email and on my YT videos inside and outside publicly paid for buildings.

I have blogged a lot about being out in the woods and bushcrafting and all that goes along with some of my homesteading and offgrid life and interests.

I've tried to put my money where my mouth is also , on Steemit a few times:

This week is about proper, high grade knives, not multi tools, we will get to that episode, do not worry!

I've spent 300 nights outdoors in a hammock in a year, thru literally all 4 seasons, right up til nearly Christmas in Canadastan in the snow.

If your base layers and sleep system are layered, proper and accessible, with your wool of course LOL..... you can live outdoors pretty nicely despite what your fascist neighbours and bylaw officers might think as the police state and publicly funded Air 1 and 2 choppers fly a grid over your property.

Share with us about your ideas and gear and kits/supplies. Community Engagement Post!

Past Posts in This Series:

Newest to Oldest:

Super Easy/Fast Picture Edits / Resizing at: and also
Series Main Image Source 1 Barry Dutton Activism
Series Main Image Source 2 - Emergency Preparedness

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Please note -- I will have limited internet access for awhile -- so PLEASE do not be upset that I cannot reply right away, or to everyone. I am dealing with some changes, and will have limited time online and will be happy if I get a few blog posts up a week.
This has really upset some people but I do not force my opinions on others, or need to communicate every detail of my life or issues, most people do not care anyways. I invested around 10 hours or more a day on Steemit most of my first 13 mths here, I just do not have that time in my life right now, and that includes for replies and voting/curation.
I have done my best, sorry if you do not understand like some are clearly having a problem with. It's a blogging platform, and I will do my best at everything, and to keep blogging.
Carry On.


You can never have too many knives in different places. I have small Swiss Army knives in jacket pockets and pouches that I just leave there all the time. I make sure to have a knife in my car, always. I almost never use them, but I have used them and when you need a knife it's great to have a knife ready in these places. They don't have to be big or fancy, they just need to be quick access.

I then have some bigger knives that get moved a little more often depending what I'm up to and what the season is. Things that go in different backpacks or on my belt depending on the situation or activity. These would be more like folding or sheathed buck knives. I also carry a knife on my life jacket for kayaking/sailing. This one has come in handy more than I can count.

And then the big knifes and other cutting tools which I'll take for specific tasks. I guess I keep them within pretty quick access around the house, but I would have to plan to take them if I was going to need them somewhere else. These include bigger hunting knives, machetes, hatchets, axes, etc.

Don't forget to keep them all clean and sharp:)

I think you know this stuff pretty well man LOL

Heading offline, great reply..... hopefully you can check my detailed reply in the comments to someone about some key points for this topic..... but I think you could "write a book" on this lol

See what I did there man?

Nite dude!

Well, that was unexpected! :)

Are you going to post some advice on what knife is best?

Impossible to say, it depends on many factors.

  • Budget

  • Local carry laws if off your property (because Big Government)

  • Purpose for the knife / right tool / right job

  • Wet environments = different kind of steel (carbon no good in wet environment long term or without proper care / keeping dry/ oiled for ex.)

  • Blunt / Hammer end exposed on a knife should always be thought of in case of need for a glass break...

  • Do you know how to sharpen said tool or have ability to do it? Diff. steels again, or grades - different levels of care, etc.

I could go on for awhile but you know what I mean. I hope it gets others thinking along these lines also.

So important we learn to fend for ourselves as tyranny creeps in by the day, I really need to be able to learn how to survive without some of the creature comforts, thanks for sharing.

That mindset is a key one, good for you.

I desire the simpler life.

I don't have a survival knife yet, but it IS on my list of things to get soon. I have pepper spray, and keep a kitchen knife within easy reach in my bedroom for protection (and a pair of scissors in my purse for the same reason). After the hurricane in September, where we were without power for five days, I now have a propane generator (never again, I say to that long without power). I'm looking into equipping my house with solar panels.

I've started up my college hobby of growing my own herbs again. I'm going to give vegetables another try, too. The first attempt was a sad one. Lol!

I'm preparing, slowly, but I'm getting there. I actually DO have a list. :)

Heading offline, great reply..... hopefully you can check my detailed reply in the comments to someone about some key points for this topic.

Nite Steph, thanks for stopping by my blog again, it was nice to chat with you again.

I promised I would get back here.

herbs and scissors eh?


I like a girl with a plan!

Did you see my post about what police stating is going on in MN at the SuperBowl tonite????????

.... that is awful!

I missed that one, but I'm going to look for it now. I don't follow sports, but anything to do with the increasing police state interests me. We must fight "the man." Resist!

Really eh?

How so?

I will hold my breath for a reply.

Yes. It is quite interesting

Good morning friend your precious post has impressed me,
thank you

Que buena publicación. gracias por compartirla

double-speak or stupidity.... Shocking,

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