Homesteading is Important to me ...

in #homesteadchallenge7 years ago (edited)

It was the morning of Christmas Eve 2014. I went to bed with a stomach ache and I woke at 5am writhing in pain. I complained and moaned to my husband. Our flight out for Christmas was in 6 hours. We never made that flight.

By 7 am I was vomiting from the pain. At the hospital tests were run. My kidney was failing!

But I’m healthy! I eat well! I exercise! None of that matters when a congenital issue is constricting the tiny passageway to your kidney, 27 years and I just found out about it. Three surgeries later and I found myself scarred in bed looking out my window at snow. And on top of that I had been fired.

Now I’m not complaining. Sometimes bad things bring the greatest goods. I’m only setting the scene for how this event altered the course of my life and helped me realize the path I wanted to take. I was stuck at home. My husband spent a couple weeks at my request, finishing up a greenhouse that we’d started. And over the next 4 months I healed. I did it with the help of the plants. I spent every day with them in the greenhouse watching seeds sprout, writing about them, learning about them, experiencing the way they subtly communicate with us. You’d be surprised how dramatic a plant can be and how human.

I read gobs of books including the inspirational Gaia’s Garden by Toby Hemingway. By the time the snow was gone I was driven by forces beyond myself. I raised gardens, built paths, started vermiculture bins and had ordered chickens. And I’d found a new job on a small organic farm.


So I guess I began because the plants told me that they were my destiny. They helped me through a time of healing. A time I felt so ultimately vulnerable until I experienced their own fragility and how despite it all they survive, even flourish, display beauty, and bear fruit. I suppose the plants inspired me, whispered to me in the way they do only to those who truly spend the time to listen and learn their language, that homesteading is the point.

Why do I homestead? What goals do I have? These answers change from season to season and year to year. The more I do, the longer I stick with it the more my ideas change on these topics. Sometimes it’s because I have the dream to provide my family with all of our own food for all four seasons, independence from grocery stores. Other times it’s to stick it to the man. Sometimes it’s for health. Others it’s just because I can’t wait to relate to the seasons newest flowers.

But when the seeds all get winnowed out what’s left is why homesteading is important to me. Because it feels right, because it heals both us and the earth, because the plants once told me, “What else is the point than to help create more beautiful life.”

What do I hope to achieve? Everything I can and Nothing more than mother nature herself.


Wonderful article! You have been entered into the challenge - thank you! Just so you know, the tag is #homesteadingchallenge, I found this by using the tag #homesteading! Please update it if you get the chance! Thank you!

weird. it is under homesteading but also under homesteadchallenge and thl ... i can even see that it is at the bottom of the post. How do i change that? I guess im kind of a noob ( ;

Tags are very specific so even though it is listed under #homesteading and #homesteadchallenge, it is not listed under #homesteadINGchallenge. When you click on #homesteadingchallenge, Steemit shows you all of the articles written with that tag, and yours is not included since it uses the other two instead. Tags don't combine which can be kind of confusing :) Simply go to your article and at the bottom right hand side (where the up vote button/comment buttons are), there should be an "edit" button. Then you can edit posts that have already been published!

haha wow i didn't even notice the "ING" part ... haha what a dope! I'll fix it ( ;

haha it's easy to miss! Thanks for fixing it lol

What a great story and outcome. God always has a greater plan than us and we don't really see why things happen the way they did but there is reason. I'm glad you are ok and that you learned a lot during all this. Stay well and keep planting. Upvoted and resteemed fellow thl Member! :) Followed you too!

Oh boy do I understand where you're coming from. Something about homesteading that brings out the SuperPowers! Great story🌻

WOW - what a fantastic and inspirational article. I like homesteading myself for the challenges and the changes that each season bring. I think as a collective we all share some of the same goals and ambitions to be self-suficient and self sustaning. But more than anything we all enjoy the sense of accomplishment the challenge of homesteading provides us. Thanks for sharing your great story.

Glad you liked it. It was certainly something to experience.

Nice story! And might I add that I am really jealous of your greenhouse! That structure is the thing my dreams are made of!

It was made from all recycled materials too! I'll do a post about it one day (:

Great job on the greenhouse! I hope you aren't running that electric heater during the winter months :0) Could cost you hundreds...

Love the article and glad you survived your surgery.

I wonder who my handy greenhouse contractor was? I might have used that heater the first year ( :

What inspiration. God works with the universe in so many ways. It was all meant to work out this way. Happy Homesteading and healthy healing to you. Now following you. Love to read some of your stuff. Post away.

I'm glad you had the plants to get you through your tough times! I appreciate how you say plants can be so dramatic and human. I think of many as old friends when I see them growing wild in places I'm visiting for the first time. And the plants at my own place are even better friends. Here's to your homesteading success, connection with the plants, and good health!

I'm glad someone else understands that connection. They are insanely interesting beings that people pass by without a thought every day.

Congratulations on the Homesteading Challenge, @jayjayjeffery! As far as I'm concerned, we're all winners here, because we get to read each others posts, and be inspired by them. So yeah, it may be a bit late for an up-vote, but I'm following you, looking forward to your next articles. By the way, I love your pics, and enjoy seeing someone connect with plants. They do talk to us, don't they?

Ah! Thanks! I don't know if I ever found out who won! Either way I appreciate the read. And the fact that you don't think I'm crazy about how they speak with us ( :
I'll keep an eye out for your stuff too.

Well, the price went to @sthomestead, but as I said, I consider all of us winners. Just the fact that we all got featured in this post together, giving us the chance to connect. Take a look at the winner announcement:
There is a similar contest going on, to find a solution to global problems. You can earn 2 steem (woo-hoo) but at the same time connect with similar minded people. Take a look and join if you want. You can still submit an article till the end of the month:

Awesome! Thanks for the updates on all that. I just got back home from a long road trip and have been doing so much yard work I barely have time to be online and find that stuff anymore!

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