Steemit Engagement Challenge S12W4 | Decide, act and release

in Reflexiones de Vida11 months ago
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We've all offended someone in one way or another before and we were not killed, the same way others have offended us, yet we still find ourselves relating to these people, this is what this week's topic is about. Forgiveness.

What does forgiveness mean to you?

Forgiveness simply means letting go of the feeling of anger towards someone who has offended or done something wrong to us. It is the feeling of letting go of the burdens of retaliation and vengeance.

Forgiveness is a state of mind where you don't see the wrong done as a burden, this in turn helps us to move on and not dwell on past hurts. This helps us to understand and tolerate others, despite their mistakes.

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The act of forgiveness is not about ignoring or turning a blind eye to the wrong done to you, but rather removing negative ideas about those people who have hurt you and forgetting the painful feeling because you love them.

In your childhood, do you remember your parents forgiving you for any mischief? Tell us about it.

Oh yes! My parents forgave me countless times to teach us what forgiveness is all about while also knowing everyone is bound to make mistakes at some point. Even though there were times when the rod wasn't spared as it was a sound means of discipline, I know I've been forgiven countless times.

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There are a lot of memories I can count where I've been forgiven of my mischief. If grown adults can err, how much more a child? The particular one fondly in my heart was when I broke my Dad's favorite plate, his bowl of joy while doing the dishes.

When I saw my Dad from a distance coming home after work, I went on my knees as my punishment even before he could reach the door, on making his entry he saw me kneeling and asked what my offense was, and I explained to him what had happened, he released from my self inflicted punishment and said I shouldn't worry myself anymore.

Do you consider yourself to be a grudging person?.

By being a grudging person, do you mean to be of ill will or resentment? In order words an unforgiving person? No. That's not me and can never be me. Being unforgiving is to create a burden in my heart. This in turn will only drain my peace of mind and cause me trouble.

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Being unforgiven is likened to you taking poison but expecting the person who has offended you to die of the poison you've taken. How is it possible? Why this analogy? This is to say that you are keeping the bad feelings within you when you choose to hold grudges but expect the offender to feel bad about it.

There are better things to do with your mind than having burdens of resentment in one's heart. When offended it is easier to tell the offender, and then let go of the bad feelings than to keep these bad feelings within you.

Tell us a brief story or anecdote, where it was your turn to ask for forgiveness or, on the contrary, where you were asked for forgiveness

I'm quick to say sorry when I offend someone, hence asking for forgiveness is never a big deal for me. If I do wrong to anyone, I ask for forgiveness as it's better to acknowledge your wrong than be asked to acknowledge it. But in both cases, I would still ask for forgiveness, knowing that others forgive me, I'm also willing to forgive.

My most recent case would be me promising a very good friend of mine that I would help her in doing assignments, on the day of the assignment, I got engaged without stuff and chickened out. I felt bad within me knowing how I'd promised not to fail, but on acknowledging my fault, I begged for forgiveness.

In this same, something similar case happened to me a few days ago, a former colleague of mine chatted me up asking for a certain amount of money, which I wasn't having but in the bit to help, I sent all I had in my account to him with the promise that he's going to pay back in 2 days, this is exactly 3 weeks from the day I sent him the money, I'm still yet to receive it. It's painful I know, but I'm trying not to worry myself over it.


Forgiveness is an effective tool in the area of personal growth and social harmony. A testament to one's strength, soundness, and measure of empathy. The decision to forgive is one's decision to find peace within, but in all forgiveness requires bravery, modesty, and awareness of the fact we'll be offended.

I wish to invite @yakspeace, @anasuleidy, @ruthjoe, @drhira and @suboohi

Thank You for your Time

NOTE: Always have a smile on your face, as you are never fully dressed without one.



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