I love creating content

in Comunidad Latina2 years ago (edited)

It doesn't feel like Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 4 has entered its fourth week and for the next season the application has been opened for communities who want to register. I am very interested in seeing the announcement by Comunidad Latina about the theme of the week, about the content. For information, see here Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 4 Week 4 | Amo crear contenidos [ESP-ENG].

Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 4 Week 4 - I love creating content.png

Image created by Canva

How do you feel creating content? Describe your feelings

Before I create content, I first think about what content I want to cover. I pay attention and pay attention to trending content and try to understand and will just create content. I do not immediately drop a content.

Most users display content with lots of photos, but I didn't. For me, photos are only complementary to the content that will be displayed. When creating content, I really think about what I want to cover, be it diary or other content. Usually I drop content with a minimum of 300 words, but sometimes I get surprised when I use the word counter and try to word count my content is over 600 words.


Creating content

Even though I create content using my own words, first before I publish I try to check the level of plagiarism of the content I create, be it using smallseotools.com or plagiarismchecker.

Honestly, before I knew steemit I never wrote more than 100 words. But it's different when I've joined steemit, to create 300 words content for me is easy. Maybe it's because you've written so many times, so that with that many words it's no longer a problem.

Do you participate in the diary game? Why?

Of course, I got involved and participated in the diary. Almost once a week I keep a diary and of course in my last content I publish about a diary. In the diary I can take the essence, where by creating content in the diary, I will learn to write, share experiences and manage time.


Diary content

Creating content in a diary is like making a news story, but the news in a diary is different from the news that is displayed by journalists. In creating content in the diary, it is not only about making stories, but there must be supporters such as pictures related to the diary that is being told. The diary can not be separated from the pictures and pictures that are published must be drawn by yourself and have never been published.

What contests or dynamics do you usually participate in? (And in which communities)

Every day there are contests that are shared by the community and users, and to see which contests are currently active, see the @disconnect publication and according to him, today there are 67 contests that are active or can be viewed here Contest Alerts: Active Contest List on 20th Sep 2022 – Win 500+ STEEM.

During the Steemit Engagement Challenge, I participated in almost every Challenge and previously I also often participated in contests organized by brother @irawandedy about the Steem Power Up and Investing contests in the Community STEEM FOR BETTERLIFE. Not only participating in contests held by other users, I also hold contests in the community STEEM FOR BETTERLIFE and the contest that I'm holding is still active at this time and the contest can be seen here Contest Kind Activities : Start planting the seeds of goodness.


The contest I held

What kind of content do you like the most and what kind of content do you like the least?

I love all types of content and there is no content that I exclude. All content in my opinion is the same and the complexity of each content depends on us in processing the content. Indeed, the content that I like the most is a diary, where in making diary content I can introspect myself.

Apart from the content of the diary I love photography, in fact in the last year or 2 years I have a macro lens. I bought this macro lens specifically for photography. Besides photography, I also like poetry content and while joining the Steemit Engagement Challenge, I even added content that I like, namely Crypto Academy. Even though the content is a little complicated, I try to self-taught.

Do you consider the quality of the comments to be high or low? Why?

For me, comments are an important indicator, from comments we can interact. During Steemit Engagement Engagement, I saw the quality of the comments improve. In fact, comments that used to only comment "your post is good, thank you, wow and so on", thanks to Steemit Challenge Engagement the comment participation rate has increased sharply and for people who want to comment, read someone's content first and then drop their comments with high comment quality.

In fact, I think with comments there is interaction between users and add friendship and exchange information. For high-quality comments at this time, don't just drop them during the Steemit Engagement Challenge, apart from that we must also comment on other users' posts. Because by commenting strengthen friendship.

In your opinion, what type of content should be most valued by large and small curators?

I value plagiarism-free content and that users interact with other people. Before I give curation to other users, I open the hashtag #steemexclusive and see the posts that are in that hashtag. I just sort out, which user I will give curation to. If I see that user already has a high reward, then I will look for a user who has a low reward.

For me everyone deserves to be curated, as long as they are free from plagiarism. In fact for now it's easier to check for plagiarism, because the role of admin and community moderators verifies all content published in the community and they leave comments notes on user content.

Would you like to see Comunidad Latina in another season of the Steemit Engagement Challenge? Explain your answer

Of course, I want to look back Comunidad Latina in Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 5. I see admins and moderators of this community are active and doing a great job in Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 4. A lot of effort has been put into making users active in Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 4 by admins and moderators.

Team owned by Comunidad Latina works very well. Whether it's when developing themes every week as well as agility and accuracy in checking user content and it doesn't take long to verify it.

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For that I invite other friends to be able to participate in the Challenge held by Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 4 Week 4 | Amo crear contenidos [ESP-ENG]. I invite @liasteem, @husaini, @jufrimj, @ridwant, @ayijufridar, @zainalbakri, @musdezal, @afrizalbinalka, @f2i5, @harferri, and other friends. Thank you admin and community moderators for the time and opportunity given and thank you to SC01 and SC02 for their support so far.


