Vote For the Winner - New Year's Writing/Creation Contest 2017

in #holiday8 years ago (edited)

Since the contest posts haven't been too successful, I am going to make the minimum reward 10 Steem ;) Happy New Year! If the post does well, of course the reward goes up

Submission for entries have closed, and now the Steemit community can vote on the best submission in the comments. Voting will close by December 30, noon CST. Entry with the most votes wins, but ties will share the prize.
The contest rules, etc can be found here

Please vote for the best entry in the comments below! And don't forget to head on over to their blog and give them a nice upvote and comment there as well! I have put a summary and link in each entry description - if the work was short enough, I have included it in it's entirety.

The theme for the contest is "The difference between 2016 and 2017 IS..."

Entry One @sazbird - Poem/Art

Beta, Better (an original poem)

It could have been 2016
But we added a year on
To come out of beta,

The numbers will rise
Users and steem
Believe my call
This isn't any dream

Entry Two @johnjgeddes - Story

New Years in Samoa... No resolutions for 2017—just real, significant life change

I'll let John describe it for you:
New Years offers the promise of change—otherwise, why would we look forward to it? We all await the coming of the new in the hope that we will not spend another year given over to the self-defeating games we usually play. Yes, a new year is about to begin and the difference between 2016 and 2017 will not lie in events, happenstance, personal goal setting or the making of resolutions. Because real significant change does not consist so much in having a good year, as a good life—and that kind of metamorphosis and maturation requires a change of heart.

My story, New Years In Samoa illustrates how this kind of heart-change can bring about a profound life-change. Here is the link and my wish is that as you read the story its truth will whisper to your heart.

Entry Three @creatr - Article

Steemit, 2017📅 - New Modes of Thinking

hanging out on Steemit for several months now has encouraged me to hope for meaningful change. I also hope that what I share here might likewise help others to change for the better. "Social Media" has already changed the world.

Entry Four @keithwillshine - Poem

What will be different in 2017 from 2016? (Contest entry.) A Poem About Crypto-World From 2016 to 2017!

(First Stanza- Full poem at his link)
I fumble for words, I gather my thoughts.
I wonder what will be different, Alot, or Not....

Last year was a good one, we saw bitcoin peak,
We saw Steemit be born, and adopted by peeps.....

There will be more crypto on the Blockchain,
1,000 coins all with different names?

In 2016 they hunted the man behind Bitcoin, who could it be?
If Satoshi Nakamoto, is an angel, the 2nd coming Christ, or an E.T. In 2017 we may finally see......

I want to thank these four Steemers for their contribution to this contest! Please upvote them at their blogs as well!

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