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RE: Liberty & Preparedness Series: #2. | What Are Your Emergency Preparedness / Knives On Hand Like? | Do You Have Your Supply Ready? Community Engagement Post!

I don't have a survival knife yet, but it IS on my list of things to get soon. I have pepper spray, and keep a kitchen knife within easy reach in my bedroom for protection (and a pair of scissors in my purse for the same reason). After the hurricane in September, where we were without power for five days, I now have a propane generator (never again, I say to that long without power). I'm looking into equipping my house with solar panels.

I've started up my college hobby of growing my own herbs again. I'm going to give vegetables another try, too. The first attempt was a sad one. Lol!

I'm preparing, slowly, but I'm getting there. I actually DO have a list. :)


Heading offline, great reply..... hopefully you can check my detailed reply in the comments to someone about some key points for this topic.

Nite Steph, thanks for stopping by my blog again, it was nice to chat with you again.

I promised I would get back here.

herbs and scissors eh?


I like a girl with a plan!

Did you see my post about what police stating is going on in MN at the SuperBowl tonite????????

.... that is awful!

I missed that one, but I'm going to look for it now. I don't follow sports, but anything to do with the increasing police state interests me. We must fight "the man." Resist!

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