About me @amryksr

Achievement 1



Suele pasar a veces que se escribe algo que es propio y el antiplagio marca plagio en algunas frases, por eso pasar por antiplagio un contenido es la mejor manera de asegurarse de que no habrá sorpresas.

La dinámica de escribír diariamente aligera nuestra mente y si al principio escribíamos 100 palabras con la experiencia nos alargamos.

La fotografía, la criptoacademia y los diarios son una buena opción para realizar buen contenido, en cuanto a los contenidos que los curadores deben valorar más creo que allí difiero un poco creo que hay contenidos que se deben valorar más, no es lo mismo un diario que una tarea de criptomonedas, allí debe dársele una mayor valoración, o no es lo mismo un post de tecnología que un concurso en la que se hable de un tema sencillo, allí creo que no todo se debe valorar por igual.

Estoy de acuerdo, las interacciones han mejorado en la plataforma y los comentarios están haciéndose con más calidad que antes.
Te deseo exito en el concurso
Saludos y bendiciones

Es cierto, no todo el contenido tiene el mismo nivel de curación. solo yo antes de dar la curaduría veo primero si el contenido es Exclusivo o no. Solo entonces juzgué qué tan alto debería dar la curaduría.

 2 years ago 

Through this post they have condensed information of interest such as knowing how to locate the contests and knowing if they are still active on the platform,
In the same way I also love photography, the elaboration of poems.
I found the information of the content shown in the post proechosa. Greetings and great success.

I like almost all content, but I mostly make diary, magazine and contest content.

 2 years ago 

How good to make content in general.

Anda telah membagikan sebuah postingan yang sarat informasi dan motivasi, saya setuju dengan anda, bahwa setiap konten yang memenuhi syarat dan tidak plagiat berhak mendapatkan suara dari kurator, itu tentu saja semakin membangun semangat untuk meningkatkan kualitas postingan kita

Sukses untuk anda🙏

Namun kita perhatikan saat ini, yang tidak layak untuk diberikan kurasi mendapatkan kurasi. Namun itu kembali kepada yang meberi kurasi.

Beutoy, nyan ilong blah droneu😅💪💪, apapun cerita steemscan.com semangat dan jangan putus asa

Bek blah loen chit mandum, jiteume geuhen siiblah enteuk,.


Hana meudaleh, tabantu enteuk bg😁

 2 years ago (edited)

Hola @amryksr

Es importante sentirnos cómodos al momento de crear un contenido, que nos guste hace que las palabras fluyan.

El juego del diario nos permite compartir quiénes somos y como nos desenvolvemos.

Con respecto a las fotografías desde que inicie se ha hablado de 5 a 8, pero hay usuarios que abusan o solo las usan para complementar con poco textos.

La mayor parte de lo que vemos hoy en el diario muestra muchas fotos, pero ese no tiene por qué ser el caso.

teruslah membuat konten yang bermanfaat bagi semua orang ,karena dengan adanya konten yang berkualitas mereka steemians akan mengetahui isi atau informasi yang kita sampaikan didalam konten berbentuk tulisan dalam postingan kita,, Mntap abgda @amryksr

Saat kita membuat konten jangan terlalu besar untuk berharap, karena bila mengharapkan yang besar dan pada kenyataaannya kita mendapatkan yang kecil, maka yang ada hanya kecewa.

iya memang benar..saya sangat setuju dengan anda

Karena yang ada nanti kecewa.

 2 years ago (edited)

Hola qué tal amigo es un gusto leer tu participación del Challenge, Jajaja a mi también me sueño pasar de las 300 palabras por costumbre.

Pienso lo mismo que usted, hay usuarios que no saben realizar un buen comentario y terminan cometiendo errores por eso.

Estoy completamente de acuerdo todos los contenidos #steemxclusive deberían ser valorados.

Pero la mayor parte de lo que encontramos de mala calidad también está curado. Pero eso se remonta a la persona que proporcionó la curaduría.

Oh yes! You made it very clear, i love diaries too because I can keep track of my daily life. I think personally that stewmit is like an everlasting journal. It can make you know exactly what you did 3 years ago and being back great memories.

Your method of curation is beautiful! I love that method it is surely the beat so far, so that we all have sufficient amount of support

In fact a lot of us see users drop into the wrong place. But what can they do, it's their right. We can only suggest.

Hello my friend... greetings.. I'm so happy to be reading from your entry.

You have specify a number of things which are true about content creation. And I share this opinion with you. All contents are unique and all deserve curation.

Great job and good luck 👍

Those who deserve it have to get more curation and those who don't deserve it the other way around. Don't give high curation to inappropriate content.

 2 years ago 

It has happened to me that at the beginning I find it hard to start writing and then I see that I have a lot of words. When that happens to me I smile, because it is something that seemed impossible and I am delighted to have achieved it.

I also think that the steemitblog challenge has managed to increase the interactions between users, comments of a couple of words are no longer acceptable, now they must be meaningful.

Good that you enjoy creating content, that means you are in the right place.


Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

As long as I join steemit I get a big change that I have. Where I used to not like writing, when I was on steemit I liked writing.

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