What will be different in 2017 from 2016? (Contest entry.) A Poem About Crypto-World From 2016 to 2017!

in #poetry8 years ago (edited)


I fumble for words, I gather my thoughts.
I wonder what will be different, A lot, or Not....

Last year was a good one, we saw bitcoin peak,
We saw Steemit be born, and adopted by peeps.....

There will be more Crypto on the Blockchain,
1,000 coins all with different names?

In 2016 they hunted the man behind Bitcoin, who could it be?
If Satoshi Nakamoto, is an angel, the 2nd coming Christ, or an E.T. In 2017 we may finally see......


But can we evolve and make something new,
A new way to use them, created by you.....

The amount needs not to grow anymore,
Be ready for another Zcash... need I say more?

Monero will win, that's where my money goes,
Bitcoin worth over 1,000 has no room to grow....

Screenshot (293).png

Last year they crated names and sold them to you,
Codes that aren't worth much if they have no use.....

We are still in the youth, finding our stride,
But wait for the government to unveil a surprise.

The truth is that we have help from above,
Help from inside, the infinite love.


If you want my educated guess for 2017,
Things need to get messy, before people will clean....

Crypto can save lives! used for Federal Budgets,
Try it out world, I know you will love it....

The Military is trying to push the world into war,
But in 2017 we will see whats in store....

If the people do not want to fight,
They cannot force us, free will is our right...

So do not fall for the tricks and the lies,
Keep building a world that they won't recognize.


While they have all of their efforts in creating prison,
The darkness blinded them, so they will not know what hit them.

Its a well lit horizon I'm sure you have seen,
The darkness is so chaotic, letting out its last scream....

The real question now is why the Dragon Family elite,
Doesn't Create a coin of their own, replace the paper and ink....

And if that doesn't convince them, I know what would....
But If they use Crypto to fund war, would it be good?

Someones been hoarding, and stealing the wealth,
Secure your coins offline, before they belong to somebody else....

If your reading this poem, and you robbed the markets,
With all of those coins, you're now the target....


You can get more out of life, by handing out,
Do you wish to be swimming, while the worlds in a drought?

I know, I am getting a bit too deep,
But in 2017 it will be Steemits PEAK!

What Ive learned in the past year, is you can profit from fear,
Is this what our leaders, have been doing for years?

Lets open the floodgates, lets make the world ours
We have the platform, a digital world, without bars....


Secrecy is not a thing we'll maintain
No secrets no poverty, on the Block-chain....

I think that we now can all safely say,
That we can finally grow, with no force in our way...

So 2016 was the year we got the tools,
We manufactured a community, and set the rules.

So I see in the year of 2017,
A world that's more fair, more abundant and clean.

And with that aside, ill share my goals,
I'm sorry, this is the end of this poem.....



My predictions for 2017:

  1. Bitcoin will crash in a panic sell before March.
  2. President Trump will shock everybody by demonstrating political acumen and competence.
  3. The United Kingdom will find Europe very cold to any special status in relations with the EU. Out means out.
  4. Likewise, the USA will not grant any particular privileges to the U.K. in trading terms.
  5. There will be downward pressure on the US dollar and the British pound as both seek to discourage imports, and encourage exports. The Euro and the Yuan will strengthen. The Euro in response to greater European confidence, the Yuan as China seeks to improve quality of life, and be less dependent on exports for economic growth.
  6. Steemit as a social media will begin to draw more public attention. There will be heavy pressure to modify the payout and reward system. But there will be great reluctance to make changes so soon in its development. The debate about undue influence will lessen as the community grows.
  7. Rival blockchain structured social media platforms will appear, offering apparently richer rewards. But Steemit's head start will help it maintain its momentum.
  8. The European Union will attempt to curb the refugee crisis through concerted developmental efforts, and the provision of support to the stronger territorial authorities in maintaining government.
  9. The situation in Turkey will escalate into a crisis over the limits of authority derived from a democratically provisioned mandate.

ColdMonkey mines Gridcoin through generating BOINC computations for science...

Oh, and Seville will beat Real Madrid and Barcelona, to be league champions in Spain.

I agree. I am interested in mining in 2017 as well.. I have already spent and used $6,000 in crypto coins, And have $1,000 in holdings divided into many different coins. I should be mining, but need to do more research. Which coins are the most straight forward to mine for regular people?

I like how you said apparently richer rewards, even Steemit used this technique, how else do you get people to work for cents.... lol. I dont blame them. It is a great Idea. I think there are already one or two alternatives to Steemit, but like you said, Steemit was first, and people may try out the others, but most people will stick with maintaining as few blogs as possible, unless they decide to use the same material posted multiple times over multiple sites. I think you're spot on with the other predictions.

Gridcoin is the simplest, being the easiest to set up, and least demanding in terms of equipment. After considerable research it was the one I chose because it does not try to sell the project as a road to riches. The value of Gridcoin, in the long run, is derived from its social utility. Like Steemit it encourages the continual value of the coin because it's value is derived from helping scientific research. You can find out more at Gridcoin.us. But, as always it pays to do your own research before committing yourself. My own view is that even if the coin collapses, I would have at least used my spare computations for something useful.

I intend to use the small amount of Bitcoin I have left, to invest in Steem. I only came across Steemit, three days ago because of a casual comment on CryptoCoinTalk.com. So I am still trying to get use to the whole concept of how the community work's. What convinced me was how well written and thought out the Steemit White Paper is. Best of luck with your mining.

ColdMonkey mines Gridcoin through generating BOINC computations for science...

Ok Thanks for the unique perspective. I have been on here since June 2016, but I am still learning things on here, plus people kinda run the platform, so people are always coming up with new systems, websites, and tools within the Steemit site. People have confidence in Steemit because
*It is on the Blockchain (cannot be censored or removed)
*It pays you in Crypto-currency to vote and post
*It is a great interesting community

I have a contest in progress for 10-50 SBD
Check it out if you need some extra Juice in your wallet.

Yours is fantastic!

Thanks. I appreciate that.

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