I will can pork (교실에서 안 알려주는 영어 #109)

in Avle 여성 육아4 years ago

안녕하세요. @gungho예요.
I will can pork라는 문장은 무슨 뜻일까요?
can은 할 수 있다란 뜻일까요?
그럴수도 있고 아닐수도 있어요.
여기서 will은 조동사 자리니까 '~할 것이다'가 맞고 두번째 can은 동사원형 자리에 있으니까 할 수 있다가 아니라 '통조림으로 만들다'가 되겠죠.
👉🏻 I will can pork
즉, "나는 돼지고기를 통조림으로 만들거야"란 말이 됩니다.


오늘 소개 할 내용은 조동사 다음엔 뭐가 오던 간에 동사 원형이 된다는 겁니다. 왜냐고요? 조동사 다음은 동사원형 자리니까.

"그는 스팀 파워를 올릴 수 있을거야"란 문장은 뭘까요?
He will can power up steem라고 할까요?
👉🏻 아니요.
He will can power up steem.
두번째 나온 조동사는 동사로 바꾸어 주어야 해요.

👉🏻 He will be able to power up steem 이라고 해야 해요.



able 앞에 be를 붙여 able을 동사로 바꾸고 뒤에 나온 동사원형은 to로 연결하면 되죠. 그래서 can의 동사형은 be able to가 됩니다


He will must power up steem은
He will have to power up steem이 됩니다.
must의 동사형은 have to가 됩니다.

오늘은 여기까지


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Speaking of powering up steem I am now getting bullied at Hive and I am thinking of what I should do next buy steem and power-it up and use steem exclusively or what or just continue despite the downvotes @gungho

I can see the problem @cryptopie. The only thing I can suggest now is...

  1. I can undelegate the Hive I gave to you,
  2. then I will sell it off on Binance
  3. then I will buy the same value of Steem
  4. then re-delegate it to you here on Steemit.

You could move over to Steemit, while waiting for the downvoting to stop. I can do this for you. I use the upvu service, and it is great for delegating steem power as well. It's all in Korean, but I can teach you on what to do. I do have a favor to ask of you. So let's help each other out. I earn money selling teaching materials for children on TPT (a teacher's website). The problem is... the payments are in US dollars and it goes to paypal. Well, Korea doesn't accept paypal, meaning you can connect your bank to paypal but you can't cash out. (pretty dumb, right?) So my idea is... I can send my earned paypal money to your paypal account, and then you buy steem with it. Then send me the steem (to @gungho). What do you think?
It's not fun being bullied with abusive downvoting.

You are such a very good friend @gungho because you are always the to offer support.

I tested the https://swap-app.app/

What I did is I sent/transfer Hive tokens to swap.app with the memo of your username @gungho just to test it and it works.

I think that is the fastest rather than use PayPal.

But you need to powerdown after undelegating and it will take more then 3 months to complete.

I also use the @gotogether service, it is like upvu too. But with the amount of my delagation to gotogetjer would not cut expenses.

I just hope not to be listed in one of the whales that downvotes accounts to destroy them otherwise my account there will just be ruined.

You can send me the Paypal money and I will buy steem with it, okay.
Maybe I can buy steem from binance or bittrex with my debit card after that.

Thank you again.

Oops~! I forgot about the powering down part after the undelegation thing on Hive.
Anyway... I need to figure out how to get my money off Paypal. It's sitting there and can't be used. Just tell me what to do and how I can help and I'll do it.

You were able to send me some donation to my Paypal last Aug 1, 2019 @gungho

If I will receive it I can withdraw it to my debit card and that I will buy steem. Then I will do the transfer to your account.

You may not want to proceed and its okay. I will just have to decided what to do next because of this problem of bullying that I do not even deserve. I feel like I disturbed a hornets nest in Hive.

If you move your stuff over to Steemit, I can delegate 4000 steem power if that helps you. I can delegate 2000 first. Then after the paypal thing is over, I can delegate the other 2000. It's not much, but that's all I have at the moment.

I will "donate" my paypal money to you like last time. Then you can send me the equivalent in Steem back to gungho. It's not much but currently I'm not able to use it, which is kind of sad. I hope in the future you could help me with my "Paypal problems" because this will give me hope in surviving. I don't have any other way to receive the money.

Yes at the moment hive is disabled in exchanges so I can't make large transfers of Hive @gungho

Regarding your Paypal issue you can move it to my Paypal, I will transfer it to my bank account (debit card)
If I will not be able to buy with it some bitcoins from Binance or Bittrex I will cash it out for Fiat then buy with the physical money some BTC using my bitcoin wallet service that I use (coinsph)

Then I will buy with the BTC with some steem by which I will transfer back to you, yikes that was really a tedious thing to do @gungho but I can do it. I will just tell them that it was not my money but yours.

I will have to ask my parents go to the money remittance center here to pay for the BTC cash-in service of my coins.ph account so I can convert the money to BTC.

It is unfortunate that you can't use your Paypal to transfer it to your bank account, that is weird.

The dude has made tens of thousands of dollars off shit posting five times a day on Steem, Hive, and now Blurt, has 1.2 BTC in his begging BTC address. He can literally buy over 20,000 pears with his btc alone. That will get him 56 years of eating a pear a day. Probably quadruple+ that if you add in the rewards from Steem, Hive, and Blurt.

But yeah, buy him a pear every day.

Nagamit ko na yang halaga na yan bro. Mayron pa yata natitirang .05 BTC na iwi-withdraw ko kapag naubos na yung saved funds ko.

"Total received" yan hindi yung total na laman nyan.

역시 영어는 어려워요! ㅎㅎ 장조림 맛나겠네요~

아하~!! 오늘도 영어공부 끝~ 감사합니다~


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